
297 lines
18 KiB

Listing of SPARK Text
Examiner GPL Edition
-- By: Martin C. Carlisle and Barry S. Fagin
-- Department of Computer Science
-- United States Air Force Academy
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify without restriction. We do ask that you please keep
-- the original author information, and clearly indicate if the
-- software has been modified.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
WITH Dns_Types, Dns_Table_Pkg, Parser_Utilities, Process_First_Line_Of_Record, Zone_File_Parser,
error_msgs, unsigned_types, rr_type;
with Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type, Rr_type.rrsig_record_type, Rr_Type.Soa_Record_Type;
WITH Spark.Ada.Text_IO;
use type Rr_Type.RrItemType;
use type dns_types.Query_Type;
USE TYPE Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Exception_T;
use type unsigned_types.unsigned32;
--just in case debugging needed
--WITH Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body Zone_File_Io is
procedure processZoneFile(zoneFile : in out Spark.Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
success : out boolean)
currentLine : rr_type.LineFromFileType := rr_type.LineFromFileType'(others => ' ');
LastPos : Natural := 0;
LineTooLong : Boolean;
KeyTooLong : Boolean := false;
BlankLine : Boolean;
CommentLine : Boolean := False; --true if line is a comment
ControlLine : Boolean := False; --true if line is a control statement (e.g. $TTL)
HaveSOARecord : Boolean := false; --set to true if first record is SOA
Parseable : Boolean;
AllDone : Boolean;
returnedType : rr_type.rrItemType := rr_type.Other;
RecordSuccessfullyInserted : Boolean := True;
LineCount : Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32 := 0; --will wrap around if file has 2^32 lines :-)
RRCtr : Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32 := 0; --counts resource recs, see above
LastException : Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Exception_T;
InMultilineRecord : Boolean := False;
lineInRecordCtr : Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32 := 0; --first line of multiline record is 0
BegIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
currentOrigin : rr_type.DomainNameStringType := rr_type.blankDomainName;
currentOwner : rr_type.DomainNameStringType := rr_type.blankDomainName;
currentTTL : unsigned_types.Unsigned32 := 0;
CurrentClass : Rr_Type.ClassType := Rr_Type.INTERNET;
CurrentRecordType : Dns_Types.Query_Type := Dns_Types.A;
--SOA record fields
CurrentNameServer : Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType := Rr_Type.BlankDomainName;
--if we need a DNSKEY record
DNSKEY_Rec : Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type.DNSKeyRecordType;
--if we need an RRSIG record
RRSIG_Rec : Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.RRSIGRecordType;
--(these initial values never used, but make flow errors go away)
CurrentEmail : Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType := rr_type.BlankDomainName;
currentSerialNumber : unsigned_types.unsigned32 := 0;
CurrentRefresh : unsigned_types.unsigned32 := 0;
CurrentRetry : unsigned_types.unsigned32 := 0;
CurrentExpiry : unsigned_types.unsigned32 := 0;
CurrentMinimum : Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32 := 0;
--make bogus flow errors go away
DNSKEY_Rec := Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type.BlankDNSKeyRecord;
RRSIG_Rec := Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.BlankRRSIGRecord;
success := true;
lastException := Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Get_Last_Exception_File(zoneFile);
--grab first line if file opened OK
if (lastException = Spark.Ada.Text_IO.No_Exception) then
Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Procedure_Get_Line_File(File => zoneFile,
Item => CurrentLine, Arg_Last => LastPos);
LineCount := LineCount+1;
