# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2014/06/15 02:02:05 makoto Exp $ DISTNAME= necpp-git-1 PKGREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= news MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/tmolteno/necpp/ MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/tmolteno/necpp/ COMMENT= C++ rewrite of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 GIT_REPOSITORIES= necpp GIT_REPO.necpp= git://github.com/tmolteno/necpp.git WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/necpp GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-lapack USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ USE_LIBTOOL= yes USE_TOOLS+= automake autoreconf gmake MAKE_JOBS_SAFE= no SUBST_CLASSES+= test SUBST_FILES.test= configure SUBST_SED.test= -e '/test/s/ == / = /' SUBST_MESSAGE.test= ** Pre-edit to avoid check-portability.awk flags SUBST_STAGE.test= pre-configure post-patch: cd ${WRKSRC} && make -f Makefile.git .include "../../wip/mk/git-package.mk" .include "../../mk/blas.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"