package com.github.jrubygradle.rspec import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException import org.gradle.api.Project import org.gradle.api.Task import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection import org.gradle.testfixtures.ProjectBuilder import spock.lang.Specification import org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException import java.nio.file.Files import static org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel.LIFECYCLE /** * @author Christian Meier * */ class JRubyRSpecPluginSpec extends Specification { static final File TESTROOT = new File("${System.getProperty('TESTROOT') ?: 'build/tmp/test/unittests'}") static final File TESTREPO_LOCATION = new File("${System.getProperty('TESTREPO_LOCATION') ?: 'build/tmp/test/repo'}") //static final String jrubyTestVersion = '1.7.21' def project def specDir static String captureStdout( Closure closure ){ OutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() PrintStream out = System.out try { System.out = new PrintStream(output) } finally { System.out = out } output.toString() } static Set fileNames(FileCollection fc) { Set names = [] fc.asFileTree.visit { fvd -> names.add(fvd.relativePath.toString()) } return names } static Project setupProject() { Project project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build() //project.gradle.startParameter.offline = true project.buildscript { repositories { flatDir dirs : TESTREPO_LOCATION.absolutePath } } project.buildDir = TESTROOT //project.logging.level = LIFECYCLE project.apply plugin: 'com.github.jruby-gradle.rspec' //project.jruby.defaultRepositories = false project.repositories { flatDir dirs : TESTREPO_LOCATION.absolutePath } return project } void setup() { if(TESTROOT.exists()) { // TESTROOT.deleteDir() } TESTROOT.mkdirs() project = setupProject() specDir = new File(project.projectDir, 'spec').getAbsoluteFile() } def 'Checking tasks exist'() { expect: project.tasks.getByName('rspec') } def "Checking configurations exist"() { given: def cfg = project.configurations expect: cfg.getByName('rspec') } def "Checking jruby-complete jar is configured"() { given: project.evaluate() def cfg = project.configurations.getByName('rspec') expect: cfg.files.find {'jruby-complete-') } cfg.files.find {'rspec-') } } def "Run rspec with defaults and not specs"() { given: project.evaluate() String output = captureStdout { project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() } expect: output.contains( 'No examples found.' ) } def "Throw exception on test failure"() { when: Files.createSymbolicLink(specDir.toPath(), new File('src/test/resources/failing/spec').getAbsoluteFile().toPath()) project.evaluate() project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() then: thrown(ExecException) } def "Run rspec"() { given: Files.createSymbolicLink(specDir.toPath(), new File('src/test/resources/simple/spec').getAbsoluteFile().toPath()) project.evaluate() project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() String output = captureStdout { project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() } println output expect: output.contains( '3 examples, 0 failures' ) } def "Run rspec tasks separated"() { given: Files.createSymbolicLink(specDir.toPath(), new File('src/test/resources/simple/spec').getAbsoluteFile().toPath()) project.dependencies { rspec 'rubygems:leafy-metrics:0.6.0' rspec 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.6.4' } Task task = project.tasks.create( 'mine', RSpec) project.evaluate() String outputMine = captureStdout { } println outputMine specDir.delete() Files.createSymbolicLink(specDir.toPath(), new File('src/test/resources/more/spec').getAbsoluteFile().toPath()) String output = captureStdout { project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() } println output expect: outputMine.contains( '3 examples, 0 failures' ) output.contains( '2 examples, 0 failures' ) } // def "Run rspec tasks separated reversed"() { // given: // Files.createSymbolicLink(specDir.toPath(), new File('src/test/resources/more/spec').getAbsoluteFile().toPath()) // project.dependencies { // rspec 'rubygems:leafy-metrics:0.6.0' // rspec 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.6.4' // } // project.evaluate() // String output = captureStdout { // project.tasks.getByName('rspec').run() // } // println output // expect: // output.contains( '3 examples, 0 failures' ) // } }