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2012-11-05 05:43:40 +00:00
with System;
with Protected_SPARK_IO_05;
with DNS_Types;
with Unsigned_Types;
use type DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
use type DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
use type DNS_Types.Byte;
use type DNS_Types.Query_Type;
use type DNS_Types.Query_Class;
use type Unsigned_Types.Unsigned16;
use type Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
use type DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
use type DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
use type System.Bit_Order;
with Ada.Text_Io;
with ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Process_Dns_Request is
procedure Set_Unsigned_32(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Value : in Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32) is
Bytes(Start_Byte) := DNS_Types.Byte(Value/2**24);
Bytes(Start_Byte+1) := DNS_Types.Byte((Value/2**16) mod 256);
Bytes(Start_Byte+2) := DNS_Types.Byte((Value/2**8) mod 256);
Bytes(Start_Byte+3) := DNS_Types.Byte(Value mod 256);
end Set_Unsigned_32;
procedure Set_Unsigned_16(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Value : in Unsigned_Types.Unsigned16) is
Bytes(Start_Byte) := DNS_Types.Byte((Value/2**8) mod 256);
Bytes(Start_Byte+1) := DNS_Types.Byte(Value mod 256);
end Set_Unsigned_16;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_IP(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
A_Record : in Rr_Type.A_Record_Type.ARecordType) is
-- TTL
-- DATA 4 bytes
-- IP address
end Set_TTL_Data_IP;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_NS_Response(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
NS_Record : in Rr_Type.ns_record_type.NSRecordType;
Current_Name_Length : in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex) is
-- TTL
-- DATA # bytes is equal to length of WireString
-- copy NS record
for i in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..Current_Name_Length loop
--# assert Start_Byte <= (DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Last-6)-DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length) and
--# i>=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'First and i<= RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last;
Bytes((Start_Byte+5)+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(I)) := DNS_Types.Byte(
end loop;
end Set_TTL_Data_NS_Response;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_PTR_Response(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
PTR_Record : in Rr_Type.ptr_record_type.PTRRecordType;
Current_Name_Length : in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex) is
-- TTL
-- DATA # bytes is equal to length of WireString
-- copy NS record
for i in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..Current_Name_Length loop
--# assert Start_Byte <= (DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Last-6)-DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length) and
--# i>=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'First and i<= RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last;
Bytes((Start_Byte+5)+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(I)) := DNS_Types.Byte(
end loop;
end Set_TTL_Data_PTR_Response;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_MX_Response(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
MX_Record : in Rr_Type.MX_record_type.MXRecordType;
Current_Name_Length : in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex) is
-- TTL
-- DATA # bytes is equal to length of WireString + 2
-- MAIL exchanger preference
-- copy NS record
for i in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..Current_Name_Length loop
--# assert Start_Byte <= (DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Last-8)-DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length) and
--# i>=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'First and i<= RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last;
Bytes((Start_Byte+7)+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(I)) := DNS_Types.Byte(
end loop;
end Set_TTL_Data_MX_Response;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_SOA_Response(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
SOA_Record : in Rr_Type.SOA_record_type.SOARecordType;
Nameserver_Name_Length : in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Mailbox_Name_Length : in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex) is
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
-- TTL
-- DATA # bytes is equal to length of both WireStrings + 20
Nameserver_Name_Length + (Mailbox_Name_Length+20)));
-- copy NS record
for i in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..Nameserver_Name_Length loop
--# assert Start_Byte <= (DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Last-20)-
--# DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Mailbox_Name_Length+Nameserver_Name_Length) and
--# i>=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'First and i<= RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last;
Bytes((Start_Byte+5)+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(I)) := DNS_Types.Byte(
end loop;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(
-- copy MB record
for i in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..Mailbox_Name_Length loop
--# assert Current_Byte>=1 and Current_Byte <= (DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Last-20)-
--# DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Mailbox_Name_Length) and
--# i>=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'First and i<= RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last;
