
225 lines
10 KiB

pragma Ada_2012;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
with stddef_h;
with System;
package nanomsg_nn_h is
-- unsupported macro: NN_INLINE static inline
NN_VERSION_CURRENT : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:74
NN_VERSION_REVISION : constant := 0; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:77
NN_VERSION_AGE : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:80
NN_HAUSNUMERO : constant := 156384712; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:88
-- unsupported macro: EACCESS (NN_HAUSNUMERO + 17)
-- unsupported macro: ETERM (NN_HAUSNUMERO + 53)
-- unsupported macro: EFSM (NN_HAUSNUMERO + 54)
NN_NS_NAMESPACE : constant := 0; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:201
NN_NS_VERSION : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:202
NN_NS_DOMAIN : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:203
NN_NS_TRANSPORT : constant := 3; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:204
NN_NS_PROTOCOL : constant := 4; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:205
NN_NS_OPTION_LEVEL : constant := 5; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:206
NN_NS_SOCKET_OPTION : constant := 6; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:207
NN_NS_TRANSPORT_OPTION : constant := 7; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:208
NN_NS_OPTION_TYPE : constant := 8; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:209
NN_NS_OPTION_UNIT : constant := 9; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:210
NN_NS_FLAG : constant := 10; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:211
NN_NS_ERROR : constant := 11; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:212
NN_NS_LIMIT : constant := 12; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:213
NN_TYPE_NONE : constant := 0; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:216
NN_TYPE_INT : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:217
NN_TYPE_STR : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:218
NN_UNIT_NONE : constant := 0; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:221
NN_UNIT_BYTES : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:222
NN_UNIT_MILLISECONDS : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:223
NN_UNIT_PRIORITY : constant := 3; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:224
NN_UNIT_BOOLEAN : constant := 4; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:225
NN_MSG : constant := size_t'Last;
-- arg-macro: function NN_CMSG_FIRSTHDR ((mhdr).msg_controllen >= sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr) ? (struct nn_cmsghdr*) (mhdr).msg_control : (struct nn_cmsghdr*) NULL
-- return (mhdr).msg_controllen >= sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr) ? (struct nn_cmsghdr*) (mhdr).msg_control : (struct nn_cmsghdr*) NULL;
-- arg-macro: procedure NN_CMSG_NXTHDR nn_cmsg_nexthdr_ ((struct nn_msghdr*) (mhdr), (struct nn_cmsghdr*) (cmsg))
-- nn_cmsg_nexthdr_ ((struct nn_msghdr*) (mhdr), (struct nn_cmsghdr*) (cmsg))
-- arg-macro: function NN_CMSG_DATA ((unsigned char*) (((struct nn_cmsghdr*) (cmsg)) + 1)
-- return (unsigned char*) (((struct nn_cmsghdr*) (cmsg)) + 1);
-- arg-macro: function NN_CMSG_ALIGN (((len) + sizeof (size_t) - 1) and (size_t) ~(sizeof (size_t) - 1)
-- return ((len) + sizeof (size_t) - 1) and (size_t) ~(sizeof (size_t) - 1);
-- arg-macro: function NN_CMSG_SPACE (NN_CMSG_ALIGN (len) + NN_CMSG_ALIGN (sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr))
-- return NN_CMSG_ALIGN (len) + NN_CMSG_ALIGN (sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr));
-- arg-macro: function NN_CMSG_LEN (NN_CMSG_ALIGN (sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr)) + (len)
-- return NN_CMSG_ALIGN (sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr)) + (len);
AF_SP : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:327
AF_SP_RAW : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:328
NN_SOCKADDR_MAX : constant := 128; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:331
NN_SOL_SOCKET : constant := 0; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:335
NN_LINGER : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:338
NN_SNDBUF : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:339
NN_RCVBUF : constant := 3; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:340
NN_SNDTIMEO : constant := 4; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:341
NN_RCVTIMEO : constant := 5; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:342
NN_RECONNECT_IVL : constant := 6; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:343
NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX : constant := 7; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:344
NN_SNDPRIO : constant := 8; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:345
NN_RCVPRIO : constant := 9; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:346
NN_SNDFD : constant := 10; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:347
NN_RCVFD : constant := 11; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:348
NN_DOMAIN : constant := 12; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:349
NN_PROTOCOL : constant := 13; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:350
NN_IPV4ONLY : constant := 14; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:351
NN_SOCKET_NAME : constant := 15; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:352
NN_DONTWAIT : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:355
NN_POLLIN : constant := 1; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:375
NN_POLLOUT : constant := 2; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:376
function nn_errno return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:189
pragma Import (C, nn_errno, "nn_errno");
