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2012-11-05 05:43:40 +00:00
-- By: Martin C. Carlisle and Barry S. Fagin
-- Department of Computer Science
-- United States Air Force Academy
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify without restriction. We do ask that you please keep
-- the original author information, and clearly indicate if the
-- software has been modified.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
with Unsigned_Types;
--# inherit Unsigned_Types;
pragma Elaborate_Body(rr_type);
type classType is (INTERNET, CS, CH, HS); --INTERNET because IN is a reserved word
--the things that can appear in a resource record
type RrItemType is (DomainNameOrTimeSpec, Number, Class, RecordIndicator, Ipv4, Ipv6,
LParen, RParen, Control, Comment, Other);
--maybe this should be in a separate type package?
MaxLineLength : constant Natural := 255+1; --256 is what we tell the user
subtype LineLengthIndex is Integer range 1..MaxLineLength;
subtype LineFromFileType is String(LineLengthIndex);
BlankLine : constant LineFromFileType := LineFromFileType'(others => ' ');
MaxDomainNameLength: constant Integer := 128;
subtype DomainNameStringTypeIndex is
Integer range 1.. MaxDomainNameLength;
subtype DomainNameStringType is String(DomainNameStringTypeIndex);
BlankDomainName : constant DomainNameStringType := DomainNameStringType'(others => ' ');
--wire version of a domain name is one character longer
subtype WireStringTypeIndex is Integer range 1.. MaxDomainNameLength+1;
subtype WireStringType is String(WireStringTypeIndex);
BlankWire : constant WireStringType := WireStringType'(others => ' ');
Spaces32 : constant String := " ";
--these constants are needed in child packages
MAX_32BIT_VAL : constant Long_Long_Integer := 2**32-1;
MAX_16BIT_VAL : constant Long_Long_Integer := 2**16-1;
MAX_8BIT_VAL : constant Long_Long_Integer := 2**8-1;
--Ugh. But what can you do?
Spaces64 : constant String := Spaces32 & Spaces32;
Spaces128 : constant String := Spaces64 & Spaces64;
Spaces256 : constant String := Spaces128 & Spaces128;
Spaces512 : constant String := Spaces256 & Spaces256;
Spaces1024 : constant String := Spaces512 & Spaces512;
procedure AppendDomainNames(
Left : in out DomainNameStringType;
Right: in DomainNameStringType;
Success: in out Boolean);
--# derives Left from Left, Right, Success & Success from Left,Right,Success;
function WireNameLength(Name : WireStringType) return WireStringTypeIndex;
--# return Length => Length=MaxDomainNameLength+1 or (Name(Length)=Character'Val(0) and
--# (for all Q in DomainNameStringTypeIndex range 1..Length-1 => (Name(Q)/=Character'Val(0))));
function DomainNameLength(Name : DomainNameStringType) return DomainNameStringTypeIndex;
--# return Length => (Length=1 and (Name(1)=' ' or Name(2)=' ')) or
--# Length=MaxDomainNameLength or (Name(Length+1)=' ' and
--# (for all Q in DomainNameStringTypeIndex range 1..Length => (Name(Q)/= ' ')));
function ConvertDomainNameToWire(
DomainNameVersion: in DomainNameStringType) return WireStringType;
function ConvertStringToDomainName(S: in String) return DomainNameStringType;
--# pre S'length <= MaxDomainNameLength;
function ConvertStringToWire(S: in String) return WireStringType;
--# pre S'length <= MaxDomainNameLength;
-- top level record, fields are common to all subrecords
type ResourceRecordType is tagged
ttlInSeconds : unsigned_types.Unsigned32;
class : ClassType;
end record;
BlankOwner : constant WireStringType := ASCII.NUL & "mpty.A.resource.record " &
Spaces32 & Spaces32 & Spaces32;
--maximum bucket size in hash table (num cols in 2d array),
--also max num records returned from query
MaxNumRecords : constant Integer := 64;
subtype ReturnedRecordsIndexType is integer range 1..MaxNumRecords;
subtype NumberOfRecordsType is integer range 0..MaxNumRecords;
--number of buckets in hash table (num rows in 2d array)
NumBuckets : constant Integer := 64;
subtype NumBucketsIndexType is integer range 1..NumBuckets;
type OwnerRecordBucketType is array (ReturnedRecordsIndexType) of WireStringType;
type OwnerHashTableType is array(NumBucketsIndexType) of OwnerRecordBucketType;
end rr_type;