
1073 lines
49 KiB

Listing of SPARK Text
Examiner GPL Edition
-- By: Martin C. Carlisle and Barry S. Fagin
-- Department of Computer Science
-- United States Air Force Academy
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify without restriction. We do ask that you please keep
-- the original author information, and clearly indicate if the
-- software has been modified.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
with non_spark_stuff, error_msgs, Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Characters.Latin_1, Rr_Type.A_Record_Type,
use type Rr_Type.RrItemType;
PACKAGE BODY Parser_Utilities IS
BLANK : constant Character := ' ';
TAB : constant Character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT;
COMMENT_CHAR : constant Character := ';';
CONTROL_CHAR : constant Character := '$';
ORIGIN_CHAR : constant Character := '@'; --also definied in rr_type.adb
L_PAREN: constant Character := '(';
R_PAREN: constant Character := ')';
SecondsInAMinute: constant natural := 60;
MinutesInAnHour: constant natural := 60;
HoursInADay: constant natural := 24;
DaysInAWeek: constant Natural := 7;
MaxDaysInAMonth : constant Natural := 31;
MonthsInAYear: constant natural := 12;
--CH, CS, HS and IN are only valid namespace classes
function isClass(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType; begIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex) return boolean is
Retval : Boolean;
subtype two_range is integer range 1..2;
subtype string2 is string(two_range);
Class : String2 := " ";
--helps prover
if begIdx = endIdx-1 then
Class(1) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(BegIdx));
Class(2) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(endIdx));
Retval := (Class="CH") or else (Class="CS") or else (Class="HS")
or else (Class="IN");
retval := false;
end if;
return retval;
end IsClass;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram isClass performed:
no errors found.
--For now, only {A,AAAA,CNAME,DNSKEY,MX,NS,PTR,SOA} records recognized
--{RP,SRV,TXT recognized but not implemented}
function isRecord(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType; begIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex) return boolean
--# pre begIdx <= endIdx;
firstChar : character;
lastChar : character;
lengthToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
retval : boolean;
firstChar:= Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(BegIdx));
lastChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(EndIdx));
lengthToken := (endIdx-begIdx)+1;
--ugly but it gets the job done
IF firstChar = 'A' AND LengthToken = 1 THEN
Retval := True;
elsif firstChar = 'N' and lastChar = 'S' and lengthToken = 2 then
Retval := True;
elsif firstChar = 'M' and lastChar = 'X' and lengthToken = 2 then
Retval := True;
elsif firstChar = 'R' and lastChar = 'P' and lengthToken = 2 then
Retval := True;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'P' and lastChar = 'R' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'T' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'S' and lastChar = 'A' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'O' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'S' and lastChar = 'V' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'R' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'T' and lastChar = 'T' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'X' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'A' and lastChar = 'A' and begIdx <= endIdx-3 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'A' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'A' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'N' and lastChar = 'C' and begIdx <= endIdx-3 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'E' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'C' and lastChar = 'E' and begIdx <= endIdx-4 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'N' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'A' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'M' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'R' and lastChar = 'G' and begIdx <= endIdx-4 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'R' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'I' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'D' and lastChar = 'Y' and begIdx <= endIdx-5 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'N' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(BegIdx+2)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'K' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+4)) = 'E' then
Retval := true;
RetVal := false;
end if;
retVal := false;
end if;
return retval;
END IsRecord;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram isRecord performed:
no errors found.
