Hotdog is a syslog-to-Kafka forwarder which aims to get log entries into Apache Kafka as quickly as possible.
Go to file
R Tyler Croy d3abfd542b Add the loadtest profile 2020-06-22 11:51:26 -07:00
.github/workflows Add clippy-check to the actions 2020-05-11 14:34:11 -07:00
contrib Properly load either RSA or PKCS8 formatted keys 2020-05-09 19:03:14 -07:00
examples/simple-plaintext Adjust the Kafka configuration to allow raw librdkafka options to pass through 2020-04-19 19:22:21 -07:00
scripts Allow the generate script to take arbitrary user input 2020-06-22 11:06:01 -07:00
src Revert "Use async-std 1.5.0" 2020-06-22 11:06:01 -07:00
test/configs Fix minor configuration issue I noticed while testing. `tls` should be optional 2020-05-29 16:52:59 -07:00
.gitignore Add the `merge` action for merging JSON log lines with pre-defined JSON data 2020-04-05 17:07:43 -07:00
Cargo.lock Revert "Use async-std 1.5.0" 2020-06-22 11:06:01 -07:00
Cargo.toml Revert "Use async-std 1.5.0" 2020-06-22 11:06:01 -07:00
LICENSE.txt Add a readme and license, just good hygiene there 2020-04-04 14:43:49 -07:00
README.adoc Tidy up the doc 2020-05-31 22:13:14 -07:00
docker-compose.yml Add the logs-unknown topic for testing 2020-04-16 20:59:40 -07:00
example.log Correctly route topics based on variable substitutions for jmespath 2020-04-15 13:04:53 -07:00
hotdog-loadtest.yml Add the loadtest profile 2020-06-22 11:51:26 -07:00
hotdog.yml Add the optional status configuration for health checks and other info 2020-05-31 15:13:18 -07:00
tsung.xml Play with load testing and tsung some more 2020-04-19 13:32:54 -07:00


<html lang="en"> <head> </head>

🌭 Hotdog!

Hotdog is a syslog-to-Kafka forwarder which aims to get log entries into Apache Kafka as quickly as possible.

It listens for syslog messages over plaintext or TLS-encrupted TCP connection and depending on the defined Rules it will route and even modify messages on their way into a configured Kafka broker.


Hotdog 0.1.0
R Tyler Croy <
Forward syslog over to Kafka with ease

    hotdog [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <FILE>       Sets a custom config file [default: hotdog.yml]
    -t, --test <TEST_FILE>    Test a log file against the configured rules


Hotdog can be installed by grabbing a released binary. The system which will run hotdog must have libsasl2 installed, e.g.:

sudo apt-get install libsasl2-2
sudo zypper install libsasl2-3


Hotdog is configured by the hotdog.yml file, which has a very fluid syntax at the moment. The two main sections are the global and rules blocks.

Rules defined in the configuration can be tested against an example log file in order to verify that the right rules are matching the expected log inputs, for example:

 RUST_LOG=info ./target/debug/hotdog -t example.log
Line 1 matches on:
         - Regex: ^hello\s+(?P<name>\w+)?
         - Regex: .*
Line 2 matches on:
         - Regex: .*
Line 3 matches on:
         - Regex: .*
Line 4 matches on:
         - JMESPath: meta.topic
         - Regex: .*


The global configuration configures hotdog itself. The listen, kafka, and metrics keys are all required by default in order for hotdog to start properly.


The global.listen configuration is required and will determine on which address and port hotdog will listen. The tls configuration key is required to function as well. When tls is left blank, hotdog will listen for syslog messages in plaintext on the specified port.

    address: ''
    port: 1514

The global.listen.tls configuration section can be used to enable syslog-over-TLS support from hotdog. Currently the only two valid keys for this section are cert and key, both of which should be absolute or relative paths to PEM-encoded files on disk.

Certificate and Key files can be created with certtool --generate-privkey --outfile ca-key.pem

      cert: './a/path.crt'
      key: './a/path.key'
      # ca is optional and when provided will ensure certificate validation
      # happens
      ca: './a/ca.crt'


The global.status is an optional configuration entry which will enable the launching of an HTTP status server on the specified addresss and port.

JSON formatted statistics can be retrieved on /stats.

    address: ''
    port: 8585


A global.kafka configuration is required in order for hotdog to function properly. The two main configuration values are conf and topic.

      bootstrap.servers: 'localhost:9092' 'hotdog'
    topic: 'logs'

Default: 1024

global.kafka.buffer may contain a number indicating the size of the internal queue for sending messages to Kafka. This queue represents the number of internal messages hotdog will buffer during Kafka availability issues.

This value is not the same as the librdkafka queue.buffering.max.messages configuration, which governs the number of in-flight messages which can be sent at any given time to the Kafka broker(s). To set that variable, include it in the Conf section documented below.


If the internal Kafka queue has been filled up, new log lines received by hotdog will be discarded.


global.kafka.conf should contain a map of librdkafka configuration values. hotdog will expect every key and value to be a String. These configuration values are passed right on to the underlying librdkafka client connection, so whatever librdkafka supports, hotdog supports!


Default: 30_000

global.kafka.timeout_ms is an optional configuration which defines the timeout in milliseconds for hotdog to make an initial connection to the configured Kafka brokers.


global.kafka.topic may contain a string value which is to be considered the "default topic" for the Forward action.


