# Clever: https://stackoverflow.com/a/324782 NODE:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))/tools/node all:: check lint:: depends $(NODE) npm run eslint fix-formatting: depends $(NODE) npm run eslint -- --fix check:: lint $(MAKE) unit unit:: depends if [ -z "$${SKIP_TESTS}" ]; then $(NODE) npm run test; \ else echo "Tests are skipped!"; fi; debug-unit: depends $(NODE) node --inspect-brk= node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --bail --forceExit test/ depends: node_modules node_modules: package-lock.json package.json # Checking to see if the directory exists because npm install updates the # directory every time it runs, busting the GNU/Make cache causing rebuilds if [ ! -d node_modules ]; then $(NODE) npm install; fi; clean:: rm -rf vendor node_modules build .PHONY: all check clean depends run unit lint