
978 lines
49 KiB

Listing of SPARK Text
Examiner GPL Edition
-- By: Martin C. Carlisle and Barry S. Fagin
-- Department of Computer Science
-- United States Air Force Academy
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify without restriction. We do ask that you please keep
-- the original author information, and clearly indicate if the
-- software has been modified.
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
WITH Ada.Characters.Handling, Error_Msgs, Parser_Utilities, Rr_Type.Aaaa_Record_Type,
Rr_Type.Mx_Record_Type, Rr_Type.Soa_Record_Type,
dns_types, unsigned_types, Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
--With Ada.Text_IO, ada.Integer_Text_IO;
USE TYPE Rr_Type.RrItemType, Rr_Type.Aaaa_Record_Type.IPV6AddrType,
Dns_Types.Query_Type, Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32, Unsigned_Types.Unsigned16,
package body zone_file_parser is
procedure ParseDNSKeyHeader(DNSKEY_Rec : out rr_type.dnskey_record_type.DNSKeyRecordType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out Boolean)
CORRECT_PROTOCOL_VALUE : constant unsigned_types.Unsigned8 := 3;
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
--SPARK requires all fields of OUT parameter records be assigned
DNSKEY_Rec := Rr_Type.Dnskey_Record_Type.BlankDNSKeyRecord;
--find the record type indicator, which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType /= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--parse FLAG field (unsigned 16-bit #)
if (endIdx = zLength) then
success := false;
BegIdx := EndIdx + 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
if foundType /= rr_type.Number then
success := false;
ELSE --convert token to 16-bit number
parser_utilities.convert16BitUnsigned(DNSKEY_Rec.flags, zoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx, success);
end if;
end if;
--parse PROTOCOL field (unsigned 8-bit #, must be 3)
if Success then
if (endIdx = zLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
if foundType /= rr_type.Number then
success := false;
ELSE --convert token to unsigned 8-bit number
parser_utilities.convert8BitUnsigned(DNSKEY_Rec.protocol, zoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx, success);
end if;
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
end if;
--parse ALGORITHM field (unsigned 8-bit #)
if Success then
if (endIdx = zLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
if foundType /= rr_type.Number then
success := false;
ELSE --convert token to unsigned 8-bit number
parser_utilities.convert8BitUnsigned(DNSKEY_Rec.algorithm, zoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx, success);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end ParseDNSKeyHeader;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ParseDNSKeyHeader
performed: no errors found.
procedure ParseRRSig2ndLine(RRSIG_Rec: out rr_type.rrsig_record_type.RRSIGRecordType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out Boolean)
BegIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
LengthOfToken : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
FoundType : Rr_Type.RrItemType;
TimeString : Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringType :=
Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringType'(others => ' ');
RRSIG_Rec := Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.BlankRRSIGRecord;
--parse SIG_INCEPTION field (YYYYMMDDHHmmSS or unsigned 32-bit #)
begIdx := 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
Success := Success and (foundType = rr_type.Number); --fail if not a number
if Success then --next token is a number
--convert token to unsigned 32-bit number
--If it's not of length timeStringLength, can't be YYYYMMDDHHmmSS
if ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1 /= rr_type.rrsig_record_type.timeStringLength) then
Parser_Utilities.Convert32BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.OrigTTL, ZoneFileLine,
BegIdx, EndIdx, Success);
else --convert YYYYMMDDHHmmSS to #secs since 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC
for I in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex loop
--# assert begIdx = begIdx% and endIdx = endIdx% and zLength = zlength%
--# and endIdx <= zLength
--# and endIdx-begIdx = rr_type.rrsig_record_type.timeStringLength-1
--# and I <= Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex'Last;
TimeString(I) := ZoneFileLine(BegIdx+(I-1));
end loop;
--establish and prove the precondition for convertTimeString (all numbers)
for I in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex loop
--# assert for all J in Integer range 1..I-1 => (TimeString(J) >= '0' and TimeString(J) <= '9');
if (TimeString(I) < '0' or TimeString(I) > '9') then
Success := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Success then
parser_utilities.convertTimeString(RRSIG_Rec.SigInception, TimeString, Success);
end if;
end if; --timeString or simple number
end if; --successful so far
Success := Success and (EndIdx < ZLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
Success := (FoundType = Rr_Type.Number);
if Success then
Parser_Utilities.Convert16BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.KeyTag, ZoneFileLine, BegIdx,
EndIdx, Success);
end if;
end if;
Success := Success and (EndIdx < ZLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
Success := (FoundType = Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec);
if Success then
--SPARK caught these parens in the wrong place, nice!