Bytes(Current_Byte+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(I)) := DNS_Types.Byte(
end loop;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte+DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(
6+(Nameserver_Name_Length + Mailbox_Name_Length));
-- serial number
-- refresh interval
-- retry interval
-- expiration limit
-- minimum TTL
end Set_TTL_Data_SOA_Response;
procedure Set_TTL_Data_AAAA_IP(
Bytes : in out DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
AAAA_Record : in Rr_Type.AAAA_Record_Type.AAAARecordType) is
-- TTL
-- DATA 16 bytes
for i in rr_type.aaaa_record_type.IPV6AddrTypeIndex loop
-- IP address
end loop;
end Set_TTL_Data_AAAA_IP;
procedure Get_Query_Name_Type_Class(
Input_Packet : in DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Input_Bytes : in DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Domainname : out RR_Type.wireStringType;
Query_Type : out DNS_Types.Query_Type;
Query_Class : out DNS_Types.Query_Class;
End_Byte : out Dns_types.Packet_Bytes_Range) is
Byte : Dns_types.Packet_Bytes_Range := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'First;
I : Natural := RR_Type.WireStringType'First;
QT_Natural, QC_Natural : Natural;
function Type_To_Natural is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(Dns_Types.Query_Type,Natural);
function to_type is new ada.Unchecked_Conversion(natural,dns_types.query_type);
function class_to_natural is new ada.Unchecked_Conversion(dns_types.query_class,natural);
function To_Class is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(Natural,Dns_Types.Query_Class);
Domainname := RR_Type.WireStringType'(others => ' ');
while Integer(Byte) <= Integer(Input_Bytes-5) and then Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte)/=0
and then I < RR_Type.WireStringType'Last loop
--# assert I>=RR_Type.WireStringType'First and I < RR_Type.WireStringType'Last and
--# Byte >= DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'First and Integer(Byte) <= Integer(Input_Bytes-5);
Domainname(I) := Character'Val(Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte));
I := I + 1;
Byte := Byte + 1;
end loop;
Domainname(I) := Character'Val(0);
-- for I in Byte-2..Byte+4 loop
-- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("byte: " & Dns_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range'Image(I) & ":" &
-- Natural'Image(natural(Input_Packet.Bytes(I))));
-- end loop;
QT_Natural := Natural(Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte+1))*256+Natural(Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte+2));
QC_Natural := Natural(Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte+3))*256+Natural(Input_Packet.Bytes(Byte+4));
-- ada.Text_IO.put_line("qt: " & natural'image(qt_natural));
-- ada.Text_IO.put_line("qc: " & natural'image(qc_natural));
--# accept Warning, 12, type_To_Natural, "unchecked conversions ok";
if QT_Natural >= type_To_Natural(DNS_Types.Query_Type'First) and QT_Natural <= type_To_Natural(DNS_Types.Query_Type'Last) then
--# end accept;
--# accept Warning, 12, To_Type, "unchecked conversions ok";
Query_Type := To_Type(QT_Natural);
--# end accept;
if not Query_Type'Valid then
Query_Type := DNS_Types.UNIMPLEMENTED;
end if;
Query_Type := DNS_Types.UNIMPLEMENTED;
end if;
--# accept Warning, 12, class_To_Natural, "unchecked conversions ok";
if QC_Natural >= class_to_natural(DNS_Types.Query_Class'First) and QC_Natural <= class_to_natural(DNS_Types.Query_Class'Last) then
--# end accept;
--# accept Warning, 12, To_Class, "unchecked conversions ok";
Query_Class := To_Class(QC_Natural);
--# end accept;
if not Query_Class'Valid then
Query_Class := DNS_Types.NONE_CLASS;
end if;
Query_Class := DNS_Types.NONE_CLASS;
end if;
End_Byte := Byte + 4;
end Get_Query_Name_Type_Class;
procedure Create_Response_Error(
Input_Bytes : in DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Output_Packet.Header.AA := True;
Output_Packet.Header.RCODE := DNS_Types.Not_Implemented;
Output_Packet.Header.ANCount := 0;
Output_Bytes := Input_Bytes;
end Create_Response_Error;
procedure Create_Response_AAAA(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
ReturnedAAAARecords : Rr_Type.AAAA_Record_Type.AAAARecordBucketType;
NumFound : Natural;
Response_Counter : Natural;
-- accept Flow, 23, ReturnedAAAARecords, "it will fill in enough";
DNS_Table_Pkg.DNS_Table.QueryAAAARecords(DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => ReturnedAAAARecords, HowMany => NumFound);
-- end accept;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
if NumFound>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
while Response_Counter <= NumFound and Integer(Current_Byte) < DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(28+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8) loop
--# assert Response_Counter >=1 and Response_Counter <= NumFound
--# and Answer_Count = Answer_Count~
--# and Answer_Count <= DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_types.Unsigned_Short(rr_type.MaxNumRecords)
--# and Current_Byte = Start_Byte +
--# DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(28*(Response_Counter-1))
--# and Integer(Current_Byte) < DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(28+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8)
--# and numfound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords ;
-- PTR to character of message
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#1C#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Response_Counter := Response_Counter + 1;
Current_Byte := Current_Byte + 28;
end loop;
--Output_Bytes := Input_Bytes+DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(28*(Response_Counter-1));
