Leonardo Taccari 16cd5bf8a8 nltk: Update wip/nltk to 3.2.5
Version 3.2.5 2017-09-16

* Arabic stemmers (ARLSTem, Snowball)
* NIST MT evaluation metric and added NIST international_tokenize
* Moses tokenizer
* Document Russian tagger
* Fix to Stanford segmenter
* Improve treebank detokenizer, VerbNet, Vader
* Misc code and documentation cleanups
* Implement fixes suggested by LGTM

Thanks to the following contributors to 3.2.5:
Ali Abdullah, Lakhdar Benzahia, Henry Elder, Campion Fellin,
Tsolak Ghukasyan, Thanh Ha, Jean Helie, Nelson Liu,
Nathan Schneider, Chintan Shah, Fábio Silva, Liling Tan,
Ziyao Wei, Zicheng Xu, Albert Au Yeung, AbdealiJK,
porqupine, sbagan, xprogramer

Version 3.2.4 2017-05-21

* remove load-time dependency on Python requests library
* add support for Arabic in StanfordSegmenter
* fix MosesDetokenizer on irregular quote tokens

Thanks to the following contributors to 3.2.4:
Alex Constantin, Hatem Nassrat, Liling Tan

Version 3.2.3 2017-05-16

* new interface to Stanford CoreNLP Web API
* improved Lancaster stemmer with customizable rules from Whoosh
* improved Treebank tokenizer
* improved support for GLEU score
* adopt new Abstract base class style
* support custom tab files for extending WordNet
* make synset_from_pos_and_offset a public method
* make non-English WordNet lemma lookups case-insensitive
* speed up TnT tagger
* speed up FreqDist and ConditionalFreqDist
* support additional quotes in TreebankWordTokenizer
* clean up Tk's postscript output
* drop explicit support for corpora not distributed with NLTK to streamline testing
* allow iterator in perceptron tagger training
* allow for curly bracket quantifiers in chunk.regexp.CHUNK_TAG_PATTERN
* new corpus reader for MWA subset of PPDB
* improved testing framework

Thanks to the following contributors to 3.2.3:
Mark Amery, Carl Bolz, Abdelhak Bougouffa, Matt Chaput, Michael Goodman,
Jaehoon Hwang, Naoya Kanai, Jackson Lee, Christian Meyer, Dmitrijs Milajevs,
Adam Nelson, Pierpaolo Pantone, Liling Tan, Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson,
Arthur Tilley, jmhutch, Yorwba, eromoe and others
2017-11-05 16:41:16 +01:00