LengthofToken := (EndIdx-BegIdx)+1;
if LengthOfToken > Rr_Type.MaxDomainNameLength then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
RRSIG_Rec.signerName((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.maxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
RRSIG_Rec.signerName(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
--to do
end ParseRRSig2ndLine;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ParseRRSig2ndLine
performed: no errors found.
--this is only called from ParseRRSigHeader, created because otherwise ParseRRSigHeader
--is too complex for Examiner
procedure ParseTypeCoveredAlgorithmNumLabels(RRSIG_Rec : in out Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.RRSIGRecordType;
ZoneFileLine : in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
EndIdx : in out Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out Boolean)
--# derives RRSIG_Rec from RRSIG_Rec, zoneFileLine, zLength, endIDx, success
--# & endIdx, success from zoneFileLine, zLength, endIdx, success;
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
FoundType : Rr_Type.RrItemType;
Success := Success and (EndIdx < ZLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
Success := (FoundType = Rr_Type.RecordIndicator);
if Success then
RRSIG_Rec.TypeCovered := Parser_Utilities.GetRecordType(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
end if;
end if;
Success := Success and (EndIdx < ZLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
Success := (FoundType = Rr_Type.Number);
if Success then
Parser_Utilities.Convert8BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.Algorithm, ZoneFileLine, BegIdx,
EndIdx, Success);
end if;
end if;
Success := Success and (EndIdx <ZLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
Success := (FoundType = Rr_Type.Number);
if Success then
Parser_Utilities.Convert8BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.NumLabels, ZoneFileLine, BegIdx,
EndIdx, Success);
end if;
end if;
end ParseTypeCoveredAlgorithmNumLabels;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram
ParseTypeCoveredAlgorithmNumLabels performed: no errors found.
procedure ParseRRSigHeader(RRSIG_Rec: out rr_type.rrsig_record_type.RRSIGRecordType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
Success : in out Boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
FoundType : Rr_Type.RrItemType;
TimeString : Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringType :=
Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringType'(others => ' ');
RRSIG_Rec := Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.BlankRRSIGRecord;
--find the record type indicator (RRSIG), which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType /= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
ParseTypeCoveredAlgorithmNumLabels(RRSIG_Rec, ZoneFileLine, ZLength, EndIdx, Success);
--parse ORIG_TTL field (time spec)
Success := Success and (endIdx < zLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
if FoundType = Rr_Type.Number then
Parser_Utilities.Convert32BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.OrigTTL, ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx,
elsif FoundType = rr_type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec then
Parser_Utilities.ConvertTimeSpec(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx, RRSIG_Rec.OrigTTL,
Success := false;
end if;
end if;
--parse SIG_EXPIRATION field (YYYYMMDDHHmmSS or unsigned 32-bit #)
Success := Success and (endIdx < zLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
Success := (foundType = rr_type.Number); --fail if not a number
end if;
if Success then --next token is a number
--convert token to unsigned 32-bit number
--If it's not of length timeStringLength, can't be YYYYMMDDHHmmSS
if ((EndIdx-BegIdx)+1 /= rr_type.rrsig_record_type.timeStringLength) then
Parser_Utilities.Convert32BitUnsigned(RRSIG_Rec.OrigTTL, ZoneFileLine,
BegIdx, EndIdx, Success);
else --convert YYYYMMDDHHmmSS to #secs since 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC
for I in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex loop
--# assert begIdx = begIdx% and endIdx = endIdx% and zLength = zlength%
--# and endIdx <= zLength
--# and endIdx-begIdx = rr_type.rrsig_record_type.timeStringLength-1
--# and I <= Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex'Last;
TimeString(I) := ZoneFileLine(BegIdx+(I-1));
end loop;
--establish and prove the precondition for convertTimeString (all numbers)
for I in Rr_Type.Rrsig_Record_Type.TimeStringTypeIndex loop
--# assert for all J in Integer range 1..I-1 => (TimeString(J) >= '0' and TimeString(J) <= '9');
if (TimeString(I) < '0' or TimeString(I) > '9') then
Success := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Success then
parser_utilities.convertTimeString(RRSIG_Rec.SigExpiration, TimeString, Success);
end if;
end if; --timeString or simple number
end if; --successful so far
--parse left paren
Success := Success and (endIdx < zLength); --fail if at EOL
if Success then
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--make bogus flow errors go away
if (FoundType /= Rr_Type.LParen) and (begIdx = begIdx) and (endIdx = endIdx) then
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
end ParseRRSigHeader;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ParseRRSigHeader
performed: no errors found.