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(numFound);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, ReturnedAAAARecords, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_AAAA;
procedure Create_Response_A(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
ReturnedARecords : Rr_Type.A_Record_Type.ARecordBucketType;
NumFound : Natural;
Response_Counter : Natural;
-- accept Flow, 23, ReturnedARecords, "it will fill in enough";
DNS_Table_Pkg.DNS_Table.QueryARecords(DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => ReturnedARecords, HowMany => NumFound);
-- end accept;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
if NumFound>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
while Response_Counter <= NumFound and Integer(Current_Byte) < DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(16+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8) loop
--# assert Response_Counter >=1 and Response_Counter <= NumFound
--# and Integer(Start_Byte) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size
--# and Answer_Count = Answer_Count~
--# and Answer_Count <= DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_types.Unsigned_Short(rr_type.MaxNumRecords)
--# and Current_Byte = Start_Byte +
--# DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(16*(Response_Counter-1))
--# and Integer(Current_Byte) < DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(16+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8)
--# and numfound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords ;
-- PTR to character of message
-- A
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#01#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Response_Counter := Response_Counter + 1;
Current_Byte := Current_Byte + 16;
end loop;
--Output_Bytes := Input_Bytes+DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(16*(Response_Counter-1));
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(numFound);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, ReturnedARecords, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_A;
procedure Create_Response_NS(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Num_Found : out RR_Type.NumberOfRecordsType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Qname_Locations : out QNAME_PTR_RANGE_Array;
Replies : out RR_Type.ns_record_type.NSRecordBucketType;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Response_Counter : Natural;
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Current_Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Qname_Locations := QNAME_PTR_RANGE_Array'(others => 0);
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
-- accept Flow, 23, Replies, "it will fill in enough";
DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => Replies,
HowMany => Num_Found);
-- end accept;
if Num_Found>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).nameServer);
while Response_Counter <= Num_Found and then
Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(12+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
(Current_Name_Length) loop
--# assert Response_Counter >=1 and Response_Counter <= Num_Found
--# and current_name_length >=1 and current_name_length<=rr_type.WireStringTypeIndex'last
--# and Num_Found <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords
--# and Integer(Start_Byte) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size
--# and Answer_Count = Answer_Count~
--# and Answer_Count <= DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_types.Unsigned_Short(rr_type.MaxNumRecords)
--# and Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(12+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
--# (Current_Name_Length)
--# and Current_Byte >= 0;
-- PTR to character of message
-- NS
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#02#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Qname_Locations(Response_Counter) := DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(
(Current_Byte+12)+ DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Response_Counter := Response_Counter + 1;
Current_Byte := (Current_Byte + 12) + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length);
if Response_Counter <= Num_Found then
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).nameServer);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Num_Found);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Bytes, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Replies, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Qname_Locations, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_NS;
procedure Create_Response_PTR(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Num_Found : RR_Type.NumberOfRecordsType;
Response_Counter : Natural;
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Current_Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Replies : RR_Type.PTR_record_type.PTRRecordBucketType;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
-- accept Flow, 23, Replies, "it will fill in enough";
DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => Replies,
HowMany => Num_Found);
-- end accept;
if Num_Found>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).domainname);
while Response_Counter <= Num_Found and then
Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(12+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
(Current_Name_Length) loop
--# assert Response_Counter >=1 and Response_Counter <= Num_Found
--# and current_name_length >=1 and current_name_length<=rr_type.WireStringTypeIndex'last
--# and Num_Found <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords
--# and Integer(Start_Byte) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size
--# and Answer_Count = Answer_Count~
--# and Answer_Count <= DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_types.Unsigned_Short(rr_type.MaxNumRecords)
