
128 lines
5.5 KiB

"global": {
"title": "JhipsterSampleApplication",
"browsehappy": "You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href=\"http://browsehappy.com/?locale=en\">upgrade your browser</a> to improve your experience.",
"menu": {
"home": "Home",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)",
"entities": {
"main": "Entities",
"bankAccount": "Bank Account",
"label": "Label",
"operation": "Operation",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry": "JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)"
"account": {
"main": "Account",
"settings": "Settings",
"password": "Password",
"sessions": "Sessions",
"login": "Sign in",
"logout": "Sign out",
"register": "Register"
"admin": {
"main": "Administration",
"userManagement": "User management",
"tracker": "User tracker",
"metrics": "Metrics",
"health": "Health",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"logs": "Logs",
"audits": "Audits",
"apidocs": "API",
"database": "Database",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)"
"language": "Language"
"form": {
"username": "Username",
"username.placeholder": "Your username",
"newpassword": "New password",
"newpassword.placeholder": "New password",
"confirmpassword": "New password confirmation",
"confirmpassword.placeholder": "Confirm the new password",
"email": "Email",
"email.placeholder": "Your email"
"messages": {
"info": {
"authenticated": "If you want to <a class=\"alert-link\" href=\"\" ng-click=\"vm.login()\">sign in</a>, you can try the default accounts:<br/>- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\") <br/>- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\").",
"register": "You don't have an account yet? <a class=\"alert-link\" href=\"\" ng-click=\"vm.register()\">Register a new account</a>"
"error": {
"dontmatch": "The password and its confirmation do not match!"
"validate": {
"newpassword": {
"required": "Your password is required.",
"minlength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.",
"strength": "Password strength:"
"confirmpassword": {
"required": "Your confirmation password is required.",
"minlength": "Your confirmation password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your confirmation password cannot be longer than 50 characters."
"email": {
"required": "Your email is required.",
"invalid": "Your email is invalid.",
"minlength": "Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your email cannot be longer than 50 characters."
"field": {
"id": "ID"
"ribbon": {
"entity": {
"action": {
"addblob": "Add blob",
"addimage": "Add image",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit": "Edit",
"open": "Open",
"save": "Save",
"view": "View"
"detail": {
"field": "Field",
"value": "Value"
"delete": {
"title": "Confirm delete operation"
"validation": {
"required": "This field is required.",
"minlength": "This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.",
"maxlength": "This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.",
"min": "This field should be at least {{ min }}.",
"max": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.",
"minbytes": "This field should be at least {{ min }} bytes.",
"maxbytes": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.",
"pattern": "This field should follow pattern for {{ pattern }}.",
"number": "This field should be a number.",
"datetimelocal": "This field should be a date and time."
"error": {
"internalServerError": "Internal server error",
"server.not.reachable": "Server not reachable",
"url.not.found": "Not found",
"NotNull": "Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!",
"Size": "Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!",
"userexists": "Login name already used!",
"emailexists": "Email is already in use!",
"idexists": "A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID"
"footer": "This is your footer"