130 lines
4.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
/* Only keep the 10 most recent builds. */
def projectProperties = [
[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '5']],
def imageName = 'jenkinsciinfra/jenkinsio'
if (!env.CHANGE_ID) {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == null) {
projectProperties.add(pipelineTriggers([cron('H/30 * * * *')]))
try {
/* Assuming that wherever we're going to build, we have nodes labelled with
* "Docker" so we can have our own isolated build environment
node('docker') {
stage('Clean workspace') {
/* Running on a fresh Docker instance makes this redundant, but just in
* case the host isn't configured to give us a new Docker image for every
* build, make sure we clean things before we do anything
sh 'ls -lah'
stage('Checkout source') {
* For a standalone workflow script, we would use the `git` step
* git url: 'git://',
* branch: 'master'
* Represents the SCM configuration in a "Workflow from SCM" project build. Use checkout
* scm to check out sources matching Jenkinsfile with the SCM details from
* the build that is executing this Jenkinsfile.
* when not in multibranch:
checkout scm
stage('Build site') {
/* If the agent can't gather resources and build the site in 60 minutes,
* something is very wrong
timeout(60) {
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set -o xtrace
make all
illegal_htaccess_content="$( find content -name '.htaccess' -type f -exec grep --extended-regexp --invert-match '^(#|ErrorDocument)' {} \\; )"
if [[ -n "$illegal_htaccess_content" ]] ; then
echo "Failing build due to illegal content in .htaccess files, only ErrorDocument is allowed:" >&2
echo "$illegal_htaccess_content" >&2
exit 1
def container
stage('Build docker image'){
timestamps {
/* Only update docker tag when docker files change*/
def imageTag = sh(script: 'tar cf - docker | md5sum', returnStdout: true).take(6)
echo "Creating the container ${imageName}:${imageTag}"
container ="${imageName}:${imageTag}")
stage('Archive site') {
/* The `archive` task inside the Gradle build should be creating a zip file
* which we can use for the deployment of the site. This stage will archive
* that artifact so we can pick it up later
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/**/*.zip,build/_site/*.pdf', fingerprint: true
/* The Jenkins which deploys doesn't use multibranch or GitHub Org Folders
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == null) {
stage('Publish on Azure') {
/* ->
Require credential 'BLOBXFER_STORAGEACCOUNTKEY' set to the storage account key */
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'BLOBXFER_STORAGEACCOUNTKEY', variable: 'BLOBXFER_STORAGEACCOUNTKEY')]) {
sh './scripts/blobxfer upload --local-path /data/_site --storage-account-key $BLOBXFER_STORAGEACCOUNTKEY --storage-account prodjenkinsio --remote-path jenkinsio --recursive --mode file --skip-on-md5-match --file-md5'
stage('Publish docker image') {
infra.withDockerCredentials {
timestamps { container.push() }
catch (exc) {
echo "Caught: ${exc}"
String recipient = ''
mail subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} (${env.BUILD_NUMBER}) failed",
body: "It appears that ${env.BUILD_URL} is failing, somebody should do something about that",
to: recipient,
replyTo: recipient,
from: ''
/* Rethrow to fail the Pipeline properly */
throw exc
// vim: ft=groovy