--# and Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(12+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
--# (Current_Name_Length)
--# and Current_Byte >= 0;
-- PTR to character of message
-- PTR
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#0C#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Response_Counter := Response_Counter + 1;
Current_Byte := (Current_Byte + 12) + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length);
if Response_Counter <= Num_Found then
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).domainname);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Num_Found);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Bytes, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_PTR;
procedure Create_Response_MX(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Num_Found : out RR_Type.NumberOfRecordsType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Qname_Locations : out QNAME_PTR_RANGE_Array;
Replies : out RR_Type.mx_record_type.MXRecordBucketType;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Response_Counter : Natural;
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Current_Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Qname_Locations := QNAME_PTR_RANGE_Array'(others => 0);
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
-- accept Flow, 23, Replies, "it will fill in enough";
DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => Replies,
HowMany => Num_Found);
-- end accept;
if Num_Found>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).mailExchanger);
while Response_Counter <= Num_Found and then
Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(14+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
(Current_Name_Length) loop
--# assert Response_Counter >=1 and Response_Counter <= Num_Found
--# and current_name_length >=1 and current_name_length<=rr_type.WireStringTypeIndex'last
--# and Num_Found <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords
--# and Integer(Start_Byte) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size
--# and Answer_Count = Answer_Count~
--# and Answer_Count <= DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_types.Unsigned_Short(rr_type.MaxNumRecords)
--# and Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(14+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
--# (Current_Name_Length)
--# and Current_Byte >= 0;
-- PTR to character of message
-- MX
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#0F#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Qname_Locations(Response_Counter) := DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(
(Current_Byte+14)+ DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Response_Counter := Response_Counter + 1;
Current_Byte := (Current_Byte + 14) + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Current_Name_Length);
if Response_Counter <= Num_Found then
Current_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).mailExchanger);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Num_Found);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Bytes, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Replies, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Qname_Locations, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_MX;
procedure Create_Response_SOA(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Answer_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Response_Counter : Natural;
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Nameserver_Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Mailbox_Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
Num_Found : RR_Type.NumberOfRecordsType;
Replies : RR_Type.SOA_record_type.SOARecordBucketType;
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
-- accept Flow, 23, Replies, "it will fill in enough";
DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => Replies,
HowMany => Num_Found);
-- end accept;
if Num_Found>=1 then
Response_Counter := 1;
Nameserver_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).nameserver);
Mailbox_Name_Length := RR_Type.WireNameLength(Replies(Response_Counter).email);
if Integer(Current_Byte) < (DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(32+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8))-
(Nameserver_Name_Length+Mailbox_Name_Length) then
-- PTR to character of message
-- SOA
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#06#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
Current_Byte := (Current_Byte + 32) + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(
end if;
end if;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Answer_Count := Answer_Count + DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Num_Found);
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Bytes, Replies, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response_SOA;
procedure Process_Response_Cname(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Cnames : in RR_Type.cname_record_type.CNAMERecordBucketType;
Domainname : out RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in out DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Current_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Name_Length : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
I : RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex;
-- Cnames(Cnames'First).CanonicalDomainName := Character'Val(8) & "carlisle" & Character'Val(4) &
-- "dfcs" & Character'Val(5) & "usafa" & Character'Val(3) & "edu" & Character'Val(0) &
-- " ";
Current_Byte := Start_Byte;
Domainname := Cnames(Cnames'First).CanonicalDomainName;
Name_Length := RR_Type.WirenameLength(Cnames(Cnames'First).CanonicalDomainName);