--Called only when s(begIdx..endIdx) is valid record type indicator
--For now, only {A,AAAA,CNAME,DNSKEY,MX,NS,NSEC,PTR,SOA} records supported
--{RP,SRV,TXT recognized but not implemented}
function getRecordType(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType; begIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex) return dns_types.Query_Type
firstChar : character;
lastChar : character;
lengthToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
retval : dns_types.Query_Type;
firstChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx));
lastChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(endIdx));
lengthToken := (endIdx-begIdx)+1;
--ugly but it gets the job done
if firstChar = 'A' and lengthToken = 1 then
Retval := Dns_Types.A;
elsif firstChar = 'N' and lastChar = 'S' and lengthToken = 2 then
Retval := Dns_Types.NS;
elsif firstChar = 'M' and lastChar = 'X' and lengthToken = 2 then
Retval := Dns_Types.MX;
elsif firstChar = 'R' and lastChar = 'P' and lengthToken = 2 then
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'P' and lastChar = 'R' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'T' then
Retval := Dns_Types.PTR;
RetVal := dns_types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'S' and lastChar = 'A' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'O' then
Retval := dns_types.SOA;
RetVal := dns_types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'S' and lastChar = 'V' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'R' then
Retval := dns_types.UNIMPLEMENTED;
RetVal := dns_types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'T' and lastChar = 'T' and begIdx <= endIdx-2 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'X' then
Retval := dns_types.UNIMPLEMENTED;
RetVal := dns_types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'A' and lastChar = 'A' and begIdx <= endIdx-3 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'A' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'A' then
Retval := Dns_Types.AAAA;
RetVal := Dns_Types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'N' and lastChar = 'C' and begIdx <= endIdx-3 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'E' then
Retval := Dns_Types.NSEC;
RetVal := Dns_Types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'C' and lastChar = 'E' and begIdx <= endIdx-4 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'N' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'A' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'M' then
Retval := Dns_Types.CNAME;
RetVal := Dns_Types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'R' and lastChar = 'G' and begIdx <= endIdx-4 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'R' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+2)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'I' then
Retval := Dns_Types.RRSIG;
RetVal := Dns_Types.ERROR;
end if;
--formulation of third condition helps prover
elsif firstChar = 'D' and lastChar = 'Y' and begIdx <= endIdx-5 then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+1)) = 'N' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(BegIdx+2)) = 'S' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.to_upper(s(begIdx+3)) = 'K' and
Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(BegIdx+4)) = 'E' then
RetVal := Dns_Types.DNSKEY;
RetVal := Dns_Types.ERROR;
end if;
RetVal := Dns_Types.UNIMPLEMENTED;
end if;
return retval;
end GetRecordType;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram getRecordType
performed: no errors found.
procedure CheckAndAppendOrigin(target : in out Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType;
Origin : in Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType;
CurrentLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
LastPos : in Rr_Type.Linelengthindex;
LineCount : in unsigned_types.unsigned32;
Success : in out boolean
--if target does not end in '.', append Origin string
if target(Rr_Type.DomainNameLength(target)) /= '.'then
if origin = Rr_Type.BlankDomainName then
error_msgs.printBlankOriginWarning(currentLine, lastPos, lineCount);
Rr_Type.appendDomainNames(target, origin, Success);
if not Success then
error_msgs.printAppendDomainLengthErrorInfo(currentLine, lastPos, lineCount);
end if;
end if;
end if; --check for domain name ending in '.'
end CheckAndAppendOrigin;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram CheckAndAppendOrigin
performed: no errors found.
procedure checkValidHostName(Name: Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType; success: in out boolean)
Length: Rr_Type.DomainNameStringTypeIndex;
retVal : boolean := true;
--only characters allowed are alphanumerics, '.' and '-'
Length := Rr_Type.DomainNameLength(Name);
--has to start and end with alphanumeric
--use length-1 because name(length) is always a period, doesn't count
--SPARK caught runtime error for length=1, nice!
if Name(1) = '.' or Name(1) = '-' or (length > 1 and then (Name(Length-1) = '.' or Name(Length-1) = '-')) then
RetVal := False;
for I in Integer range 2..Length-2 loop
--# assert true;
--periods must come after alphanumeric
if Name(I) = '.' then
if (Name(I-1) = '.' or Name(I-1) = '-') then
RetVal := False;
end if;
--if not period, must be alphanumeric or underscore
elsif not Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Alphanumeric(Name(I)) and Name(I) /= '-' then
RetVal := False;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
success := success and retVal;
end CheckValidHostName;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram checkValidHostName
performed: no errors found.
