
73 lines
1.7 KiB

-- Pipeline demo with nanomsg
-- #include <assert.h>
-- #include <libc.h>
-- #include <stdio.h>
-- #include <nanomsg/nn.h>
-- #include <nanomsg/pipeline.h>
-- #define NODE0 "node0"
-- #define NODE1 "node1"
-- int node0 (const char *url)
-- {
-- int sock = nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PULL);
-- assert (sock >= 0);
-- assert (nn_bind (sock, url) >= 0);
-- while (1)
-- {
-- char *buf = NULL;
-- int bytes = nn_recv (sock, &buf, NN_MSG, 0);
-- assert (bytes >= 0);
-- printf ("NODE0: RECEIVED \"%s\"\n", buf);
-- nn_freemsg (buf);
-- }
-- }
-- int node1 (const char *url, const char *msg)
-- {
-- int sz_msg = strlen (msg) + 1; // '\0' too
-- int sock = nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
-- assert (sock >= 0);
-- assert (nn_connect (sock, url) >= 0);
-- printf ("NODE1: SENDING \"%s\"\n", msg);
-- int bytes = nn_send (sock, msg, sz_msg, 0);
-- assert (bytes == sz_msg);
-- return nn_shutdown (sock, 0);
-- }
-- int main (const int argc, const char **argv)
-- {
-- if (strncmp (NODE0, argv[1], strlen (NODE0)) == 0 && argc > 1)
-- return node0 (argv[2]);
-- else if (strncmp (NODE1, argv[1], strlen (NODE1)) == 0 && argc > 2)
-- return node1 (argv[2], argv[3]);
-- else
-- {
-- fprintf (stderr, "Usage: pipeline %s|%s <URL> <ARG> ...'\n",
-- NODE0, NODE1);
-- return 1;
-- }
-- }
with Ada.Text_IO;
with nanomsg_nn_h;
use nanomsg_nn_h;
with Interfaces.C;
use Interfaces.C;
procedure Pipeline is
pragma Linker_Options ("-lnanomsg");
NN_PROTO_PIPELINE : constant := 5;
NN_PULL : constant := (NN_PROTO_PIPELINE * 16 + 1);
Socket : constant int := nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PULL);
end Pipeline;