
16 lines
813 B

Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference.
This package implements constraint-based (GS, IAMB, Inter-IAMB,
Fast-IAMB, MMPC, Hiton-PC), pairwise (ARACNE and Chow-Liu),
score-based (Hill-Climbing and Tabu Search) and hybrid (MMHC and
RSMAX2) structure learning algorithms for discrete, Gaussian and
conditional Gaussian networks, along with many score functions and
conditional independence tests. The Naive Bayes and the Tree-Augmented
Naive Bayes (TAN) classifiers are also implemented.
Some utility functions (model comparison and manipulation, random
data generation, arc orientation testing, simple and advanced plots)
are included, as well as support for parameter estimation (maximum
likelihood and Bayesian) and inference, conditional probability
queries and cross-validation.