--Just like findNextToken below , but starts at beginning of line, no index values
--returned. Only used to see what the first token on the line is.
procedure findFirstToken(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType; length : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
T : out rr_type.rrItemType)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
ContainsOnlyNumbers : boolean;
containsOnlyLetters : boolean;
ContainsPeriod : Boolean;
containsColon : boolean;
ContainsDecimalNumbers : Boolean;
ContainsHexNumbers : Boolean;
ContainsLetters : Boolean;
--NOTE: Can domain names have anything other than letters, numbers or periods?
while begIdx < length and then (s(begIdx) = BLANK or s(begIdx) = TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx < length;
begIdx := begIdx + 1;
end loop;
endIdx := begIdx;
while endIdx < length and then (s(endIdx) /= BLANK and s(endIdx) /= TAB
and s(endIdx) /= COMMENT_CHAR and s(endIdx) /= L_PAREN and s(endIdx) /= R_PAREN) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= length and
--# endIdx >= begIdx and endIdx < length;
endIdx := endIdx + 1;
if (s(endIdx) = BLANK or s(endIdx) = TAB or s(endIdx) = COMMENT_CHAR) and endIdx > 1 and endIdx > begIdx then
EndIdx := EndIdx-1;
end if;
ContainsOnlyNumbers := true;
ContainsOnlyLetters := True;
ContainsPeriod := False;
containsColon := false;
ContainsDecimalNumbers := False;
ContainsHexNumbers := false;
ContainsLetters := False;
FOR I IN Integer RANGE BegIdx..EndIdx LOOP
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= length and
--# endIdx >= begIdx and endIdx <= length;
ContainsOnlyNumbers := ContainsOnlyNumbers AND Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Digit(S(I));
ContainsDecimalNumbers := ContainsDecimalNumbers or Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Digit(S(I));
containsHexNumbers := containsHexNumbers or Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit(S(I));
ContainsOnlyLetters := ContainsOnlyLetters AND Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Letter(S(I));
containsLetters := containsLetters or Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Letter(S(I));
ContainsPeriod := ContainsPeriod or S(I) = '.';
ContainsColon := ContainsColon or S(I) = ':';
end loop;
--figure out what we've got
IF S(BegIdx) = COMMENT_CHAR then
T := Rr_Type.Comment;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = CONTROL_CHAR then
T := Rr_Type.Control;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = L_PAREN THEN
T := Rr_Type.LParen;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = R_PAREN THEN
T := Rr_Type.RParen;
--@ counts as a domain name, will be replaced with $ORIGIN
--. counts as domain name, could appear as value of $ORIGIN
elsIf (S(BegIdx) = ORIGIN_CHAR or S(BegIdx) = '.') and BegIdx = EndIdx then
T := Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec;
elsif containsDecimalNumbers and containsOnlyNumbers then
T := Rr_Type.Number;
elsif containsDecimalNumbers and containsPeriod and not containsLetters and not containsColon then
T := Rr_Type.Ipv4;
elsif containsHexNumbers and containsColon and not containsPeriod then
T := Rr_Type.Ipv6;
elsif containsOnlyLetters and isClass(s,begIdx,endIdx) then
T := rr_Type.Class;
elsif containsOnlyLetters and isRecord(s,begIdx,endIdx) then
T := rr_Type.RecordIndicator;
elsif containsLetters then
T := Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec;
elsif BegIdx = Length then --this means blank line, treated as a comment
T := rr_type.Comment;
else --error of some sort, e.g. invalid class or record type
T := Rr_Type.Other;
end if;
--Ada.Text_Io.Put("TOKEN = " & Rr_Type.RrItemType'Image(T));
end findFirstToken;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram findFirstToken
performed: no errors found.
procedure findNextToken(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType; length : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
begIdx : in out rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : out rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
T : out rr_type.rrItemType)
ContainsOnlyNumbers : boolean;
containsOnlyLetters : boolean;
ContainsPeriod : Boolean;
containsColon : boolean;
ContainsDecimalNumbers : Boolean;
ContainsHexNumbers : Boolean;
ContainsLetters : Boolean;
--NOTE: Can domain names have anything other than letters, numbers or periods?
