
198 lines
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* The main server entrypoint for Contaminate
extern crate config;
extern crate pretty_env_logger;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate surf;
extern crate tide;
use async_std::task;
use log::*;
use tide::{Request, Response};
use std::path::Path;
mod models;
* Load the settings based on the hierarchy.
* First we load the configuration file `contaminate.yml` if it exists
* Then we look at environment variables.
fn load_settings() -> config::Config {
let mut settings = config::Config::default();
settings.set_default("registry", "")
.expect("Could not set the default for `registry`");
settings.set_default("layers_dir", "./layers.d")
.expect("Could not set the default for `layers_dir`");
.expect("Failed to load settings in contaminate.ymll")
.expect("Failed to load settings defined by CT_* env vars");
debug!("Loaded configuration: {:?}", settings);
return settings;
* AppState is a simple struct to carry information into request handlers
struct AppState {
conf: config::Config,
upstream: String,
impl AppState {
* This function returns a true if the configured `layers_dir` has an override
* for the given triplet of org/image:digest
* For example, if we have a `<layers_dir>/library/alpine/latest/` directory
* with `*.tar.gz` files within it, then the function would return true.
fn override_exists(&self, org: String, image: String, digest: String) -> bool {
let layers_dir = self.conf.get_str("layers_dir")
.expect("Unable to access `layers_dir` conf variable");
info!("Looking in directory: {}", layers_dir);
let layers_dir = Path::new(&layers_dir);
return false;
* Proxy the given response to the upstream registry and return the response
* back to the client request it.
async fn proxy_upstream(req: Request<AppState>) -> Response {
let full_url = format!("{}{}", req.state().upstream, req.uri());
info!("Proxying request upstream to {}", full_url);
* We need to send the Authorization header along as well, otherwise
* the upstream repository might complain that we're not authorized
let token = req.header("Authorization").unwrap_or("");
let accepts = req.header("Accept").unwrap_or("");
let outbound = surf::get(full_url)
.set_header("Authorization", token)
.set_header("Accept", accepts);
if let Ok(mut u_res) = outbound.await {
let status = u_res.status().as_u16();
let body = u_res.body_string().await;
match body {
Ok(body) => {
* If we don't explicitly set the content type here, the client will think
* that we're sending back a v1 manifest schema and complain about a "missing
* signature key"
debug!("upstream headers: {:?}", u_res.headers());
debug!("upstream response for {}:\n{}", req.uri(), body);
let content_type = u_res.header("Content-Type").unwrap_or("text/plain");
.set_header("Content-Type", content_type)
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to make upstream request: {:?}", err);
else {
error!("Failed to make request upstream to {}", req.uri());
* This function will fetch and manipulate the upstream manifest, typically
* located at `/v2/myorg/myimage/manifests/latest`
* This will return a Response to the client which conforms to the manifest
* specification.
async fn fetch_digest(req: Request<AppState>) -> Response {
let org: String = req.param("org").unwrap_or("".to_string());
let image: String = req.param("image").unwrap_or("".to_string());
let digest: String = req.param("digest").unwrap_or("".to_string());
if req.state().override_exists(org, image, digest) {
error!("We should not proxy");
else {
error!("We SHOULD proxy");
async fn fetch_blob(req: Request<AppState>) -> Response {
info!("fetch_blob: {}", req.uri());
fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let conf = load_settings();
let upstream_url = conf.get_str("registry")
.expect("`registry` not properly configured, must be a string");
info!("Starting with the following upstream: {}", upstream_url);
let layers_dir = conf.get_str("layers_dir")
.expect("`layers_dir` not properly configured, must be a string");
let layers_dir = Path::new(&layers_dir);
if ! layers_dir.is_dir() {
error!("The `layers_dir` ({}) does not appear to be a directory", layers_dir.display());
panic!("`layers_dir` must be a directory");
let state = AppState {
conf: conf,
upstream: upstream_url,
task::block_on(async {
let mut app = tide::with_state(state);"/").get(|_| async move { "Hello, world!" });
* This route works for "normal" images, which have name of org/image
* This route works handles images which look like "official" images,
* such as `alpine:latest`, which _actually_ maps to `library/alpine:latest`
* in DockerHub
* The catch-all for the remainder of the v2 API calls should proxy to
* the upstream repository, since Contaminate does not implement a full
* registry API
mod tests {