if Integer(Current_Byte) < DNS_Types.Packet_Size-(12+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8) then
-- PTR to character of message
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+3) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+4) := 16#05#;
-- IN
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+5) := 16#00#;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte+6) := 16#01#;
-- TTL
Current_Byte := Current_Byte + 12;
end if;
Qname_Location := DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(
(Integer(Current_Byte)) + DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8);
I := 1;
while I<=Name_Length and I<RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last and
Integer(Current_Byte)+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8<DNS_Types.Packet_Size loop
--# assert I<RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last and
--# I<=Name_Length and
--# Output_Packet.Header.ANCount = 0 and
--# Current_Byte >= Start_Byte and
--# Integer(Current_Byte)+DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8<DNS_Types.Packet_Size;
Current_Byte := Current_Byte + 1;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Current_Byte) := DNS_Types.Byte(Character'Pos(Cnames(Cnames'First).CanonicalDomainName(I)));
I := I + 1;
end loop;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Current_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Output_Packet.Header.ANCount := Output_Packet.Header.ANCount + 1;
end Process_Response_Cname;
procedure Trim_Name(
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Trimmed_name : out RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
New_Qname_Location : out DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE) is
Zone_Length : Natural;
Zone_Length := natural(character'pos(domainname(domainname'first))+1);
Trimmed_Name := RR_Type.WireStringType'(others => ' ');
New_Qname_Location := Qname_Location;
if Zone_Length > 0 and Zone_Length < Rr_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last then
New_Qname_Location := New_Qname_Location + DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(Zone_Length);
-- the assertion below is kind of interesting b/c we need to tell SPARK
-- that zone_Length hasn't changed, and I don't really use it in the loop
for I in RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex range 1..RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last-natural(character'pos(domainname(domainname'first))+1) loop
--# assert I+Zone_Length<=RR_Type.WireStringTypeIndex'Last and I>=1 and
--# zone_length = natural(character'pos(domainname(domainname'first))+1);
Trimmed_Name(I) := Domainname(I+natural(character'pos(domainname(domainname'first))+1));
end loop;
end if;
end Trim_Name;
procedure Create_NXDOMAIN_Response(
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : in RR_Type.WireStringType;
Qname_Location : in DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Answer_Count : DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short := 0;
Amount_Trimmed : Natural := 0;
Trimmed_Name : RR_Type.WireStringType;
Current_Name : RR_Type.WireStringType;
Current_Qname_Location : DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
New_Qname_Location : DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE;
Current_Qname_Location := Qname_Location;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Start_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
Current_Name := Domainname;
Output_Packet.Header.RCODE := DNS_Types.Name_Error;
Output_Packet.Header.ANCount := 0;
-- Amount_Trimmed is used to guarantee we don't end up in an infinite loop
while Answer_Count=0 and Amount_Trimmed<RR_Type.WireStringType'Last and
Natural(Character'Pos(Current_Name(Current_Name'First)))/=0 and
Current_Qname_Location <= DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(Output_Bytes) loop
--# assert Answer_Count=0 and Amount_Trimmed>=0 and Amount_Trimmed<RR_Type.WireStringType'Last
--# and Output_Bytes <= DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range'Last
--# and Current_Qname_Location <= DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE(Output_Bytes);
Domainname => Current_Name,
Trimmed_Name => Trimmed_Name,
Qname_Location => Current_Qname_Location,
New_Qname_Location => New_Qname_Location);
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Trimmed_name,
Qname_Location => New_Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Current_Name := Trimmed_Name;
Current_Qname_Location := New_Qname_Location;
Amount_Trimmed := Amount_Trimmed + Natural(Character'Pos(Domainname(Domainname'First))+1);
end loop;
if Answer_Count >= 1 then
Output_Packet.Header.AA := True;
end if;
Output_Packet.Header.NSCount := Answer_Count;
end Create_NXDOMAIN_Response;
procedure Create_Response_EDNS(
Input_Packet : in DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Input_Bytes : in DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Query_End_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Start_Byte : in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Additional_Count : in out DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
DNSSEC : out Boolean;
Max_Transmit : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
EDNS_Rec : DNS_Types.EDNS_Record;
function To_Query_Type is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short,DNS_Types.Query_Type);
function From_Query_Type is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(DNS_Types.Query_Type,DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short);
Max_Transmit := DNS_Types.UDP_Max_Size;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(Start_Byte + DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8));
DNSSEC := False;
