
169 lines
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import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import deploydb.ModelLoader
import deploydb.ModelType
import deploydb.WorkFlow
import deploydb.dao.ModelConfigDAO
import deploydb.models.Environment
import deploydb.models.ModelConfig
import deploydb.models.Webhook.Webhook
import deploydb.registry.ModelRegistry
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import cucumber.api.DataTable
import webhookTestServer.models.RequestWebhookObject
Given(~/^a (.*?) webhook "(.*?)" configuration:$/) { String webhookType,
String eventType, String configBody ->
List<String> paths = getUrlPathFromWebhookConfigBody(configBody, eventType)
withWorkFlow { WorkFlow workFlow ->
* Instantiate the webhook object from configuration
ModelLoader<Webhook> webhookLoader = new ModelLoader<>(Webhook.class)
workFlow.globalWebhook = webhookLoader.loadFromString(configBody)
* Create ModelConfig. This feature allows us to remember the config in
* case of configReload
ModelConfig modelConfig = new ModelConfig(
workFlow.deployDBApp.configChecksum, configBody,
workFlow.defaultIdent, ModelType.WEBHOOK)
withSession {
ModelConfigDAO modelConfigDAO = new ModelConfigDAO(sessionFactory)
withTestWebhookServer { RequestWebhookObject requestWebhookObject ->
* Save the configured webhook uri(s) in requestWebhookObject. These paths will be compared
* when deploydb invokes webhooks.
* Set the content type from the webhook and the event type. The content type will be
* checked when deploydb invokes webhooks
requestWebhookObject.contentTypeParam = "application/vnd.deploydb."+
Given(~/^an (.*?) environment webhook "(.*?)" configuration named "(.*?)":$/) {String webhookType,
String eventType,
String envIdent,
String configBody ->
ModelLoader<Environment> environmentLoader = new ModelLoader<>(Environment.class)
Environment a = environmentLoader.loadFromString(configBody)
List<String> paths = getUrlPathFromWebhook(a.webhook, configBody, eventType)
* Save the configured webhook uri(s) in requestWebhookObject. These paths will be compared
* when deploydb invokes webhooks.
withTestWebhookServer { RequestWebhookObject requestWebhookObject ->
* Set the content type from the webhook and the event type. The content type will be
* checked when deploydb invokes webhooks
requestWebhookObject.contentTypeParam = "application/vnd.deploydb."+
* Load the environment configuration
withEnvironmentRegistry { ModelRegistry<Environment> environmentRegistry ->
a.ident = envIdent
environmentRegistry.put(envIdent, a)
* Create ModelConfig. This feature allows us to remember the config in
* case of configReload
withWorkFlow { WorkFlow workFlow ->
ModelConfig modelConfig = new ModelConfig(
workFlow.deployDBApp.configChecksum, configBody,
envIdent, ModelType.ENVIRONMENT)
withSession {
ModelConfigDAO modelConfigDAO = new ModelConfigDAO(sessionFactory)
When (~/^I POST to "(.*?)" with an artifact/) { String path ->
String requestBody = """{
"group" : "com.example.cucumber",
"name" : "cukes",
"version" : "1.0.1",
"sourceUrl" : ""
response = postJsonToPath(path, requestBody, false)
Then(~/^the webhook should be invoked with the JSON:$/) { String expectedMessageBody ->
withRequestWebhookObject { RequestWebhookObject requestWebhookObject ->
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
String requestMessageBody = requestWebhookObject.getRequestMessageBody()
templateVariables = [
'created_timestamp' :,
expectedMessageBody = processTemplate(expectedMessageBody, templateVariables)
JsonNode expectedNode = mapper.readTree(expectedMessageBody)
JsonNode requestNode = mapper.readTree(requestMessageBody)
assert expectedNode == requestNode
Then(~/^the webhook ([1-9][0-9]*) should be invoked with the JSON:$/) { int webhookNumber, String expectedMessageBody ->
withRequestWebhookObject { RequestWebhookObject requestWebhookObject ->
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
String requestMessageBody = requestWebhookObject.getRequestMessageBodies()[webhookNumber -1]
templateVariables = [
'created_timestamp' :,
expectedMessageBody = processTemplate(expectedMessageBody, templateVariables)
JsonNode expectedNode = mapper.readTree(expectedMessageBody)
JsonNode requestNode = mapper.readTree(requestMessageBody)
assert expectedNode == requestNode
And (~/the webhook should have the headers:$/){ DataTable headers ->
withRequestWebhookObject { RequestWebhookObject requestWebhookObject ->
List<List<String>> rawHeaders = headers.raw()
Boolean foundHeader = true
rawHeaders.subList(1, rawHeaders.size()).each { List<String> row ->
foundHeader &= requestWebhookObject.validateHeader(row[0], row[1])
assert foundHeader