
128 lines
2.7 KiB

Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Despair' properties: #{}!
Object subclass: #DespairApp
instanceVariableNames: 'repos username activeRepos'
category: 'Despair'!
!DespairApp methodsFor: 'accessors'!
^ activeRepos.
^ repos.
! !
!DespairApp methodsFor: 'actions'!
(repos size) = 0 ifTrue: [
self displayError: 'No repos found'.
self hideSpinner.
^ false
repos keys reversed do: [ :repo |
| fullname |
fullname := username, '/', repo.
PullRequest fetchFor: fullname
withEachDo: [ :pull |
| stack |
stack := (repos at: repo ifAbsent: [nil]).
stack ifNotNil: [ stack add: pull ].
finally: [ : success |
| stack |
stack := (repos at: repo ifAbsent: []).
(stack size) > 0
ifTrue: [ self activateRepo: repo ]
ifFalse: [
self hideSpinner.
" We really only need to display this error if we're on a repo page"
(repos size) = 1 ifTrue: [ self displayError: 'No pull requests found'. ]
activateRepo: aRepoName
| pulls |
self hideSpinner.
pulls := repos at: aRepoName ifAbsent: [].
pulls ifNotNil: [
activeRepos add: aRepoName.
(Project new withRepo: aRepoName andPullRequests: pulls) appendToJQuery: 'div.projects' asJQuery.
'div.spinner' asJQuery hide.
displayError: errorString
[ :html |
html div
id: 'error';
style: 'border: 3px solid red; background-color: pink; font-weight: bold;';
with: errorString.
] appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
! !
!DespairApp methodsFor: 'initializers'!
bootstrap: aUsername
" Start the application loading with aUsername "
| presetRepoName |
username := aUsername.
presetRepoName := (window at: 'despair_repo').
ifNotNil: [
repos at: presetRepoName put: (Array new).
self loadPullRequests.
ifNil: [
Repo fetchReposFor: aUsername
withEachDo: [ :repo |
| reponame forks |
reponame := repo at: 'name'.
forks := repo at: 'forks'.
(forks < 2) ifFalse: [ reponame ifNotNil: [ repos at: reponame put: (Array new) ] ]
finally: [ :success | self loadPullRequests ].
" `repos` keys should be the names of the repositories, and the values should be an Array of each repo's pull requests"
repos := Dictionary new.
activeRepos := Set new.
! !
DespairApp class instanceVariableNames: 'current'!
!DespairApp class methodsFor: 'accessors'!
^ current ifNil: [ current := self new ].
! !
!DespairApp class methodsFor: 'actions'!
current := nil.
! !
!Date methodsFor: '*Despair'!
secondsDifference: anotherDate
^ (((self time) - (anotherDate time)) / 1000).
! !
!Date methodsFor: '*Despair'!
secondsDifference: anotherDate
^ (((self time) - (anotherDate time)) / 1000).
! !