
29 lines
823 B

Feature: configure slaves
In order to effectively use more machines
As a user
I want to be able to configure slaves and jobs to distribute load
Scenario: Tie a job to a specified label
Given a job
And a dumb slave
When I add the label "test" to the slave
And I configure the job
And I tie the job to the "test" label
Then I should see the job tied to the "test" label
Scenario: Tie a job to a specific slave
Given a job
And a dumb slave
When I configure the job
And I tie the job to the slave
Then I should see the job tied to the slave
Scenario: Create a slave with multiple executors
Given a dumb slave
When I set the executors to "3"
And I visit the home page
Then I should see "3" executors configured
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