while begIdx < length and then (s(begIdx) = BLANK or s(begIdx) = TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx < length;
begIdx := begIdx + 1;
end loop;
endIdx := begIdx;
while endIdx < length and then (s(endIdx) /= BLANK and s(endIdx) /= TAB
and S(EndIdx) /= COMMENT_CHAR and S(EndIdx) /= L_PAREN and S(EndIdx) /= R_PAREN
and s(endIdx) /= ORIGIN_CHAR) loop
--# assert begIdx <= length and
--# endIdx >= begIdx and endIdx < length;
endIdx := endIdx + 1;
if (S(EndIdx) = BLANK or S(EndIdx) = TAB or S(EndIdx) = COMMENT_CHAR)
and endIdx > 1 and endIdx > begIdx then
EndIdx := EndIdx-1;
end if;
ContainsOnlyNumbers := true;
ContainsOnlyLetters := True;
ContainsPeriod := False;
containsColon := false;
ContainsDecimalNumbers := False;
ContainsHexNumbers := false;
ContainsLetters := False;
FOR I IN Integer RANGE BegIdx..EndIdx LOOP
ContainsOnlyNumbers := ContainsOnlyNumbers AND S(I) >= '0' AND S(I) <= '9';
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= length and endIdx >= begIdx and endIdx <= length
--# and EndIdx = EndIdx%
--# and ((ContainsOnlyNumbers = true) ->
--# (for all J in integer range BegIdx..I => (S(J) >= '0' AND S(J) <= '9')));
ContainsDecimalNumbers := ContainsDecimalNumbers or (S(I) >= '0' AND S(I) <= '9');
containsHexNumbers := containsHexNumbers or Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit(S(I));
ContainsOnlyLetters := ContainsOnlyLetters AND Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Letter(S(I));
containsLetters := containsLetters or Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Letter(S(I));
ContainsPeriod := ContainsPeriod or S(I) = '.';
ContainsColon := ContainsColon or S(I) = ':';
end loop;
--figure out what we've got
IF S(BegIdx) = COMMENT_CHAR then
T := Rr_Type.Comment;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = CONTROL_CHAR then
T := Rr_Type.Control;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = L_PAREN THEN
T := Rr_Type.LParen;
elsIF S(BegIdx) = R_PAREN THEN
T := Rr_Type.RParen;
--@ counts as a domain name, will be replaced with $ORIGIN
--. counts as domain name, could appear as value of $ORIGIN
elsIf (S(BegIdx) = ORIGIN_CHAR or S(BegIdx) = '.') and BegIdx = EndIdx then
T := Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec;
elsif ContainsOnlyNumbers then
T := Rr_Type.Number;
elsif containsDecimalNumbers and containsPeriod and not containsLetters and not containsColon then
T := Rr_Type.Ipv4;
elsif containsHexNumbers and containsColon and not containsPeriod then
T := Rr_Type.Ipv6;
elsif containsOnlyLetters and isClass(s,begIdx,endIdx) then
T := rr_Type.Class;
elsif containsOnlyLetters and isRecord(s,begIdx,endIdx) then
T := rr_Type.RecordIndicator;
elsif containsLetters then
T := Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec;
elsif BegIdx = Length then --this means blank line, treated as a comment
T := rr_type.Comment;
else --error of some sort, e.g. invalid class or record type
T := Rr_Type.Other;
end if;
END FindNextToken;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram findNextToken
performed: no errors found.
--true if Char is s,m,h,d,w or uppercase equivalent
function IsMult(Char: in Character) return Boolean
C : Character;
retVal : boolean;
C := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(Char);
if C = 'S' or C = 'M' or C = 'H' or C = 'D' or C = 'W' then
RetVal := True;
RetVal := False;
end if;
return retVal;
end IsMult;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram IsMult performed: no
errors found.
procedure convert8BitUnsigned(value: out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned8;
ZoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
BegIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out boolean)
digitVal : natural;
tmpVal : natural;
tmpVal := 0;
value := 0;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and tmpVal <= unsigned_types.MAX_8BIT_VAL;
digitVal := Character'Pos(zoneFileLine(I)) - Character'Pos('0');
TmpVal := 10*TmpVal + DigitVal;
exit when tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_8BIT_VAL;
end loop;
--make sure it's not too big
if tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_8BIT_VAL then
success := false;
else --have a valid preference value
value := unsigned_types.Unsigned8(tmpVal);
end if;
end convert8BitUnsigned;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram convert8BitUnsigned
performed: no errors found.