function nn_strerror (arg1 : int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:192
pragma Import (C, nn_strerror, "nn_strerror");
function nn_symbol (arg1 : int; arg2 : access int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:198
pragma Import (C, nn_symbol, "nn_symbol");
type nn_symbol_properties is record
value : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:231
name : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:234
ns : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:237
c_type : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:240
unit : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:243
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, nn_symbol_properties); -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:228
function nn_symbol_info
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : access nn_symbol_properties;
arg3 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:249
pragma Import (C, nn_symbol_info, "nn_symbol_info");
procedure nn_term; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:256
pragma Import (C, nn_term, "nn_term");
function nn_allocmsg (arg1 : stddef_h.size_t; arg2 : int) return System.Address; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:264
pragma Import (C, nn_allocmsg, "nn_allocmsg");
function nn_reallocmsg (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : stddef_h.size_t) return System.Address; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:265
pragma Import (C, nn_reallocmsg, "nn_reallocmsg");
function nn_freemsg (arg1 : System.Address) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:266
pragma Import (C, nn_freemsg, "nn_freemsg");
type nn_iovec is record
iov_base : System.Address; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:273
iov_len : aliased stddef_h.size_t; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:274
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, nn_iovec); -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:272
type nn_msghdr is record
msg_iov : access nn_iovec; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:278
msg_iovlen : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:279
msg_control : System.Address; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:280
msg_controllen : aliased stddef_h.size_t; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:281
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, nn_msghdr); -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:277
type nn_cmsghdr is record
cmsg_len : aliased stddef_h.size_t; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:285
cmsg_level : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:286
cmsg_type : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:287
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, nn_cmsghdr); -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:284
function nn_cmsg_nexthdr_u (mhdr : System.Address; cmsg : System.Address) return access nn_cmsghdr; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:292
pragma Import (C, nn_cmsg_nexthdr_u, "nn_cmsg_nexthdr_");
function nn_socket (arg1 : int; arg2 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:357
pragma Import (C, nn_socket, "nn_socket");
function nn_close (arg1 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:358
pragma Import (C, nn_close, "nn_close");
function nn_setsockopt
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : int;
arg3 : int;
arg4 : System.Address;
arg5 : stddef_h.size_t) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:359
pragma Import (C, nn_setsockopt, "nn_setsockopt");
function nn_getsockopt
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : int;
arg3 : int;
arg4 : System.Address;
arg5 : access stddef_h.size_t) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:361
pragma Import (C, nn_getsockopt, "nn_getsockopt");
function nn_bind (arg1 : int; arg2 : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:363
pragma Import (C, nn_bind, "nn_bind");
function nn_connect (arg1 : int; arg2 : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:364
pragma Import (C, nn_connect, "nn_connect");
function nn_shutdown (arg1 : int; arg2 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:365
pragma Import (C, nn_shutdown, "nn_shutdown");
function nn_send
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : System.Address;
arg3 : stddef_h.size_t;
arg4 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:366
pragma Import (C, nn_send, "nn_send");
function nn_recv
(arg1 : int;
-- using `in out` in 2012 mode since we can allow the underlying C binding
-- allocate our object for us
arg2 : in out System.Address;
arg3 : stddef_h.size_t;
arg4 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:367
pragma Import (C, nn_recv, "nn_recv");
function nn_sendmsg
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : System.Address;
arg3 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:368
pragma Import (C, nn_sendmsg, "nn_sendmsg");
function nn_recvmsg
(arg1 : int;
arg2 : access nn_msghdr;
arg3 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:369
pragma Import (C, nn_recvmsg, "nn_recvmsg");
type nn_pollfd is record
fd : aliased int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:379
events : aliased short; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:380
revents : aliased short; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:381
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, nn_pollfd); -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:378
function nn_poll
(arg1 : access nn_pollfd;
arg2 : int;
arg3 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:384
pragma Import (C, nn_poll, "nn_poll");
function nn_device (arg1 : int; arg2 : int) return int; -- /usr/include/nanomsg/nn.h:390
pragma Import (C, nn_device, "nn_device");
end nanomsg_nn_h;