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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 0.3 2018/09/07 20:03:10 andyb Exp $
DISTNAME= efl-1.25.1
COMMENT= Enlightenment foundation libraries
LICENSE= 2-clause-bsd
EFL_LIBRARY_PATH= ${WRKSRC}/output/src/lib
EFLLIBS= ecore ecore_audio ecore_con ecore_evas ecore_file
EFLLIBS+= ecore_imf ecore_imf_evas ecore_input ecore_input_evas
EFLLIBS+= ecore_ipc ecore_x ector edje eet efl efreet
EFLLIBS+= eina eio eldbus elementary elua embryo emile emotion
EFLLIBS+= eo eolian ephysics ethumb ethumb_client evas evil
.for e in ${EFLLIBS}
EFL_LIBRARY_PATH:= ${EFL_LIBRARY_PATH}:${WRKSRC}/output/src/lib/${e}
efl: upgrade, rename, add 1) Rename from efl-current to efl, no efl package in pkgsrc 2) Add - debug: enable debug on build - g-mainloop: use glib to run the main loop in efl [suggested] efreetd with efl own main loop cause segfault on NetBSD - gcc8: build with gcc8 3) Upgrade to 1.25.0 Changes since 1.24.0: --------------------- Features: * ecore-drm2: Add support for using page_flip_handler2 * ecore-drm2: Add API function to return default depth Fixes: * ecore_evas: only define these eina errors once * exactness: remove no longer needed _evas_new() * edje - don't set font sizes less than 1 * ecore_evas_x - fix maximize/unmaximize request corner case * exactness_player: do not test for delay_ms * evas + gl - fix callback-to-app-changes-state issue with pixel data * canvas render: don't apply mask if the objects in the map. * evas_object_textblock: fix to free style properly by edje's style_user_pop * evas_vg_shape: return NULL in evas_vg_shape_add when the parent of shape is NULL * efl_ui_image: fix to call "clicked" smart callback when there is no img * ecore-x - ensure we fully look at all xkb events and refresh all binds * evas_vg_container: return NULL in evas_vg_container_add when the parent of container is NULL * ecore thread - feedback threads should not be background threads... * ecore_evas_wayland_common: keep the backword compatibility for wayland dnd handler * edje: fix animation memory leak. * canvas vg: fix dangling vector containers. * evas vg: clean up dangling instances * canvas vg: fix vector file data memory leak. * evas - csd and wl csd - fix alpha zeroing to avoid framespace junk * efl gfx_path: fix memory leak. * evas - genetic update regions smart merge - merge v adjacent regions * efreet - handle runtime relocation right with default XDG_DATA_DIRS * efl_ui_image: fixed elm_image_preload_disabled_set api is not working when it is called before file set * elm_image: keep backword compatibility for elm_image_file_set API when setting url file set twice * efreetd - cache - add more statinfo work around 0 mtime distros * elm_code: on newline ensure line number visible. (T2798) * elm_code: cursor visbility fix. * edje - fix edje_cc mis-re-iding images in image sets * efl_ui_image: remove the unnecessary code in efl_file_unload * win - x io errors really just have to exit, so call the iorr cb + exit * evas - render - dont crash is private data is null * eina vpath - fix windows ~username handling to only error when used * efl ui image - fix scal to fill - broken with non-rect src images * embryo: fix a integer(cell) overflow problem * elput - support as well as * edje - calce - really respect max image size for img sets * ecore - don't do anything with heap between fork and exec * evas - fix deadlock with sw async rendering calling cbs in post flush * ecore con - curl - fix error map to map right enum * eina - statgen (stat generation) - fix enable api to actually enable * evas - image cache - fix loading with skip head on to load changed files * evas_textblock: remove style padding from native width and formatted height * elm icon/thumb - fix handling of a wider range of video extns * edje - calc - handle swallow disappearing mid-calc due to callabcks * ecore drm - increase timeout for flips from 0.05 to 2.0 sec * docs: Correct the mismatched group name in Evas. * elm - toolbar - use correct theme icon for more items
2020-09-11 09:42:09 +00:00
USE_TOOLS= pkg-config
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-paths
SUBST_STAGE.fix-paths= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-paths= Fixing exactness library paths.
