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FrobTADS has been written as a replacement for the "traditional"
Unix-port of TADS, which has many problems and limitations, and is
difficult to maintain and change. The FrobTADS interpreter also
provides some features that the traditional Unix-port lacks, the most
important of them being:
- Automatic configuration prior to building; no need to edit
- TADS 3 color support and configurable default colors.
- Correct timing with timed operations (millisecond-precision).
- Input like in Frotz; cursor keys, insert, delete, etc., instead
of Emacs-like input.
- TADS 3 banners look as they should.
- You are not required to install the package prior to running the
TADS 3 test suite.
- File I/O initiated by the game will happen in the game's directory.
This means that you don't have to change to the game's directory
prior to starting the interpreter.
- Less source code (and also less complex), more comments.
- More portable.
The ultimate goal is to make FrobTADS compile and run out-of-the-box on
every system that has a curses library and a Unix-like shell available.