--precondition is that zoneFileLine contains a record indicator, but can't
--express that in SPARK
procedure parseDomainName(newDomainName : out rr_type.DomainNameStringType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
lengthOfToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
newDomainName := rr_type.blankDomainName;
--find the record type indicator, which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType/= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--check to make sure something is after the record type, find its position if so
if (endIdx >= zLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--don't bother checking if FoundType is a domainName, just take whatever is there
LengthOfToken := (EndIdx-BegIdx)+1;
--superfluous test makes flow error go away
if (lengthOfToken > rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength and FoundType = FoundType) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
NewDomainName((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.maxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
newDomainName(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end if;
END ParseDomainName;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram parseDomainName
performed: no errors found.
--just like ParseDomainName, but also grabs character string after it
procedure ParseDomainNameAndRRString(
NewDomainName : out Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType;
RRString : out Rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
lengthOfToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
RRString := rr_type.BlankLine;
newDomainName := rr_type.blankDomainName;
--find the record type indicator, which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType/= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--check to make sure something is after the record type, find its position if so
if (endIdx >= zLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--don't bother checking if FoundType is a domainName, just take whatever is there
LengthOfToken := (EndIdx-BegIdx)+1;
--superfluous test makes flow error go away
if (lengthOfToken > rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength and FoundType = FoundType) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
NewDomainName((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
newDomainName(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
--this is the extra code
if (endIdx >= zLength) then
success := false;
BegIdx := EndIdx+1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--rrstring is everything after the domain name to the end of the line
EndIdx := (EndIdx - EndIdx) + ZLength; --make flow error go away
LengthOfToken := (EndIdx-BegIdx)+1;
--superfluous test makes flow error go away
--for now, rrstring length max is same as domain name length max
if (lengthOfToken > rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength and FoundType = FoundType) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintRRStringLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have an rrstring, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
RRString((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range ((endIdx+2)-begIdx)..rr_type.lineLengthIndex'Last loop
-- Remind prover of postcondition from FindNextToken
--# assert endIdx >= begIdx;
RRString(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
END ParseDomainNameAndRRString;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram
ParseDomainNameAndRRString performed: no errors found.
procedure ParseTimeSpec(newTimeSpec : out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
zoneFileLine : in Rr_Type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out Boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
newTimeSpec := 0;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--next token must be a time specifier or number, otherwise error
if (foundType /= rr_type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec and foundType /= rr_type.Number) then
success := false;
parser_utilities.ConvertTimeSpec(zoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx, newTimeSpec, success);
end if; --number found?
end ParseTimeSpec;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ParseTimeSpec
performed: no errors found.
procedure ParseControlLine(newOrigin : in out rr_type.DomainNameStringType;
NewTTL : in out Unsigned_Types.Unsigned32;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex; Success : in out Boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
EndIdx : Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
FoundType : Rr_Type.RrItemType;
TmpLine : rr_type.LineFromFileType := rr_type.LineFromFileType'(others => ' ');
--find the control command, which must be present since this routine was called
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
if FoundType = Rr_Type.Control then --should always be true
--only $TTL and $ORIGIN currently recogznied
--phrasing conditions this way helps the prover
if BegIdx <= EndIdx-6 then --$ORIGIN?
