Leonardo Taccari 64ac6693c5 rclone: Update to 1.48.0
* New commands
    * serve sftp: Serve an rclone remote over SFTP (Nick Craig-Wood)
* New Features
    * Multi threaded downloads to local storage (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * controlled with `--multi-thread-cutoff` and `--multi-thread-streams`
    * Use rclone.conf from rclone executable directory to enable portable use
    * Allow sync of a file and a directory with the same name (forgems)
        * this is common on bucket based remotes, eg s3, gcs
    * Add `--ignore-case-sync` for forced case insensitivity (garry415)
    * Implement `--stats-one-line-date` and `--stats-one-line-date-format`
      (Peter Berbec)
    * Log an ERROR for all commands which exit with non-zero status
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Use go-homedir to read the home directory more reliably
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Enable creating encrypted config through external script invocation
      (Wojciech Smigielski)
    * build: Drop support for go1.8 (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * config: Make config create/update encrypt passwords where necessary
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * copyurl: Honor `--no-check-certificate` (Stefan Breunig)
    * install: Linux skip man pages if no mandb (didil)
    * lsf: Support showing the Tier of the object (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * lsjson
        * Added EncryptedPath to output (calisro)
        * Support showing the Tier of the object (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add IsBucket field for bucket based remote listing of the root
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * rc
        * Add `--loopback` flag to run commands directly without a server
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add operations/fsinfo: Return information about the remote
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Skip auth for OPTIONS request (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * cmd/providers: Add DefaultStr, ValueStr and Type fields
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * jobs: Make job expiry timeouts configurable (Aleksandar Jankovic)
    * serve dlna reworked and improved (Dan Walters)
    * serve ftp: add `--ftp-public-ip` flag to specify public IP (calistri)
    * serve restic: Add support for `--private-repos` in `serve restic`
      (Florian Apolloner)
    * serve webdav: Combine serve webdav and serve http (Gary Kim)
    * size: Ignore negative sizes when calculating total (Garry McNulty)
* Bug Fixes
    * Make move and copy individual files obey `--backup-dir`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * If `--ignore-checksum` is in effect, don't calculate checksum
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * moveto: Fix case-insensitive same remote move (Gary Kim)
    * rc: Fix serving bucket based objects with `--rc-serve`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * serve webdav: Fix serveDir not being updated with changes from
      webdav (Gary Kim)
* Mount
    * Fix poll interval documentation (Animosity022)
    * Make WriteAt for non cached files work with non-sequential writes
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Local
    * Only calculate the required hashes for big speedup (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Log errors when listing instead of returning an error (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix preallocate warning on Linux with ZFS (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Crypt
    * Make rclone dedupe work through crypt (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix wrapping of ChangeNotify to decrypt directories properly
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Support PublicLink (rclone link) of underlying backend (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Implement Optional methods SetTier, GetTier (Nick Craig-Wood)
* B2
    * Implement server side copy (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Implement SetModTime (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Drive
    * Fix move and copy from TeamDrive to GDrive (Fionera)
    * Add notes that cleanup works in the background on drive
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--drive-server-side-across-configs` to default back to old
      server side copy semantics by default (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--drive-size-as-quota` to show storage quota usage for file size
      (Garry McNulty)
    * Add FTP List timeout (Jeff Quinn)
    * Add FTP over TLS support (Gary Kim)
    * Add `--ftp-no-check-certificate` option for FTPS (Gary Kim)
* Google Cloud Storage
    * Fix upload errors when uploading pre 1970 files (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Jottacloud
    * Add support for selecting device and mountpoint. (buengese)
* Mega
    * Add cleanup support (Gary Kim)
* Onedrive
    * More accurately check if root is found (Cnly)
* S3
    * Suppport S3 Accelerated endpoints with `--s3-use-accelerate-endpoint`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add config info for Wasabi's EU Central endpoint (Robert Marko)
    * Make SetModTime work for GLACIER while syncing (Philip Harvey)
    * Add About support (Gary Kim)
    * Fix about parsing of `df` results so it can cope with -ve results
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Send custom client version and debug server version
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* WebDAV
    * Retry on 423 Locked errors (Nick Craig-Wood)
2019-06-15 20:06:56 +02:00