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with Ada.Calendar;
with AUnit.Test_Cases, AUnit.Assertions;
use AUnit.Test_Cases, AUnit.Assertions;
package body Memcache.Client.Test.Delete is
procedure Register_Tests (T : in out Delete_Test) is
use AUnit.Test_Cases.Registration;
Register_Routine (T, Test_Gen_Delete'Access,
"Validate a delete call generates the right string");
Register_Routine (T, Test_Gen_Delete_Calendar'Access,
"Validate a delete call with a Time generates " &
"the right string");
Register_Routine (T, Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed'Access,
"Validate a delayed delete call generates the right string");
Register_Routine (T, Test_Gen_Delete_No_Reply'Access,
"Validate a no-reply delete call generates the right string");
Register_Routine (T, Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed_No_Reply'Access,
"Validate a no-reply delayed delete call generates " &
"the right string");
end Register_Tests;
function Name (T : Delete_Test) return AUnit.Message_String is
pragma Unreferenced (T);
return AUnit.Format ("Test `Memcache.Delete` operations");
end Name;
procedure Test_Gen_Delete (T :
in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is
Command : String := Memcache.Client.Generate_Delete ("GoodKey", 0.0, False);
Expected : String := "delete GoodKey" & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF;
Assert (Command = Expected, "Bad command string");
end Test_Gen_Delete;
procedure Test_Gen_Delete_Calendar (T :
in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is
Some_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time :=
Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (1985, 11, 20);
Command : String := Memcache.Client.Generate_Delete ("GoodKey",
Some_Time, False);
Expected : String := Append_CRLF ("delete GoodKey 501292800");
Assert (Command = Expected, "Bad command string");
end Test_Gen_Delete_Calendar;
procedure Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed (T :
in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is
Command : String := Memcache.Client.Generate_Delete ("GoodKey", 10.0, False);
Expected : String := Append_CRLF ("delete GoodKey 10");
Assert (Command = Expected, "Bad command string");
end Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed;
procedure Test_Gen_Delete_No_Reply (T :
in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is
Command : String := Memcache.Client.Generate_Delete ("GoodKey", 0.0, True);
Expected : String := Append_CRLF ("delete GoodKey noreply");
Assert (Command = Expected, "Bad command string");
end Test_Gen_Delete_No_Reply;
procedure Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed_No_Reply (T :
in out AUnit.Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is
Command : String := Memcache.Client.Generate_Delete ("GoodKey", 10.0, True);
Expected : String := Append_CRLF ("delete GoodKey 10 noreply");
Assert (Command = Expected, "Bad command string");
end Test_Gen_Delete_Delayed_No_Reply;
end Memcache.Client.Test.Delete;