lastException := Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Get_Last_Exception_File(zoneFile);
end if;
WHILE (LastException = Spark.Ada.Text_IO.No_Exception) AND Success LOOP
--# assert true;
blankLine := (lastPos = 0);
LineTooLong := LastPos >= Rr_Type.MaxLineLength;
if lineTooLong then
error_msgs.printLineLengthErrorInfo(currentLine, lastPos, lineCount);
success := false;
elsif not blankLine then
Parser_Utilities.FindFirstToken(CurrentLine, LastPos, ReturnedType);
CommentLine := (ReturnedType = Rr_Type.Comment);
ControlLine := (ReturnedType = Rr_Type.Control);
end if;
parseable := (not blankLine) and (not lineTooLong) and (not CommentLine);
IF Parseable THEN
if not inMultilineRecord then --multiline records treated differently
--for monoline records, build record from line and insert in appropriate table
if ControlLine then
--control statements are monoline, but different from DNS records
Zone_File_Parser.ParseControlLine(currentOrigin, currentTTL, currentLine,
LastPos, Success);
--if not a control line, grab the owner, TTL, class and record type
RRCtr := RRCtr + 1;
zone_file_parser.parseOwnerTTLClassAndRecordType(currentOwner, currentTTL,
CurrentClass, CurrentRecordType, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
IF Success THEN
if CurrentTTL = 0 then
error_msgs.printZeroTTLWarning(currentLine, lastPos, lineCount);
end if;
--if domain name does not end in '.', append value of $ORIGIN
parser_utilities.checkAndAppendOrigin(currentOwner, currentOrigin, currentLine, lastPos,
LineCount, Success);
--owners for A, AAAA, DNSKEY or MX records must be valid host names, check those more carefully
if CurrentRecordType = Dns_Types.A or CurrentRecordType = Dns_Types.AAAA
or CurrentRecordType = Dns_Types.DNSKEY or CurrentRecordType = Dns_Types.MX then
parser_utilities.CheckValidHostName(CurrentOwner, Success);
end if;
if Success then
--handle the record and (if not multiline) put it in the DNS table
process_first_line_of_record.ProcessFirstLineOfRecord (CurrentRecordType, CurrentOrigin, CurrentOwner,
CurrentTTL, CurrentClass, CurrentLine, LastPos, LineCount,
InMultilineRecord, lineInRecordCtr, currentNameServer,
CurrentEmail, DNSKEY_Rec, RRSIG_Rec, RecordSuccessfullyInserted,
end if;
end if; --successful parse of owner/ttl/class/recordType
end if; --control line or other monoline record
else --inside a multiline record
case CurrentRecordType is
when dns_types.SOA =>
--parsing the numeric fields of an SOA record ( after the '(' )
--must be one per line
lineInRecordCtr := lineInRecordCtr + 1;
case lineInRecordCtr is
when 1 =>
Zone_File_Parser.ParseSerialNumber(CurrentSerialNumber, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
when 2 =>
Zone_File_Parser.ParseTimeSpec(CurrentRefresh, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
when 3 =>
Zone_File_Parser.ParseTimeSpec(CurrentRetry, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
when 4 =>
Zone_File_Parser.ParseTimeSpec(CurrentExpiry, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
when 5 =>
Zone_File_Parser.ParseTimeSpec(CurrentMinimum, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
--check if the token after the time specifier is a right paren
begIdx := 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(CurrentLine, LastPos, BegIdx, EndIdx, ReturnedType);
--begIdx <= endIdx always true, makes flow errors go away
if (ReturnedType = rr_type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec and begIdx <= endIdx and endIdx < LastPos) then
BegIdx := EndIdx+1;
end if;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(CurrentLine, LastPos, BegIdx, EndIdx, ReturnedType);
--begIdx <= endIdx always true, makes flow errors go away
if ReturnedType = Rr_Type.RParen and begIdx <= endIdx then
InMultilineRecord := False;
TtlInSeconds=>CurrentTTL, Class => CurrentClass,
NameServer => rr_type.ConvertDomainNameToWire(CurrentNameServer),
Email => Rr_Type.ConvertDomainNameToWire(CurrentEmail),