procedure convert16BitUnsigned(value: out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned16;
ZoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
BegIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out boolean)
digitVal : natural;
tmpVal : natural;
tmpVal := 0;
value := 0;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and tmpVal <= unsigned_types.MAX_16BIT_VAL;
digitVal := Character'Pos(zoneFileLine(I)) - Character'Pos('0');
TmpVal := 10*TmpVal + digitVal;
exit when tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_16BIT_VAL;
end loop;
--make sure it's not too big
if tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_16BIT_VAL then
success := false;
else --have a valid 16-bit value
value := unsigned_types.Unsigned16(tmpVal);
end if;
end Convert16BitUnsigned;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram convert16BitUnsigned
performed: no errors found.
procedure convert32BitUnsigned(value: out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
ZoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
BegIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out boolean)
digitVal : long_long_integer;
tmpVal : long_long_integer;
tmpVal := 0;
value := 0;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and tmpVal >= 0 and tmpVal <= unsigned_types.MAX_32BIT_VAL;
digitVal := Character'Pos(zoneFileLine(I)) - Character'Pos('0');
TmpVal := 10*TmpVal + digitVal;
exit when tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_32BIT_VAL;
end loop;
--make sure it's not too big
if tmpVal > unsigned_types.MAX_32BIT_VAL then
success := false;
else --have a valid 32-bit value
value := unsigned_types.Unsigned32(tmpVal);
end if;
end convert32BitUnsigned;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram convert32BitUnsigned
performed: no errors found.
--converts the time specifier at s(begIdx..endIdx) into a time value in seconds, returned in RetVal.
--a time specifier is either a Num or one or more Blobs. A Num is a string of decimal digits.
--A Blob is a Num followed by a Mult. A Mult is one of {s,m,h,w,d} and their upper-case equivalents.
--Sets Success to false if the time specifier is invalid
procedure ConvertTimeSpec(S : in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType; begIdx: in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx: in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex; RetVal : out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32; Success: in out Boolean)
Tmp : Long_Long_Integer := 0;
Blob : Long_Long_Integer := 0;
CurrentChar : Character;
function MultValue(Char : in Character) return natural
--# pre isMult(Char);
--# return Value => Value >= 0 and Value <= 60*60*24*7;
C : Character;
retVal : natural;
C := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(Char);
case C is
when 'S' =>
RetVal := 1;
when 'M' =>
RetVal := SecondsInAMinute;
when 'H' =>
RetVal := SecondsInAMinute*MinutesInAnHour;
when 'D' =>
RetVal := (SecondsInAMinute*MinutesInAnHour)*HoursInADay;
when 'W' =>
RetVal := ((SecondsInAMinute*MinutesInAnHour)*HoursInADay)*DaysInAWeek;
when others =>
RetVal := 0; --will never happen if precondition is met
end case;
return RetVal;
end MultValue;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram MultValue performed:
no errors found.
for I in Integer range BegIdx..EndIdx loop
--#assert Blob >= 0 and Blob <= Rr_Type.SOA_Record_Type.MAX_TIME_VAL
--#and Tmp >= 0 and Tmp <= Rr_Type.SOA_Record_Type.MAX_TIME_VAL;
CurrentChar := s(I);
if CurrentChar >= '0' and CurrentChar <= '9' then
Blob := 10*Blob + (Character'Pos(CurrentChar)-Character'Pos('0'));
if Blob > Rr_Type.SOA_Record_Type.MAX_TIME_VAL then
Success := False;
end if;
elsif IsMult(CurrentChar) then
if (Blob = 0) then
Success := False;
Blob := Blob*long_long_integer(MultValue(CurrentChar));
Tmp := Tmp + Blob;
if Blob > Rr_Type.Soa_Record_Type.MAX_TIME_VAL or Tmp > Rr_Type.Soa_Record_Type.MAX_TIME_VAL then
Success := False;
end if;
Blob := 0;
end if;
Success := False;
end if;
exit when Success = False;
end loop;
if not Success then
Tmp := 0;
elsif Tmp = 0 then --handle case when time specifier is just a number (no mult)
Tmp := Blob;
end if;
retVal := unsigned_types.unsigned32(Tmp);
end ConvertTimeSpec;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ConvertTimeSpec
performed: no errors found.