The global.metrics configuration tells hotdog where to send its own internal metrics The only currently supported metrics format is statsd.

If your environment doesnt use statsd or you do not wish to report metrics, set the statsd value to an invalid host and port.

    statsd: 'localhost:8125'


The global.status configuration is fully optional but when it is enabled hotdog will spin up an HTTP server on the configured address and port in order to provide real-time status information about the daemons runtime to HTTP clients.

    address: 'localhost'
    port: 8585


Hotdogs rules define how it should handle and route the syslog messages it receives. In the hotdog.yml, the rules must be defined as an array of maps.

Each rule is expected to a "matcher" (either regex or jmespath), the field upon which the matcher should apply, and the actions defining how the message should be handled.

  - jmespath: 'meta.topic'
    field: msg
      - type: forward
        topic: '{{value}}'

  # Catch-all, send everything else to a "logs-unknown" topic
  - regex: '.*'
    field: msg
      - type: forward
        topic: 'logs-unknown'
Table 1. Supported Fields
Name Notes


The actual message sent along from the syslog server


The senders hostname, if available.


The logging application, if available, which created the syslog entry


The syslog logging facility, if available, which was used to create the syslog message. For example kern, user, auth, etc.


The severity of the syslog message, if available. For example: notice, err, crit, etc.

Matching with regular expressions

The regex matcher instructs hotdog to match the field against the defined regular expression, which must follow the syntax of the regex crate.

The matcher supports named groups in the regular expression, which are then exposed to actions such as merge and replace.


Named groups will override any built-in variables at the time of substitution, so be careful you are not naming your groups anything which might overlap with the built-in variable names

Matching with JMESPath

hotdog also supports matching on JSON based messages with JMESPath via the jmespath matcher. In order for a match, the log message must be a valid JSON object or array. The value of the match is also then exposed as a variable named value, which can be used in actions such as merge or replace.


Some actions, such as Replace, can perform variable substitutions on log line. The variables available are a combination of the built-in variables listed below, and whatever named groups exist in the regex field of the Rules.

Table 2. Built-in Variables
Name Description


The original log line message sent along from the syslog sender.


The version of hotdog which is processing the message.


The ISO-8601 timestamp of when the message was processed.


Actions determine what hotdog should do with the given log line when it receives it.


The forward action implies the Stop action when used, since the internally tracked output buffer is flushed when it is sent to Kafka.


The merge action will only work when the log line is a JSON object. JSON arrays, or other arbitrary strings will not merge properly, and cause all subsequent actions for the given rule to be aborted.

Table 3. Parameters
Key Value


A YAML map which will be merged with the JSON object deserialized from the matched log line.

      - type: merge
              version: '{{version}}'
              timestamp: '{{iso8601}}'

The template may utilize the matched and built-in variables in order to generate a modified message. The output is only available to subsequent actions defined after the replace action. Subsequent rules in the chain will not utilize this generated message.

Table 4. Parameters
Key Value


A Handlebars-style template which can be used to output a modified message.

  - regex: '^hello\s+(?P<name>\w+)?'
      - type: replace
        template: |
          Why hello there {{name}}!

The stop action does nothing more than stop processing on the message. It is not particularly useful except in cases where hotdog should match on a message and then effectively discard it.


hotdog is designed to emit Statsd metrics to the statsd endpoint configured in the Metrics section. Each metric will be prefixed under hotdog.*.

Key Description


Gauge tracking the number of connections


Counter tracking the number of lines received by hotdog


Counter tracking the number of messages submitted to Kafka


Counter tracking the number of messages submitted to each Kafka topic


Timer which tracks the amount of time it takes to actually write messages to Kafka


Counters which count the number of different errors encountered while sending messages to Kafka. The types of possible metric names depends on the RDKafkaError enumeration from the underlying library.


Number of the log lines received which could not be parsed as RFCC 5424 syslog lines.


Count tracking the number of log lines which were dropped due to a full internal queue, Typically indicates an issue between hotdog and the Kafka brokers.


Number of lines dropped because the could not be sent into the internal queue.


Number of lines dropped because the configured dynamic topic could not be parsed properly (typically indicates a configuration error).


Count of lines which could not have a merge action applied as configured due to a configuration error


Count of lines received for a merge action which were not JSON, and therefore could not be merged.


Hotdog is tested against the latest Rust stable. A simple cargo build should compile a working hotdog binary for your platform.

On Linux systems it is easy to test with:

logger --server  -T -P 1514 "hello world"
logger --server  -T -P 1514 -f example.log

For TLS connections, you can use the openssl s_client command:

echo  '<13>1 2020-04-18T15:16:09.956153-07:00 coconut tyler - - [timeQuality tzKnown="1" isSynced="1" syncAccuracy="505061"] hello world' | openssl s_client -connect localhost:6514


Profiling hotdog is best done on a Linux host with the perf tool, e.g.

RUST_LOG=info perf record --call-graph dwarf -- ./target/debug/hotdog -c ./hotdog.yml
perf report -ng

Similar Projects

hotdog was originally motivated by challenges with rsyslog, a desire for a simple configuration, and the need for built-in metrics.

Some other similar projects which can be used to get logs into Kafka:
