p5-MongoDB: update to 2.2.2.

Add some missing libraries

v2.2.2    2020-08-13 11:04:29-04:00 America/New_York

  [!!! END OF LIFE NOTICE !!!]

  - As of August 13, 2020, the MongoDB Perl driver has reached end of life
    and is no longer supported by MongoDB.

v2.2.1    2019-12-12 23:29:11-05:00 America/New_York

  [!!! END OF LIFE NOTICE !!!]

    - Version v2.2.0 is the final feature release of the MongoDB Perl
      driver.  The driver is now in a 12-month "sunset" period and will
      receive security patches and critical bug fixes only.  The Perl
      driver will be end-of-life and unsupported on August 13, 2020.

  [Bug Fixes]

    - PERL-1118 Improved URI sanitization

    - PERL-1121 MongoDB::BulkWriteResult had incorrect elements in inserted[]

    - PERL-1125/PERL-1126 Error connecting using mongodb+srv style URI

    - PERL-1127 BulkWriteView doesn't support update pipelines

    - PERL-1129 TLS URI options not used in connections

v2.2.0    2019-08-13 07:19:10-04:00 America/New_York

  [!!! END OF LIFE NOTICE !!!]

    - Version v2.2.0 is the final feature release of the MongoDB Perl
      driver.  The driver is now in a 12-month "sunset" period and will
      receive security patches and critical bug fixes only.  The Perl
      driver will be end-of-life and unsupported on August 13, 2020.

  [*** Deprecations ***]

    - PERL-993 Deprecate parallel_scan


    - PERL-789 OP_MSG support

    - PERL-920 Add option for applications to register a custom server selector

    - PERL-989 Implement SDAM monitoring

    - PERL-1008 Support index all paths

    - PERL-1021 Implement Unified URI Options

    - PERL-1022 Implement Convenient API for Transactions

    - PERL-1024 Support mongos pinning for sharded transactions

    - PERL-1025 Retryable Reads

    - PERL-1026 Support polling SRV records for mongos discovery

    - PERL-1035 Support sharded transactions recovery token

    - PERL-1046 Add database aggregation method

    - PERL-1052 Support 'startAfter' option to the $changeStream stage

    - PERL-1053 Add support for Zstandard compression

    - PERL-1060 Add support for Snappy compression

    - PERL-1070 Support postBatchResumeToken in change streams

    - PERL-1082 Add the ability to specify a pipeline to an update command

    - PERL-1098 Allow applications to set maxTimeMS for commitTransaction

    - PERL-1105 Support aggregation $merge stage


    - PERL-785 Call "ping" on a socket that has been idle for socketCheckIntervalMS

    - PERL-1028 Support server connections that survive primary stepdown

    - PERL-1054 Disable TLS renegotiation when possible (security)

    - PERL-1057 Use majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction

    - PERL-1068 Make Retryable Writes on by Default

    - PERL-1075 Add support for read concern to aggregation $out

    - PERL-1100 Specify behavior where connection string contain auth
      database but no credentials

  [Bug Fixes]

    - PERL-927 Ensure hint used with aggregate is string or IxHash or BSON::Doc

    - PERL-930 Allow use of BSON::Raw for insert, update, etc.

    - PERL-970 Can't use BSON::Doc as sort option in find command

    - PERL-988 Index lists should preserve key order in results

    - PERL-994 GridFS DownloadStream warns in spec tests on old perls

    - PERL-1012 Driver doesn't clear session pool after fork

    - PERL-1017 Ignore db and collection read concern in transaction

    - PERL-1033 Pod link error

    - PERL-1041 Bulk Write Op calls result method on non-object error

    - PERL-1057 Use majority write concern when retrying commitTransaction

    - PERL-1058 Drivers should ignore batchSize=0 for aggregate with $out

    - PERL-1061 The driver fails to parse a URI if mongodb+srv format is
      used and the ssl=true option is set

    - PERL-1076 Ensure that getMore right after a resume is retried in changestreams

    - PERL-1083 Work around StaleDbVersion distinct bug

    - PERL-1096 ChangeStream spec's Resumable Error definition is too broad

    - PERL-1097 Discard ServerSessions involved in network errors

    - PERL-1123 Raise better error for retryable writes with mmapv1


    - PERL-806 Test Driver Wire Version Overlap logic

    - PERL-833 Test QueryResult destructor kills cursor

    - PERL-867 Resync GridFS tests to add test for legacy GridFS, where no
      filename was set

    - PERL-976 Test only the initial command in a transaction includes readConcern

    - PERL-996 Resync read write concern tests to add new read concern levels

    - PERL-1018 Test deleteMany and updateMany with retryWrites=true

    - PERL-1048 Transaction test runner should use "local" read concern
      when asserting the final collection state

    - PERL-1051 Update CRUD spec tests to use transaction spec test format

    - PERL-1074 Resync transaction spec tests for bulk write error reporting change

    - PERL-1090 Amend change stream missing resume token tests for MongoDB 4.2+

    - PERL-1095 Stop testing with threads (too many errors on process exit)