if ZoneFileline(BegIdx+1) = 'O' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+2) = 'R' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+3) = 'I' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+4) = 'G' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+5) = 'I' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+6) = 'N' then
if begIdx < Zlength and endIdx < Zlength then
Begidx := EndIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
end if;
if FoundType /= Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec then
Success := False;
elsif ZoneFileLine(EndIdx) /= '.' then
Success := False; --argument to $ORIGIN must end with '.'
--create a line with a dummy record indicator and the domain name
--so it can be parsed with ParseDomainName
for I in Integer range BegIdx..EndIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx;
tmpLine(I) := zoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
--we know the domain name can't start before pos 6,
--so this will work
TmpLine(1) := 'A';
ParseDomainName(NewOrigin, TmpLine, Rr_Type.MaxLineLength, Success);
end if;
Success := False;
end if; --control token of length 6
elsif BegIdx <= EndIdx-3 then --$TTL?
if ZoneFileline(BegIdx+1) = 'T' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+2) = 'T' and
ZoneFileline(BegIdx+3) = 'L' then
if begIdx < Zlength and endIdx < Zlength then
Begidx := EndIdx + 1;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
end if;
if FoundType /= Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec and FoundType /= Rr_Type.Number then
Success := False;
--create a line with only the time spec on it so it can be parsed
--with ParseTimeSpec
for I in Integer range BegIdx..EndIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx;
tmpLine(I) := zoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
ParseTimeSpec(NewTTL, TmpLine, Rr_Type.MaxLineLength, Success);
end if;
Success := False;
end if; --control token of length 3
end if; --$TTL or $ORIGIN
Success := False;
end if; --whether or not control token found
end ParseControlLine;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram ParseControlLine
performed: no errors found.
procedure parseSerialNumber(newSerialNumber : out unsigned_types.Unsigned32;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
ZLength : in Rr_Type.LineLengthIndex;
success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
digitVal : unsigned_types.unsigned32;
TmpVal : long_long_integer;
newSerialNumber := 0;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--next token must be a number, otherwise error
if (foundType /= rr_type.Number) then
success := false;
tmpVal := 0;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and tmpVal >= 0 and tmpVal <= rr_type.SOA_record_type.MAX_SERIAL_VAL;
digitVal := Character'Pos(zoneFileLine(I)) - Character'Pos('0');
TmpVal := 10*TmpVal + long_long_integer(digitVal);
--bail out early if serial# is too large
exit when tmpVal > rr_type.SOA_record_type.MAX_SERIAL_VAL;
end loop;
--make sure it's not too big
if tmpVal > rr_type.SOA_record_type.MAX_SERIAL_VAL then
success := false;
else --have a valid serial number
newSerialNumber := unsigned_types.unsigned32(tmpVal);
end if; --too large pref?
end if; --number found?
end ParseSerialNumber;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram parseSerialNumber
performed: no errors found.
--precondition is that zoneFileLine contains a record indicator
--Data item after "MX" record indicator should be a valid 16-bit integer
procedure parsePrefandDomainName(newPref : out unsigned_types.Unsigned16;
newDomainName : out rr_type.DomainNameStringType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
digitVal : unsigned_types.unsigned16;
TmpVal : unsigned_types.unsigned16;
lengthofToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
newPref := 0;
newDomainName := rr_type.blankDomainName;
--find the record type indicator, which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType/= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--check to make sure something is after the record type, find its position if so
if (endIdx = zLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx + 1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(zoneFileLine, zLength, begIdx, endIdx, foundType);
if foundType /= rr_type.Number then
success := false;
ELSE --convert token to number
tmpVal := 0;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and tmpVal <= rr_type.mx_record_type.MAX_PREF_VAL;
digitVal := Character'Pos(zoneFileLine(I)) - Character'Pos('0');
TmpVal := 10*TmpVal + digitVal;
exit when tmpVal > rr_type.mx_record_type.MAX_PREF_VAL;
end loop;
--make sure it's not too big
if tmpVal > rr_type.mx_record_type.MAX_PREF_VAL then
success := false;
else --have a valid preference value
newPref := tmpVal;
--next token must be a domain name
if (endIdx >= zLength) then -- use of ">=" helps the prover
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
lengthOfToken := (endIdx-begIdx)+1;
if foundType /= rr_type.DomainNameorTimeSpec then
success := false;
elsif (lengthOfToken > rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
NewDomainName((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.maxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
newDomainName(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if; --valid domain name?