procedure ConvertTimeString(TimeVal : out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
TimeString: in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringType;
Success : in out boolean)
Year : Natural := 0;
Month : Natural:= 0;
Day : Natural := 0;
Hour: Natural := 0;
Minute : Natural := 0;
Second : Natural := 0;
Num : Natural;
for I in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex loop
--help the prover show these values remain in type
--#assert year <= rr_type.rrsig_record_type.MAX_YEAR and month <= 12 and day <= 31
--# and hour <= 23 and minute <= 59 and second <= 59;
Num := Character'Pos(TimeString(I))- Character'Pos('0');
if (I <= 4) then
Year := 10*Year + Num;
elsif (I <= 6) then
Month := 10*Month + Num;
elsif (I <= 8) then
Day:= 10*Day + Num;
elsif (I <= 10) then
Hour := 10*Hour + Num;
elsif (I <= 12) then
Minute:= 10*Minute + Num;
elsif (I <= 14) then --flagged, but leave as is in case TimeStringTypeIndex ever changed
Second := 10*Second + Num;
end if;
exit when Year > Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.MAX_YEAR or Month > MonthsInAYear
or Day > MaxDaysInAMonth or Hour >= HoursInADay or Minute >= MinutesInAnHour
or Second >= SecondsInAMinute;
end loop;
if (Year > Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.MAX_YEAR or Month > MonthsInAYear
or Day > MaxDaysInAMonth or Hour >= HoursInADay or Minute >= MinutesInAnHour
or Second >= SecondsInAMinute) then
Success := False;
timeVal := 0;
timeVal := Non_Spark_Stuff.Time_Of(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second);
end if;
end ConvertTimeString;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ConvertTimeString
performed: no errors found.
procedure AddToKeyR(RRSIG_Rec : in out rr_type.RRSIG_Record_type.rrsigrecordtype;
s: in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType;
Length : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
AllDone : out boolean; --this is needed because line might terminate with ')'
success : in out boolean)
BegIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
returnedType : rr_type.rrItemType;
--find start of key fragment
BegIdx := 1;
while begIdx < length and then (s(begIdx) = BLANK or s(begIdx) = TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx < length;
begIdx := begIdx + 1;
end loop;
--find end of key fragment
EndIdx := BegIdx;
while EndIdx < length and then (s(EndIdx) /= BLANK and s(EndIdx) /= TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx and endIdx >= 1 and endIdx < length;
endIdx:= endIdx + 1;
end loop;
--check if key too long
if RRSIG_Rec.SignatureLength + ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1) > Rr_Type.RRSIG_Record_Type.MaxRRSigLength then
Success := False;
--add key fragment on to key field of record
for I in Integer range BegIdx..EndIdx loop
--# assert BegIdx = begIdx% and EndIdx = EndIdx% and I >= BegIdx and I <= EndIdx
--# and BegIdx >= 1
--# and RRSIG_Rec.SignatureLength + ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1) <= Rr_Type.RRSIG_Record_Type.MaxRRSigLength;
RRSIG_Rec.Signature(RRSIG_Rec.SignatureLength+((I-BegIdx)+1)) := S(I);
end loop;
--update signature length
RRSIG_Rec.SignatureLength := RRSIG_Rec.SignatureLength + ((endIdx-begIdx) + 1);
end if;
--SPARK caught runtime error if no ')', nice!
if EndIdx < Length then
--if line ends with right paren then all done
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
FindNextToken(s, Length, BegIdx, EndIdx, ReturnedType);
--if ')' found, record complete, can insert in table
--begIdx <= endIdx always true, makes flow errors go away
if ReturnedType = Rr_Type.RParen and BegIdx <= EndIdx then
AllDone := True;
AllDone := False; --makes flow error go away
end if;
else --nothing after the key fragment, need to keep going
AllDone := False;
end if;
end AddToKeyR;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram AddToKeyR performed:
no errors found.