    - PERL-1109 Fix result assertion in change stream spec test


    - PERL-780 Document that TCP keepalive defaults to true

    - PERL-972 Amend transaction examples

    - PERL-986 Causal Consistency Examples

    - PERL-1056 Update Transactions Retry Example 3 to include read preference

    - PERL-1085 Document connection string and URI option precedence rules

    - PERL-1101 Documentation for countDocuments mentions estimatedDocumentCount

    - PERL-1112 Update change stream docs example for resume token access

    - PERL-1117 Specify effect of client-side errors on in-progress transactions


    - PERL-841 Remove Try::Tiny as a dependency

    - Bump BSON to v1.12.0 and BSON::XS (optional) to v0.8.0

    - Bump Path::Tiny to 0.058

  [~ Internal Changes ~]

    - PERL-921 Only send bypassDocumentValidation if it's true

    - PERL-935 Consolidate session vs retryable write feature detection

    - PERL-1078 countDocuments should internally use group with _id: 1

v2.1.2    2019-08-05 19:29:08-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

v2.1.1    2019-08-02 12:48:13-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

v2.1.0    2019-02-06 16:59:56-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

v2.0.3    2019-02-07 10:43:16-05:00 America/New_York

  [Bug fixes]

  - PERL-1061 The driver fails to parse a URI if mongodb+srv format is used and the ssl=true option is set

v2.0.2    2018-11-30 13:57:28-05:00 America/New_York

  [Bug fixes]

  - PERL-927 Coerce hint to IxHash or BSON::Doc if not string

  - PERL-927 Skip count hint test before MongoDB 3.6

  - PERL-970 Allow BSON::Doc as sort argument

  - PERL-988 Preserve index key order in results

  - PERL-1012 Clear session pool on reconnect after fork/thread

  - PERL-1041 Check bulk error can call result before calling it


  - PERL-806 Check compatibility for SDAM tests

  - PERL-972 PERL-1005 Amended transaction examples

  - PERL-1006 Enable retry_writes during testing


  - PERL-1033 Fix docs link to BSON/wrap_numbers


  - Requires BSON v1.10.1; if compiler is available, will require BSON::XS
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Klausner 2020-09-07 21:23:50 +02:00
parent 809455da02
commit e3fde7b21e
2 changed files with 7 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2012/10/04 18:42:21 asau Exp $
DISTNAME= MongoDB-v2.0.1
DISTNAME= MongoDB-v2.2.2
CATEGORIES= databases
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ DEPENDS+= p5-boolean>=0.28:../../devel/p5-boolean
DEPENDS+= p5-Config-AutoConf-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Config-AutoConf
DEPENDS+= p5-Path-Tiny-[0-9]*:../../filesystems/p5-Path-Tiny
DEPENDS+= p5-JSON-MaybeXS-[0-9]*:../../converters/p5-JSON-MaybeXS
DEPENDS+= p5-Type-Tiny-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Type-Tiny
DEPENDS+= p5-Safe-Isa-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Safe-Isa
TEST_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Deep-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Deep
@ -29,16 +31,9 @@ TEST_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Deep-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Deep
# BSON::Decimal128 is not installed (version '1' required)
# BSON::Types is not installed (any version required)
# Class::XSAccessor is not installed (any version required)
# Safe::Isa is not installed (any version required)
# Type::Library is not installed (any version required)
# Type::Tiny is not installed (version '1' required)
# Type::Tiny::XS is not installed (any version required)
# Type::Utils is not installed (any version required)
# Types::Standard is not installed (any version required)
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/MongoDB/.packlist
.include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2012/03/14 21:51:11 bubuchka Exp $
SHA1 (MongoDB-v2.0.1.tar.gz) = 6fc2579fe2a015eec70e4f6345f2bd1d1b430d10
RMD160 (MongoDB-v2.0.1.tar.gz) = 703704657e87f058ca3f8be9f17193d67043e0ec
SHA512 (MongoDB-v2.0.1.tar.gz) = ec907407d77512a439fa82d09b8a791dbe7723b7488ee27f1e9a829354a48c3f69d34348c28a7f7580d00acee5f112eecb018fbebe472acce9649375beb8513e
Size (MongoDB-v2.0.1.tar.gz) = 451430 bytes
SHA1 (MongoDB-v2.2.2.tar.gz) = 6f4617dce9d9f945a2fcb76c8fe620a544facbdd
RMD160 (MongoDB-v2.2.2.tar.gz) = 9d3c306983ad4f6edc1ee22f44639224aeb39c8e
SHA512 (MongoDB-v2.2.2.tar.gz) = 8faaece0f125daeecf1f0c63d02611597c1130f37404e618890d135cf1521a7c4c27b042bfbcd8a5881929cbc4c4a9277f48ec68f2a08ffc7d9570c3931092df
Size (MongoDB-v2.2.2.tar.gz) = 581441 bytes