end if; --end of string reached after preference value?
end if; --too large pref?
end if; --number found?
end if; --end of string reached after record indicator?
end parsePrefAndDomainName;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram
parsePrefAndDomainName performed: no errors found.
procedure parseIpv4(newIpv4 : out unsigned_types.Unsigned32;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
TmpVal : unsigned_types.unsigned32;
newIpv4 := 0;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--loop until you find an ipV4
WHILE FoundType /= rr_type.Ipv4 and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begidx)+endIdx)+1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
if FoundType /= rr_type.Ipv4 and EndIdx >= ZLength then -- ">=" helps the prover
success := false;
TmpVal := parser_utilities.ConvertIpv4(ZoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx);
if TmpVal = 0 then
Success := False;
newIpv4 := tmpVal;
end if;
end if;
end parseIpv4;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram parseIpv4 performed:
no errors found.
procedure parseIpv6(newIpv6 : out rr_type.aaaa_record_type.IPV6AddrType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
newIpv6 := rr_type.aaaa_record_type.INVALID_IPV6_ADDR;
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
--loop until you find an ipV6
WHILE FoundType /= rr_type.Ipv6 and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begidx)+endIdx)+1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
if FoundType /= rr_type.Ipv6 and EndIdx >= ZLength then -- ">=" helps the prover
success := false;
newIpv6 := parser_utilities.ConvertIpv6(ZoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx);
if newIpv6 = rr_type.aaaa_record_type.INVALID_IPV6_ADDR then
success := false;
end if;
end if;
end ParseIpv6;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram parseIpv6 performed:
no errors found.
--precondition is that zoneFileLine contains a record indicator, but can't
--express that in SPARK
--Basically like parseDomainName done twice
procedure ParseNameServerAndEmail(newNameServer : out Rr_Type.DomainNameStringType;
newEmail : out rr_type.DomainNameStringType;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean)
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
foundType : rr_type.rrItemType;
lengthOfToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
NewNameServer := Rr_Type.BlankDomainName;
newEmail := rr_type.blankDomainName;
--find the record type indicator, which must be present since this routine was called
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--second condition always true if precondition of routine is met, but it helps the prover
WHILE FoundType/= rr_type.RecordIndicator and endIdx < zlength LOOP
--# assert endIdx < zlength;
begIdx := ((begIdx-begIdx)+endIdx)+1; --makes flow error go away
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, foundType);
--check to make sure something is after the record type, find its position if so
if (EndIdx >= ZLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
lengthOfToken := (endIdx-begIdx)+1;
if foundType /= rr_type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec then
Success := False;
elsif (LengthOfToken > Rr_Type.MaxDomainNameLength) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
newNameServer((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.maxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
newNameServer(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end if;
--do it all again to get the email
--check to make sure something is after the name server, find its position if so
if (EndIdx >= ZLength) then
success := false;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
parser_utilities.findNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, FoundType);
lengthOfToken := (endIdx-begIdx)+1;
if FoundType /= Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec then
success := false;
elsif (lengthOfToken > rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength) then
success := false;
Error_Msgs.PrintDomainLengthErrorInfo(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
--have a domain name, but must still pad it
for I in Integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and endIdx-begIdx+1 <= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength
--# and endIdx = endIdx%;
newEmail((I+1)-begIdx) := ZoneFileLine(I);
end loop;
for I in Integer range endIdx+1..rr_type.maxDomainNameLength loop
-- Remind prover that endIdx is in type
--# assert endIdx >= 1;
newEmail(I) := ' ';
end loop;
end if;
end if;
END ParseNameServerAndEmail;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram
ParseNameServerAndEmail performed: no errors found.