SUBST_FILES.fix-paths= src/bin/exactness/*.in
SUBST_STAGE.xdg= pre-configure
SUBST_FILES.xdg= src/lib/efreet/efreet_base.c
SUBST_SED.xdg= -e 's,/usr/share:/usr/local/share,${PREFIX}/share,g'
SUBST_SED.xdg+= -e 's,/etc/xdg,${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/xdg,g'
REPLACE_PYTHON+= src/bin/exactness/
REPLACE_PYTHON+= src/bin/exactness/
BUILD_DEPENDS+= doxygen-[0-9]*:../../devel/doxygen
.include "../../mk/"
.include ""
PLIST_VARS+= linux
.if ${OPSYS} != "Linux"
2020-11-21 17:14:57 +00:00
MESON_ARGS+= -Dsystemd=false
PLIST.linux= yes
2020-11-21 17:14:57 +00:00
MESON_ARGS+= -Deeze=false
MESON_ARGS+= -Dbuild-tests=false
MESON_ARGS+= -Dbuild-examples=false
MESON_ARGS+= -Dphysics=true
.if ${X11_TYPE} != "modular"
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-options
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-options= Fixing meson opengl options
SUBST_STAGE.fix-options= pre-configure
SUBST_FILES.fix-options= meson_options.txt
SUBST_SED.fix-options= -e "s|'es-egl', 'none'|'es-egl', 'base', 'none'|g"
MESON_ARGS+= -Dopengl=base
efl: upgrade, rename, add 1) Rename from efl-current to efl, no efl package in pkgsrc 2) Add - debug: enable debug on build - g-mainloop: use glib to run the main loop in efl [suggested] efreetd with efl own main loop cause segfault on NetBSD - gcc8: build with gcc8 3) Upgrade to 1.25.0 Changes since 1.24.0: --------------------- Features: * ecore-drm2: Add support for using page_flip_handler2 * ecore-drm2: Add API function to return default depth Fixes: * ecore_evas: only define these eina errors once * exactness: remove no longer needed _evas_new() * edje - don't set font sizes less than 1 * ecore_evas_x - fix maximize/unmaximize request corner case * exactness_player: do not test for delay_ms * evas + gl - fix callback-to-app-changes-state issue with pixel data * canvas render: don't apply mask if the objects in the map. * evas_object_textblock: fix to free style properly by edje's style_user_pop * evas_vg_shape: return NULL in evas_vg_shape_add when the parent of shape is NULL * efl_ui_image: fix to call "clicked" smart callback when there is no img * ecore-x - ensure we fully look at all xkb events and refresh all binds * evas_vg_container: return NULL in evas_vg_container_add when the parent of container is NULL * ecore thread - feedback threads should not be background threads... * ecore_evas_wayland_common: keep the backword compatibility for wayland dnd handler * edje: fix animation memory leak. * canvas vg: fix dangling vector containers. * evas vg: clean up dangling instances * canvas vg: fix vector file data memory leak. * evas - csd and wl csd - fix alpha zeroing to avoid framespace junk * efl gfx_path: fix memory leak. * evas - genetic update regions smart merge - merge v adjacent regions * efreet - handle runtime relocation right with default XDG_DATA_DIRS * efl_ui_image: fixed elm_image_preload_disabled_set api is not working when it is called before file set * elm_image: keep backword compatibility for elm_image_file_set API when setting url file set twice * efreetd - cache - add more statinfo work around 0 mtime distros * elm_code: on newline ensure line number visible. (T2798) * elm_code: cursor visbility fix. * edje - fix edje_cc mis-re-iding images in image sets * efl_ui_image: remove the unnecessary code in efl_file_unload * win - x io errors really just have to exit, so call the iorr cb + exit * evas - render - dont crash is private data is null * eina vpath - fix windows ~username handling to only error when used * efl ui image - fix scal to fill - broken with non-rect src images * embryo: fix a integer(cell) overflow problem * elput - support as well as * edje - calce - really respect max image size for img sets * ecore - don't do anything with heap between fork and exec * evas - fix deadlock with sw async rendering calling cbs in post flush * ecore con - curl - fix error map to map right enum * eina - statgen (stat generation) - fix enable api to actually enable * evas - image cache - fix loading with skip head on to load changed files * evas_textblock: remove style padding from native width and formatted height * elm icon/thumb - fix handling of a wider range of video extns * edje - calc - handle swallow disappearing mid-calc due to callabcks * ecore drm - increase timeout for flips from 0.05 to 2.0 sec * docs: Correct the mismatched group name in Evas. * elm - toolbar - use correct theme icon for more items
2020-09-11 09:42:09 +00:00
.include "../../graphics/MesaLib/"
.include "../../x11/libXcursor/"
.include "../../x11/libXinerama/"
.include "../../x11/libXScrnSaver/"
.include "../../audio/pulseaudio/"
.include "../../converters/fribidi/"
.include "../../devel/bullet/"
.include "../../devel/meson/"
.include "../../graphics/giflib/"
.include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
.include "../../graphics/libraw/"
.include "../../graphics/librsvg/"
.include "../../graphics/libwebp/"
.include "../../graphics/tiff/"
.include "../../inputmethod/scim/"
.include "../../lang/LuaJIT2/"
.include "../../lang/python/"
.include "../../multimedia/gst-plugins1-base/"
.include "../../print/libspectre/"
.include "../../print/poppler-cpp/"
.include "../../www/curl/"
.include "../../x11/libXau/"
.include "../../x11/libXcomposite/"
.include "../../x11/libXdmcp/"
.include "../../x11/libXt/"
.include "../../x11/libXtst/"
.include "../../mk/"