
62 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

# Note: would have used set -euo pipefail, but ./shunit2 unfortunately fails hard with this :-(.
current_directory=$(dirname "$0")
export PATH="$current_directory/../tools:$PATH"
# shellcheck source=tests/utilities
. "$current_directory/utilities"
# JENKINS-49864
test_docker_CLI_available() {
docker exec "$container_under_test" which docker > /dev/null
assertEquals "docker found in the PATH" 0 $?
# Check that not only something called docker can be found on the PATH
# but is actually looking more like it using a specific command call
output=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" docker version 2>&1 )
assertEquals "error is expected since no Docker daemon $?" 1 $?
echo "$output" | \
grep "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" > /dev/null
assertEquals "expected message about daemon unavailable" 0 $?
# JENKINS-50195
test_not_root() {
username=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" whoami )
assertEquals "jenkins" "$username"
for process_user in $( docker exec "$container_under_test" ps -o user | grep -v USER)
assertEquals "jenkins" "$process_user"
# Check NPM is 5+ to make sure we do check the integrity values
# https://github.com/jenkins-infra/evergreen/pull/60#discussion_r182666012
test_npm_5_plus() {
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" npm --version )
assertEquals "5." "${result:0:2}"
# Ensure that we can successfully connect to only Let's Encrypt authorized
# sites. See JEP-307
test_jep_307() {
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" curl -s https://jenkins.io/ )
assertEquals "jenkins.io should be OK" "0" "$?"
# Incrementals, like https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/incrementals/org/jenkins-ci/main/jenkins-war/maven-metadata.xml
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" curl -s https://repo.jenkins-ci.org )
assertEquals "Incrementals repo should be OK" "0" "$?"
result=$( docker exec "$container_under_test" curl -s https://sonic.com/ )
assertEquals "everything else should not validate" "60" "$?"
. ./shunit2/shunit2