--domain name, TTL and class on a line are all optional, if blank default to last known values
--succeeds if a record type is found
procedure ParseOwnerTTLClassAndRecordType(
newOwner : in out rr_type.DomainNameStringType;
newTTL : in out unsigned_types.Unsigned32;
newClass : in out rr_type.classType;
newType : in out dns_types.Query_Type;
zoneFileLine : in rr_type.LineFromFileType;
zLength : in rr_type.LineLengthIndex; success : in out boolean) is
begIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex := 1;
endIdx : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
Token : Rr_Type.LineFromFileType := Rr_Type.LineFromFileType'(others => ' ');
lengthOfToken : rr_type.LineLengthIndex;
TokenType : Rr_Type.RrItemType;
recordTypeFound : boolean := false;
firstChar : Character;
LastChar : Character;
--if 1st char isn't blank, then first token is a domainName regardless of
--returned value of TokenType
if (zoneFileLine(1) /= ' ') and (zoneFileLine(1) /= Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT) then
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, TokenType);
lengthOfToken := ((endIdx-begIdx)+1);
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx;
token((i+1)-begIdx) := zoneFileLine(i);
end loop;
if (lengthOfToken >= rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength) then
success := false;
error_msgs.printDomainLengthErrorInfo(zoneFileLine, begIdx, endIdx);
newOwner := rr_type.BlankDomainName; --in case previous owner longer than new one
for I in Integer range 1..LengthOfToken loop
--# assert lengthOfToken = lengthOfToken%
--# and lengthOfToken < rr_type.MaxDomainNameLength;
newOwner(I) := token(I);
end loop;
end if;
--line must contain a record type or the parse fails
--use of ">=" helps the prover
if (endIdx >= zlength or tokenType = rr_type.Comment) then
Success := False;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
end if;
end if;
--now keep going until you find a record type, which will be present in
--every valid record in the file
WHILE (NOT RecordTypeFound) AND Success LOOP
Parser_Utilities.FindNextToken(ZoneFileLine, ZLength, BegIdx, EndIdx, TokenType);
--postcondition from findNextToken()
--# assert begIdx <= endIdx;
for i in integer range begIdx..endIdx loop
--# assert begIdx >= 1 and begIdx <= endIdx;
token((i+1)-begIdx) := zoneFileLine(i);
end loop;
case TokenType is
when Rr_Type.Number | Rr_Type.DomainNameOrTimeSpec =>
Parser_Utilities.ConvertTimeSpec(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx, NewTTL, Success);
when Rr_Type.Class =>
firstChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(token(begIdx));
lastChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(token(endIdx));
if firstChar = 'C' and lastChar = 'H' then
newClass := rr_type.CH;
elsif firstChar = 'C' and lastChar = 'S' then
newClass := rr_type.CS;
elsif firstChar = 'H' and lastChar = 'S' then
newClass := rr_type.HS;
elsif firstChar = 'I' and lastChar = 'N' then
newClass := rr_type.INTERNET;
WHEN Rr_Type.RecordIndicator =>
RecordTypeFound := True; --this means we have found a valid record type indicator
NewType := Parser_Utilities.GetRecordType(ZoneFileLine, BegIdx, EndIdx);
when others =>
Success := False;
end case;
--line must contain a record type or the parse fails
--use of ">=" helps the prover
if (endIdx >= zlength or tokenType = rr_type.Comment) then
if not recordTypeFound then
Success := False;
end if;
begIdx := endIdx+1;
end if;
END LOOP; --while record type token not found and line still has tokens
end parseOwnerTTLCLassAndRecordType;
+++ Flow analysis of subprogram
parseOwnerTTLClassAndRecordType performed: no errors found.
end zone_file_parser;
--End of file--------------------------------------------------