procedure AddToKey(DNSKEY_Rec : in out rr_type.dnskey_record_type.DNSKeyRecordType;
s: in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType;
Length : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
success : in out boolean)
BegIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
--find start of key fragment
BegIdx := 1;
while begIdx < length and then (s(begIdx) = BLANK or s(begIdx) = TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx < length;
begIdx := begIdx + 1;
end loop;
--find end of key fragment
EndIdx := BegIdx;
while EndIdx < length and then (s(EndIdx) /= BLANK and s(EndIdx) /= TAB) loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx and endIdx >= 1 and endIdx < length;
endIdx:= endIdx + 1;
end loop;
--check if key too long
if DNSKEY_Rec.KeyLength + ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1) > Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type.MaxDNSKeyLength then
Success := False;
--add key fragment on to key field of record
for I in Integer range BegIdx..EndIdx loop
--# assert BegIdx = begIdx% and EndIdx = EndIdx% and I >= BegIdx and I <= EndIdx
--# and BegIdx >= 1
--# and DNSKEY_Rec.KeyLength + ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1) <= Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type.MaxDNSKeyLength;
DNSKEY_Rec.Key(DNSKEY_Rec.KeyLength+((I-BegIdx)+1)) := S(I);
end loop;
--update key length
DNSKEY_Rec.KeyLength := DNSKEY_Rec.KeyLength + ((EndIdx-BegIdx) + 1);
end if;
end AddToKey;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram AddToKey performed:
no errors found.
--convert ipv6 address at s(begIdx..endIdx) into 8 unsigned 16-bit integers
--expects eight valid 16-bit hex numbers separated by colons
--returns INVALID_IPV6_ADDR if conversion unsuccessful
function convertIpv6(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
begIdx: in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx: in rr_type.LineLengthIndex) RETURN rr_type.aaaa_record_type.IPV6AddrType
NUM_FIELDS: constant Natural := 8;
REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS : constant Natural := NUM_FIELDS-1;
FIELD_SEPARATOR : constant Character := ':';
subtype SeparatorIndexType is Integer range 1..REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS+1; --could go one higher if processing bad ip
type SeparatorIndexArrayType is array(SeparatorIndexType) of Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
MAX_DIGITS_IN_FIELD: constant Natural := 4;
IPV6_RADIX : constant unsigned_types.unsigned16 := 16;
SeparatorIndexArray : SeparatorIndexArrayType := SeparatorIndexArrayType'(others => 1);
Ctr : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
NumSeparators : Natural;
fieldTotal : unsigned_types.unsigned16;
numDigitsInField : Natural;
RetVal : Rr_Type.Aaaa_Record_Type.IPV6AddrType := Rr_Type.Aaaa_Record_Type.INVALID_IPV6_ADDR;
function SeparatorsOK(Line : in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType; SArray : in SeparatorIndexArrayType) return Boolean is
retVal : boolean := true;
--no need to check the last entry, that will have been detected elsewhere
for I in integer range SeparatorIndexType'First..SeparatorIndexType'last-1 loop
--# assert true;
if line(SArray(I)) /= FIELD_SEPARATOR or SArray(I) = SArray(I+1) - 1 then
RetVal := false;
end if;
end loop;
return retVal;
end SeparatorsOK;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram SeparatorsOK
performed: no errors found.
Ctr := BegIdx;
NumSeparators := 0;
FieldTotal := 0;
NumDigitsInField := 0;
while Ctr < EndIdx and then (NumSeparators <= REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and NumDigitsInField <= MAX_DIGITS_IN_FIELD) loop
--# assert ctr < endIdx and numSeparators <= REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and numDigitsInField <= MAX_DIGITS_IN_FIELD;
if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Decimal_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
fieldTotal := IPV6_RADIX*fieldTotal + (Character'Pos(S(Ctr))-Character'Pos('0'));
NumDigitsInField := NumDigitsInField +1;
elsif Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
FieldTotal := IPV6_RADIX*FieldTotal + (Character'Pos(Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(Ctr)))-Character'Pos('A'))+10;
NumDigitsInField := NumDigitsInField +1;
NumSeparators := NumSeparators+1;
SeparatorIndexArray(NumSeparators) := Ctr;
retVal(numSeparators) := fieldTotal;
fieldTotal := 0;
numDigitsInField := 0;
end if;
ctr := ctr + 1;
end loop;
--endIdx might be the maximum value possible, so must catch last character here
if Ctr = EndIdx and numSeparators <= REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Decimal_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
fieldTotal := IPV6_RADIX*fieldTotal + (Character'Pos(S(Ctr))-Character'Pos('0'));
NumDigitsInField := NumDigitsInField +1;
retVal(numSeparators+1) := fieldTotal;
elsif Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Hexadecimal_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
FieldTotal := IPV6_RADIX*FieldTotal + (Character'Pos(Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(S(Ctr)))-Character'Pos('A'))+10;
NumDigitsInField := NumDigitsInField +1;
retVal(numSeparators+1) := fieldTotal;
else --if last character is anything but an integer, force an error
NumSeparators := NUM_FIELDS;
end if;
end if;
if not (SeparatorsOK(s, SeparatorIndexArray) and numSeparators = REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and numDigitsInField <= MAX_DIGITS_IN_FIELD) then
RetVal := Rr_Type.Aaaa_Record_Type.INVALID_IPV6_ADDR;
end if;
return retVal;
end ConvertIpv6;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram convertIpv6
performed: no errors found.