if (Integer(Query_End_Byte)+11)+(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8)<=Integer(Input_Bytes) and
(Integer(Start_Byte)+11)+(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8)<DNS_Types.Packet_Size then
EDNS_Rec.Root := Character'Val(Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+1));
EDNS_Rec.Code := To_Query_Type(DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
if EDNS_Rec.Root = Character'Val(0) and
EDNS_Rec.Code = DNS_Types.OPT then
EDNS_Rec.Payload_Size := DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Input_Packet.Bytes(
--EDNS_Rec.RCODE := Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+6);
--EDNS_Rec.Version := Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+7);
EDNS_Rec.ZTop := Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+8);
--EDNS_Rec.ZBottom := Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+9);
--EDNS_Rec.RDLEN := DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
-- Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+10))*256+
-- DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Input_Packet.Bytes(Query_End_Byte+11));
Max_Transmit := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range(
Max_Transmit := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range'Max(
DNS_Types.UDP_Max_Size, Max_Transmit);
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+1) := 0;
-- high order byte of OPT is 0
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+2) := 0;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+3) := DNS_Types.Byte(
From_Query_Type(DNS_Types.OPT) mod 256);
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+4) := DNS_Types.Byte(
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+5) := DNS_Types.Byte(
Max_Transmit mod 256);
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+6) := 0;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+7) := 0;
if (EDNS_Rec.ZTop and Dns_Types.DNSSECMASK) /= 0 then
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+8) := Dns_Types.DNSSECMASK;
DNSSEC := True;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+8) := 0;
end if;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+9) := 0;
-- RDLEN = 0
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+10) := 0;
Output_Packet.Bytes(Start_Byte+11) := 0;
Additional_Count := Additional_Count + 1;
Output_Bytes := DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range((Start_Byte + 11) +
end if;
end if;
end Create_Response_EDNS;
procedure Create_Response(
Input_Packet : in DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Input_Bytes : in DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Output_Packet : in out DNS_Types.DNS_Packet;
Output_Bytes : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Max_Transmit : out DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range) is
Start_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Query_End_Byte : DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range;
Domainname : RR_Type.WireStringType;
Query_Type : DNS_Types.Query_Type;
Query_Class : DNS_Types.Query_Class;
NumFound : Natural;
Counter : Natural;
Qname_Location : DNS_Types.QNAME_PTR_RANGE := 12;
Qname_Locations : QNAME_PTR_RANGE_Array;
ReturnedCNAMERecords : Rr_Type.CNAME_Record_Type.CNAMERecordBucketType;
NS_Replies : RR_Type.Ns_Record_Type.NSRecordBucketType;
MX_Replies : RR_Type.MX_Record_Type.MXRecordBucketType;
Answer_Count : DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
Additional_Count : DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short;
DNSSEC : Boolean;
Max_Transmit := DNS_Types.UDP_Max_Size;
-- the following line makes SPARK happy, but aren't truly needed
--Output_Packet.Bytes := DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type'(others => 0);
-- I would like to only copy the header here, but I get a flow error!!
--# accept Flow, 10, Output_Packet.Header.QR,
--# "The rest of the header fields retain their newly assigned values";
--# accept Flow, 10, Output_Packet.Header.ANCOUNT,
--# "The rest of the header fields retain their newly assigned values";
--# accept Flow, 10, Output_Packet.Header.AA,
--# "The rest of the header fields retain their newly assigned values";
-- accept Flow, 10, Output_Packet.Header.RCODE,
-- "The rest of the header fields retain their newly assigned values";
Output_Packet.Header := Input_Packet.Header;
Output_Packet.Header.AA := False;
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
-- end accept;
Output_Packet.Header.QR := True;
-- Keep # of queries and send the query back!! (i.e. don't do line below)
-- Response_Header.QDCOUNT := 0;
--# assert Integer(Input_Bytes) >=DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8+1
--# and Qname_Location >=0 and Qname_Location < 16384
--# and Integer(Input_Bytes) < 312;
Get_Query_Name_Type_Class(Input_Packet, Input_Bytes, Domainname, Query_Type, Query_Class, Query_End_Byte);
Start_Byte := Query_End_Byte;
--Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Input_Bytes) -
-- DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8);
for I in DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range range 1..Start_Byte loop
--# assert Integer(Input_Bytes) >=DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8
--# and Qname_Location >=0 and Qname_Location < 16384
--# and Integer(Input_Bytes) < 312
--# and Start_Byte <= DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Input_Bytes) and Start_Byte >= 4;
Output_Packet.Bytes(I) := Input_Packet.Bytes(I);
end loop;
-- we start out with no responses
Output_Packet.Header.ANCount := 0;
-- accept Flow, 23, ReturnedCNAMERecords, "it will fill in enough";
DNS_Table_Pkg.DNS_Table.QueryCNAMERecords(DomainName => Domainname,
ReturnedRecords => ReturnedCNAMERecords, HowMany => NumFound);