SerialNumber => CurrentSerialNumber, Refresh => CurrentRefresh,
Retry => CurrentRetry, Expiry => CurrentExpiry, Minimum => CurrentMinimum),
HaveSOARecord := HaveSOARecord or (RecordSuccessfullyInserted and RRCtr = 1);
end if;
when others =>
if ReturnedType = Rr_Type.RParen then
InMultilineRecord := False;
TtlInSeconds=>CurrentTTL, Class => CurrentClass,
NameServer => rr_type.ConvertDomainNameToWire(CurrentNameServer),
Email => Rr_Type.ConvertDomainNameToWire(CurrentEmail),
SerialNumber => CurrentSerialNumber, Refresh => CurrentRefresh,
Retry => CurrentRetry, Expiry => CurrentExpiry, Minimum => CurrentMinimum),
HaveSOARecord := HaveSOARecord or (RecordSuccessfullyInserted and RRCtr = 1);
Success := False;
end if;
end case; --lineInRecordCtr value
when Dns_Types.DNSKEY =>
--parsing the lines of a DNSKEY record ( after the '(' )
--each line is a piece of the key, except for the last
LineInRecordCtr := LineInRecordCtr + 1;
--check if line begins with ')'
begIdx := 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(CurrentLine, LastPos, BegIdx, EndIdx, ReturnedType);
--if ')' found, record complete, can insert in table
--begIdx <= endIdx always true, makes flow errors go away
if ReturnedType = Rr_Type.RParen and begIdx <= endIdx then
InMultilineRecord := False;
DNSKEY_Rec.TtlInSeconds := CurrentTTL;
DNSKEY_Rec.Class := CurrentClass;
--flags, protocol, algorithm already set when first line processed,
--key and keyLength set when remaining lines processed, so we're done
DNSKEY_Rec, RecordSuccessfullyInserted);
else --otherwise we're still in the middle of a DNSKEY record, parsing the key
Parser_Utilities.AddToKey(DNSKEY_Rec, CurrentLine, LastPos, Success);
if not Success then
KeyTooLong := True;
end if;
end if;
when Dns_Types.RRSIG =>
--parsing the lines of an RRSIG record after the first one
--2nd line has record fields, the rest of the lines are the key
--terminated by a right paren
LineInRecordCtr := LineInRecordCtr + 1;
case LineInRecordCtr is
when 1 =>
zone_file_parser.ParseRRSig2ndLine(RRSig_Rec, currentLine, LastPos,
when others =>
Parser_Utilities.AddToKeyR(RRSig_Rec, CurrentLine, LastPos, AllDone,
if not Success then
KeyTooLong := True;
elsif AllDone then
RRSIG_Rec, RecordSuccessfullyInserted);
InMultilineRecord := False;
end if;
end case;
when others => --other multiline record types can go here
end case; --multiline record types
end if; --parsing a multiline record
null; --non-parseable line, blank lines/comments ignored
--check for various error conditions
Success := Success AND RecordSuccessfullyInserted;
if not RecordSuccessfullyInserted then
Error_Msgs.PrintDNSTableFullInfo(CurrentLine, LineCount);
elsif KeyTooLong then
error_msgs.printKeyLengthErrorInfo(currentLine, lastPos, lineCount);
elsIF NOT Success and not lineTooLong THEN
Error_Msgs.PrintParseErrorInfo(CurrentLine, LastPos, LineCount);
elsif NOT HaveSOARecord and RRCtr > 1 then
Success := False;
elsif not LineTooLong then
--looks like we're good, get the next line and repeat
Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Procedure_Get_Line_File(File => zoneFile,
Item => CurrentLine, Arg_Last => LastPos);
--having old characters reset to blank helps with error reporting
if LastPos >= 1 and LastPos < rr_type.MaxLineLength then
for I in integer range LastPos+1..rr_type.MaxLineLength loop
--#assert I >= 1;
CurrentLine(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
lineCount := lineCount + 1;
LastException := Spark.Ada.Text_IO.Get_Last_Exception_File(ZoneFile);
end loop; --file reading loop
--Only possible undetected errors at this point are file errors
Success := Success and (LastException = Spark.Ada.Text_IO.End_Error);
end processZoneFile;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram processzoneFile
performed: no errors found.
end zone_file_io;
--End of file--------------------------------------------------