--convert ipv4 address at s(begIdx..endIdx) into a 32-bit number
--returns 0 if conversion unsuccessful
function convertIpv4(s : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
begIdx: in rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx: in rr_type.LineLengthIndex) return unsigned_types.unsigned32
NUM_BYTES : constant Natural := 4;
REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS : constant Natural := NUM_BYTES-1;
BYTE_SEPARATOR : constant Character := '.';
subtype SeparatorIndexType is Integer range 1..REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS+1; --could go one higher if processing bad ip
type SeparatorIndexArrayType is array(SeparatorIndexType) of Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
MAX_BYTE_VALUE : CONSTANT unsigned_types.unsigned32 := 255;
MAX_DIGITS_PER_BYTE : constant Natural := 3;
IPV4_RADIX : constant unsigned_types.unsigned32:= 10;
SeparatorIndexArray : SeparatorIndexArrayType := SeparatorIndexArrayType'(others => 1);
Ctr : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
NumSeparators : Natural;
ByteTotal : unsigned_types.unsigned32;
numDigitsInByte : Natural;
GrandTotal : unsigned_types.unsigned32;
RetVal : Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
function SeparatorsOK(Line : in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType; SArray : in SeparatorIndexArrayType) return Boolean is
retVal : boolean ;
if Line(SArray(1)) = BYTE_SEPARATOR and Line(SArray(2)) = BYTE_SEPARATOR and Line(SArray(3)) = BYTE_SEPARATOR
and Sarray(1) /= Sarray(2)-1 and Sarray(2) /= Sarray(3)-1 then
retVal := true;
retVal := False;
end if;
return retVal;
end SeparatorsOK;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram SeparatorsOK
performed: no errors found.
Ctr := BegIdx;
NumSeparators := 0;
ByteTotal := 0;
numDigitsInByte := 0;
GrandTotal := 0;
while Ctr < endIdx and then (NumSeparators <= REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and ByteTotal <= MAX_BYTE_VALUE
and numDigitsInByte <= MAX_DIGITS_PER_BYTE) loop
--# assert ctr < endIdx and numSeparators <= REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and numDigitsInByte <= MAX_DIGITS_PER_BYTE;
if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
ByteTotal := IPV4_RADIX*ByteTotal + (Character'Pos(S(Ctr))-Character'Pos('0'));
numDigitsinbyte := numDigitsInByte+1;
NumSeparators := NumSeparators+1;
SeparatorIndexArray(NumSeparators) := Ctr;
grandTotal := (MAX_BYTE_VALUE+1)*grandTotal + byteTotal;
ByteTotal := 0;
numDigitsInByte := 0;
end if;
ctr := ctr+1;
end loop;
--endIdx might be the maximum value possible, so must catch last character here
if Ctr = EndIdx then
if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Digit(S(Ctr)) then
ByteTotal := 10*ByteTotal + (Character'Pos(S(Ctr))-Character'Pos('0'));
NumDigitsinbyte := NumDigitsInByte+1;
grandTotal := (MAX_BYTE_VALUE+1)*grandTotal + byteTotal;
else --if last character is anything but an integer, force an error
NumSeparators := NUM_BYTES;
end if;
end if;
if SeparatorsOK(s, separatorIndexArray) and NumSeparators = REQ_NUM_SEPARATORS and NumDigitsInByte <= MAX_DIGITS_PER_BYTE
and ByteTotal <= MAX_BYTE_VALUE then
RetVal := grandTotal;
RetVal := rr_type.a_record_type.INVALID_IPV4_ADDR;
end if;
return retVal;
end ConvertIpv4;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram convertIpv4
performed: no errors found.
END Parser_Utilities;
--End of file--------------------------------------------------