-- end accept;
if NumFound>1 then
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"more than one cname?", 0);
elsif NumFound=1 then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Cnames => ReturnedCNAMERecords,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
end if;
Answer_Count := Output_Packet.Header.ANCount;
Additional_Count := 0;
--ada.text_io.put_line("numfound: " & integer'image(numfound));
if Query_Class /= DNS_Types.IN_CLASS then
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"bad query class", 0);
-- ada.text_io.put_line("qc: " & dns_types.Query_Class'image(Query_Class));
Input_Bytes => Input_Bytes,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.ANY then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
--# accept Flow, 10, MX_Replies, "not needed for ANY query";
--# accept Flow, 10, Qname_Locations, "not needed for ANY query";
--# accept Flow, 10, NumFound, "not needed for any query";
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Num_Found => NumFound,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Qname_Locations => Qname_Locations,
Replies => MX_Replies,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
--# accept Flow, 10, NS_Replies, "not needed for ANY query";
--# accept Flow, 10, Qname_Locations, "not needed for ANY query";
--# accept Flow, 10, NumFound, "not needed for any query";
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Num_Found => NumFound,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Qname_Locations => Qname_Locations,
Replies => NS_Replies,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.SOA then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.PTR then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.A then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.AAAA then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.MX then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Num_Found => NumFound,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Qname_Locations => Qname_Locations,
Replies => MX_Replies,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Counter := 1;
Additional_Count := 0;
while Counter <= NumFound and Additional_Count < DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
2*Rr_Type.MaxNumRecords) loop
--# assert Counter >= 1 and Counter<=NumFound and
--# Answer_Count >=0 and Answer_Count <= 65535 and
--# Additional_Count >= 0 and
--# (for all Z in RR_Type.ReturnedRecordsIndexType =>
--# (Qname_Locations(Z) >= 0 and Qname_Locations(Z) < 16384)) and
--# Qname_Location >=0 and Qname_Location <= 16383 and
--# Additional_Count < DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
--# 2*Rr_Type.MaxNumRecords) and
--# NumFound >= 0 and NumFound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) >= DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8+1 and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size;
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => MX_Replies(Counter).mailExchanger,
Qname_Location => Qname_Locations(Counter),
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Additional_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => MX_Replies(Counter).mailExchanger,
Qname_Location => Qname_Locations(Counter),
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Additional_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Counter := Counter + 1;
end loop;
elsif Query_Type = DNS_Types.NS then
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => Domainname,
Num_Found => NumFound,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Qname_Locations => Qname_Locations,
Replies => NS_Replies,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Answer_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Counter := 1;
Additional_Count := 0;
while Counter <= NumFound and Additional_Count < DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
2*Rr_Type.MaxNumRecords) loop
--# assert Counter >= 1 and Counter<=NumFound and
--# (for all Z in RR_Type.ReturnedRecordsIndexType =>
--# (Qname_Locations(Z) >= 0 and Qname_Locations(Z) < 16384)) and
--# Qname_Location >=0 and Qname_Location <= 16383 and
--# Answer_Count >=0 and Answer_Count <= 65535 and
--# Additional_Count >= 0 and
--# Additional_Count < DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last-DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(
--# 2*Rr_Type.MaxNumRecords) and
--# NumFound >= 0 and NumFound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) >= DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8+1 and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size;
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => NS_Replies(Counter).nameserver,
Qname_Location => Qname_Locations(Counter),
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Additional_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Domainname => NS_Replies(Counter).nameserver,
Qname_Location => Qname_Locations(Counter),
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Answer_Count => Additional_Count,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
Counter := Counter + 1;
end loop;
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"bad query type", 0);
-- ada.text_io.put_line("qc: " & dns_types.Query_Type'image(Query_Type));
Input_Bytes => Input_Bytes,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
end if;
-- this assert helps with the VCG Heap overflow
--# assert
--# Answer_Count >=0 and Answer_Count <= 65535 and
--# Additional_Count >= 0 and
--# NumFound >= 0 and NumFound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) >= DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8+1 and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size;
DNSSEC := False;
-- Handle EDNS additional OPT record here!
