Iku Iwasa e0f28fa16d vault: Update to 1.6.0
Switched to use


* agent: Agent now properly returns a non-zero exit code on error, such as
  one due to template rendering failure. Using error_on_missing_key in the
  template config will cause agent to immediately exit on failure. In order
  to make agent properly exit due to continuous failure from template
  rendering errors, the old behavior of indefinitely restarting the
  template server is now changed to exit once the default retry attempt of
  12 times (with exponential backoff) gets exhausted. [GH-9670]
* token: Periodic tokens generated by auth methods will have the period
  value stored in its token entry. [GH-7885]

* core: New telemetry metrics reporting mount table size and number of
  entries [GH-10201]
* go: Updated Go version to 1.15.4 [GH-10366]


* Couchbase Secrets: Vault can now manage static and dynamic credentials
  for Couchbase. [GH-9664]
* Expanded Password Policy Support: Custom password policies are now
  supported for all database engines.
* Integrated Storage Auto Snapshots (Enterprise): This feature enables an
  operator to schedule snapshots of the integrated storage backend and
  ensure those snapshots are persisted elsewhere.
* Integrated Storage Cloud Auto Join: This feature for integrated storage
  enables Vault nodes running in the cloud to automatically discover and
  join a Vault cluster via operator-supplied metadata.
* Key Management Secrets Engine (Enterprise; Tech Preview): This new secret
  engine allows securely distributing and managing keys to Azure cloud KMS
* Seal Migration: With Vault 1.6, we will support migrating from an auto
  unseal mechanism to a different mechanism of the same type. For example,
  if you were using an AWS KMS key to automatically unseal, you can now
  migrate to a different AWS KMS key.
* Tokenization (Enterprise; Tech Preview): Tokenization supports creating
  irreversible “tokens” from sensitive data. Tokens can be used in less
  secure environments, protecting the original data.
* Vault Client Count: Vault now counts the number of active entities (and
  non-entity tokens) per month and makes this information available via the
  "Metrics" section of the UI.


* auth/approle: Role names can now be referenced in templated policies
  through the approle.metadata.role_name property [GH-9529]
* auth/aws: Improve logic check on wildcard BoundIamPrincipalARNs and
  include role name on error messages on check failure [GH-10036]
* auth/jwt: Add support for fetching groups and user information from G
  Suite during authentication. [GH-123]
* auth/jwt: Adding EdDSA (ed25519) to supported algorithms [GH-129]
* auth/jwt: Improve cli authorization error [GH-137]
* auth/jwt: Add OIDC namespace_in_state option [GH-140]
* secrets/transit: fix missing plaintext in bulk decrypt response [GH-9991]
* command/server: Delay informational messages in -dev mode until logs have
  settled. [GH-9702]
* command/server: Add environment variable support for
  disable_mlock. [GH-9931]
* core/metrics: Add metrics for storage cache [GH_10079]
* core/metrics: Add metrics for leader status [GH 10147]
* physical/azure: Add the ability to use Azure Instance Metadata Service to
  set the credentials for Azure Blob storage on the backend. [GH-10189]
* sdk/framework: Add a time type for API fields. [GH-9911]
* secrets/database: Added support for password policies to all databases
  [GH-9641, and more]
* secrets/database/cassandra: Added support for static credential rotation
* secrets/database/elasticsearch: Added support for static credential
  rotation [GH-19]
* secrets/database/hanadb: Added support for root credential & static
  credential rotation [GH-10142]
* secrets/database/hanadb: Default password generation now includes
  dashes. Custom statements may need to be updated to include quotes around
  the password field [GH-10142]
* secrets/database/influxdb: Added support for static credential rotation
* secrets/database/mongodbatlas: Added support for root credential rotation
* secrets/database/mongodbatlas: Support scopes field in creations
  statements for MongoDB Atlas database plugin [GH-15]
* seal/awskms: Add logging during awskms auto-unseal [GH-9794]
* storage/azure: Update SDK library to use azure-storage-blob-go since
  previous library has been deprecated. [GH-9577]
* secrets/ad: rotate-root now supports POST requests like other secret
  engines [GH-70]
* ui: Add ui functionality for the Transform Secret Engine [GH-9665]
* ui: Pricing metrics dashboard [GH-10049]


* auth/jwt: Fix bug preventing config edit UI from rendering [GH-141]
* cli: Don't open or overwrite a raft snapshot file on an unsuccessful
  vault operator raft snapshot [GH-9894]
* core: Implement constant time version of shamir GF(2^8) math [GH-9932]
* core: Fix resource leak in plugin API (plugin-dependent, not all plugins
  impacted) [GH-9557]
* core: Fix race involved in enabling certain features via a license change
* identity: Check for timeouts in entity API [GH-9925]
* secrets/database: Fix handling of TLS options in mongodb connection
  strings [GH-9519]
* secrets/gcp: Ensure that the IAM policy version is appropriately set
  after a roleset's bindings have changed. [GH-93]
* ui: Mask LDAP bindpass while typing [GH-10087]
* ui: Update language in promote dr modal flow [GH-10155]
* ui: Update language on replication primary dashboard for clarity
* core: Fix bug where updating an existing path quota could introduce a
  conflict. [GH-10285]
2020-11-14 11:39:44 +09:00
patches vault: Update to 1.6.0 2020-11-14 11:39:44 +09:00
Makefile vault: Update to 1.6.0 2020-11-14 11:39:44 +09:00
distinfo vault: Update to 1.6.0 2020-11-14 11:39:44 +09:00 vault: Update to 1.6.0 2020-11-14 11:39:44 +09:00