
140 lines
4.5 KiB

import _ from 'underscore';
import moment from 'moment';
import ultramarked from 'ultramarked';
import linkify from 'gfm-linkify';
const DIV = document.createElement('div');
function getElement(text, repoOwner, repoName) {
let html = '';
if (text) {
if (repoOwner) {
const context = repoOwner + '/' + repoName;
html = ultramarked(linkify(text, context));
} else {
html = ultramarked(linkify(text));
// Disable loading images as soon as they are added to the DOM
// Since we are using this to find data like refs and task list counts
// the images don't actually have to be fetched.
// html = html.replace(/<img\b[^>]*>/ig, '');
html = html.replace(/<img/ig, '<board-image');
DIV.innerHTML = html;
return DIV;
// Calculates the task list count by rendering the Markdown in the DOM and
// then counting the number of `<li>[x] ...</li>` elements
function getTaskCounts(div) {
let taskFinishedCount = 0;
let taskUnfinishedCount = 0;
_.each(div.querySelectorAll('li'), (listItem) => {
if (/^\[x\]\ /.test(listItem.textContent)) {
} else if (/^\[\ \]\ /.test(listItem.textContent)) {
const taskTotalCount = taskFinishedCount + taskUnfinishedCount;
return {taskFinishedCount, taskTotalCount};
function getIssueDueAt(div) {
// TODO: Maybe parse using the local timezone
const el = div.querySelector('date.due');
if (el) {
// either use the datetime attribute, or the text
const str = el.getAttribute('datetime') || el.textContent;
if (str) {
// Try the iso string, then various text formats
try {
let date = moment(str);
return date.toDate().getTime();
} catch (e) {
let date = moment(str, 'MM/DD');
if (date.isValid()) {
return date.toDate().getTime();
} else {
// fall back to parsing using the Date object
return Date.parse(str);
} else {
console.error(`Invalid due date format for "${el.outerHTML}"`);
return null;
function getFeaturedImage(div) {
const el = div.querySelector('board-image[alt="main"]') || div.querySelector('board-image');
if (el) {
return el.getAttribute('src');
return null;
// From
'close': 'closed by',
'closes': 'closed by',
'closed': 'closed by',
'fix': 'fixed by',
'fixes': 'fixed by',
'fixed': 'fixed by',
'resolve': 'resolved by',
'resolves': 'resolved by',
'resolved': 'resolved by'
const RELATED_ISSUE_RE = /^https\:\/\/github\.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/(pull|issues)\/(\d+)$/;
export function forEachRelatedIssue(div, fn) {
_.each(div.querySelectorAll(POSSIBLE_RELATED_ISSUE_SELECTOR), (link) => {
const href = link.getAttribute('href');
// match `[repoOwner]/[repoName]/issues/[number]`
const matches = href.match(RELATED_ISSUE_RE);
if (matches) {
const [, repoOwner, repoName, , number] = matches;
fn({repoOwner, repoName, number}, link);
// Find all links in the Issue body to other issues or Pull Requests
function _getRelatedIssues(div) {
const relatedIssues = [];
forEachRelatedIssue(div, ({repoOwner, repoName, number}, link) => {
// Check if the previous node ends with "fixes" or "closes"
let fixes = false;
let prevWord = null;
const prevNode = link.previousSibling;
if (prevNode && prevNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// pull out the last word
const prevTexts = prevNode.textContent.trimRight().split(' ');
prevWord = prevTexts[prevTexts.length - 1].toLowerCase();
if (CLOSE_STRINGS.indexOf(prevWord) >= 0) {
fixes = prevWord;
relatedIssues.push({repoOwner, repoName, number, fixes, prevWord});
return relatedIssues;
export function getRelatedIssues(text, repoOwner, repoName) {
const div = getElement(text, repoOwner, repoName);
return _getRelatedIssues(div);
export function getDataFromHtml(text, repoOwner, repoName) {
const div = getElement(text, repoOwner, repoName);
const taskCounts = getTaskCounts(div);
const relatedIssues = _getRelatedIssues(div);
const dueAt = getIssueDueAt(div);
const featuredImageSrc = getFeaturedImage(div);
return {relatedIssues, taskCounts, dueAt, featuredImageSrc};