if Input_Packet.Header.QDCount = 1 and
Input_Packet.Header.ARCount = 1 and
Additional_Count < DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short'Last then
Start_Byte := DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Integer(Output_Bytes) -
Input_Packet => Input_Packet,
Input_Bytes => Input_Bytes,
Query_End_Byte => Query_End_Byte,
Start_Byte => Start_Byte,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes,
Additional_Count => Additional_Count,
Max_Transmit => Max_Transmit);
elsif Input_Packet.Header.QDCount /= 1 then
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"query count > 1", 0);
elsif Input_Packet.Header.ARCount > 1 then
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"ar count > 1", 0);
end if;
-- this assert helps with the VCG Heap overflow
--# assert
--# Answer_Count >=0 and Answer_Count <= 65535 and
--# Additional_Count >= 0 and
--# NumFound >= 0 and NumFound <= rr_type.MaxNumRecords and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) >= DNS_Types.Header_Bits/8+1 and
--# Integer(Output_Bytes) <= DNS_Types.Packet_Size;
if DNSSEC and Answer_Count > 0 then
Output_Bytes := (Output_Bytes-1)+1;
end if;
Output_Packet.Header.ANCount := Answer_Count;
Output_Packet.Header.ARCount := Additional_Count;
if Answer_Count > 0 then
-- our answer is authoritative
Output_Packet.Header.AA := True;
Output_Packet.Header.RCODE := DNS_Types.No_Error;
elsif Output_Packet.Header.AA = False then
Start_Byte => DNS_Types.Packet_Bytes_Range(Input_Bytes) -
Domainname => Domainname,
Qname_Location => Qname_Location,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes);
end if;
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Packet, ReturnedCNAMERecords, "initialization is unneeded";
-- accept Flow, 602, Output_Bytes, ReturnedCNAMERecords, "initialization is unneeded";
end Create_Response;
procedure Process_Request_Tcp(
Reply_Socket : in DNS_Network.DNS_Socket)
Input_Packet : DNS_Types.DNS_Tcp_Packet;
Input_Bytes : DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Output_Packet : DNS_Types.DNS_Tcp_Packet;
Output_Bytes : DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Max_Transmit : DNS_Types.Packet_Length_Range;
Failure : Boolean;
--Output_Packet.Rest.Bytes := DNS_Types.Bytes_Array_Type'(others => 0);
Packet => Input_Packet,
Number_Bytes => Input_Bytes,
Socket => Reply_Socket,
Failure => Failure);
-- SPARK_IO_05.Put_Line(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,"Input ID", 0);
-- SPARK_IO_05.Put_Integer(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,
-- Integer(Input_Packet.Rest.Header.MessageID), 0, 16);
-- SPARK_IO_05.New_Line(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,1);
if Failure then
--Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"Receive failed", 0);
--Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"got packet", 0);
--# accept Flow, 23, Output_Packet.Rest, "init not needed";
--# accept Flow, 10, Max_Transmit, "only needed for UDP";
Input_Packet => Input_Packet.Rest,
Input_Bytes => Input_Bytes,
Output_Packet => Output_Packet.Rest,
Output_Bytes => Output_Bytes,
Max_Transmit => Max_Transmit);
--# end accept;
--# end accept;
--Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"Reply created", 0);
--# accept Flow, 22,
--# "allow use of static expression for portability across platforms";
if System.Default_Bit_Order=System.Low_Order_First then
--# end accept;
Output_Packet.Length := DNS_Types.Byte_Swap_US(DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Output_Bytes));
Output_Packet.Length := DNS_Types.Unsigned_Short(Output_Bytes);
end if;
-- SPARK_IO_05.Put_Line(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,"Output ID", 0);
-- SPARK_IO_05.Put_Integer(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,
-- Integer(Output_Packet.Rest.Header.MessageID), 0, 16);
-- SPARK_IO_05.New_Line(SPARK_IO_05.Standard_Output,1);
-- Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"sending", 0);
Packet => Output_Packet,
Number_Bytes => Output_Bytes,
Socket => Reply_Socket,
Failure => Failure);
if Failure then
Integer(Output_Packet.Rest.Header.MessageID), 0, 16);
Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Put_Line(Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO.Standard_Output,"Respond failed", 0);
end if;
end if;
--# accept Flow, 602, DNS_Network.Network, Output_Packet.Rest, "initialization is unneeded";
--# accept Flow, 602, Protected_SPARK_IO_05.SPARK_IO_PO, Output_Packet.Rest, "initialization is unneeded";
--# accept Flow, 33, Max_Transmit, "Max_Transmit only for UDP";
end Process_Request_Tcp;
end Process_Dns_Request;