ruby-sanitize: Import ruby-sanitize-2.1.1 as wip/ruby-sanitize

Sanitize is a whitelist-based HTML and CSS sanitizer. Given a list of
acceptable elements, attributes, and CSS properties, Sanitize will
remove all unacceptable HTML and/or CSS from a string.

Using a simple configuration syntax, you can tell Sanitize to allow
certain HTML elements, certain attributes within those elements, and
even certain URL protocols within attributes that contain URLs. You
can also whitelist CSS properties, @ rules, and URL protocols you wish
to allow in elements or attributes containing CSS. Any HTML or CSS
that you don't explicitly allow will be removed.

Sanitize is based on Google's Gumbo HTML5 parser, which parses HTML
exactly the same way modern browsers do, and Crass, which parses CSS
exactly the same way modern browsers do. As long as your whitelist
config only allows safe markup and CSS, even the most malformed or
malicious input will be transformed into safe output.
This commit is contained in:
Atsushi Toyokura 2019-12-23 23:23:48 +09:00
parent 4db22a7d00
commit 0f8c09c4f0
5 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -4353,6 +4353,7 @@ SUBDIR+= ruby-review
SUBDIR+= ruby-rinku
SUBDIR+= ruby-roo-xls
SUBDIR+= ruby-rouge
SUBDIR+= ruby-sanitize
SUBDIR+= ruby-simple-navigation
SUBDIR+= ruby-sinatra-simple-navigation
SUBDIR+= ruby-taskwarrior-web

ruby-sanitize/DESCR Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Sanitize is a whitelist-based HTML and CSS sanitizer. Given a list of
acceptable elements, attributes, and CSS properties, Sanitize will
remove all unacceptable HTML and/or CSS from a string.
Using a simple configuration syntax, you can tell Sanitize to allow
certain HTML elements, certain attributes within those elements, and
even certain URL protocols within attributes that contain URLs. You
can also whitelist CSS properties, @ rules, and URL protocols you wish
to allow in elements or attributes containing CSS. Any HTML or CSS
that you don't explicitly allow will be removed.
Sanitize is based on Google's Gumbo HTML5 parser, which parses HTML
exactly the same way modern browsers do, and Crass, which parses CSS
exactly the same way modern browsers do. As long as your whitelist
config only allows safe markup and CSS, even the most malformed or
malicious input will be transformed into safe output.

ruby-sanitize/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# $NetBSD$
DISTNAME= sanitize-2.1.1
CATEGORIES= textproc
COMMENT= Ruby HTML and CSS sanitizer
DEPENDS+= ${RUBY_PKGPREFIX}-nokogiri>=1.4.4:../../textproc/ruby-nokogiri
.include "../../lang/ruby/"
.include "../../mk/"

ruby-sanitize/PLIST Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
@comment $NetBSD$
@pkgdir lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/extensions
@pkgdir lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/build_info

ruby-sanitize/distinfo Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
SHA1 (sanitize-2.1.1.gem) = 8a4b56b6d06a52da3fa389a0e1c20ff9ad487a2b
RMD160 (sanitize-2.1.1.gem) = f9c4e226e1cac3681a86a1af763c155e02c92a7d
SHA512 (sanitize-2.1.1.gem) = 1fdab0c67d5668b6a1a978ad649a91f3af66797b5fe3282d80535962a66c23ec56a4520b46e2f6793cac55785b17e5ee9f60616cd5e613f8f986abc6fe5ff71f
Size (sanitize-2.1.1.gem) = 22528 bytes