Iku Iwasa 8589001660 packer: Update to 1.6.2

* New command hcl2_upgrade is a JSON to HCL2 transpiler that allows users
  to transform an existing JSON configuration template into its HCL2 template
  equivalent. Please see hcl2_upgrade command docs for more
  details. [GH-9659]


* builder/amazon: Add all of the custom AWS template engines to build
  template function for use by provisioners. [GH-9751]
* builder/amazon: Add aws_polling config option to override env
  variables. [GH-9777]
* builder/azure: Add FreeBSD support to azure/chroot builder. [GH-9697]
* builder/vmware-esx: Add network_name option to vmware so that users can
  set a network without using vmx data. [GH-9718]
* builder/vmware-vmx: Add additional disk configuration option. Previously
  only implemented for vmware-iso builder [GH-9815]
* builder/vmware: Add a remote_output_directory option so users can tell
  Packer where on a datastore to create a vm. [GH-9784]
* builder/vmware: Add option to export to ovf or ova from a local vmware
  build [GH-9825]
* builder/vmware: Add progress tracker to vmware-esx5 iso upload. [GH-9779]
* builder/vsphere-iso: Add support for building on a single ESXi host
* builder/vsphere: Add new directory_permission config export
  option. [GH-9704]
* builder/vsphere: Add option to import OVF templates to the Content
  Library [GH-9755]
* builder/vsphere: Add step and options to customize cloned VMs. [GH-9665]
* builder/vsphere: Update iso_paths to support reading ISOs from Content
  Library paths [GH-9801]
* core/hcl: Add provisioner "override" option to HCL2 templates. [GH-9764]
* core/hcl: Add vault integration as an HCL2 function function. [GH-9746]
* core: Add colored prefix to progress bar so it's clearer what build each
  progress bar belongs to. [GH-9780]
* core: Ui now pretty prints build durations. [GH-9749]
* core: When a build is cancelled, Packer will skip postprocessors
  gracefully rather than failing them. [GH-9720]
* integrations/secretsmanager: Add support for plaintext non-key/pair
  secrets. [GH-9773]
* post-processor/vsphere: Improve UI to catch bad credentials and print
  errors. [GH-9649]
* provisioner/ansible-remote: Add ansible_ssh_extra_args so users can
  specify extra arguments to pass to ssh [GH-9821]
* provisioner/file: Clean up, bugfix, and document previously-hidden
  sources option. [GH-9725] [GH-9735]
* provisioner/salt-masterless: Add option to option to download community
  SaltStack formulas. [GH-9726]


* build: Fix bug in code generator that caused generation to fail in nested
  packer/packer dirs [GH-9728]
* build: Fix Makefile so that default target doesn't crash and creates dev
  binaries. [GH-9706]
* builder/amazon-ebssurrogate: Make skip_save_build_region option work in
  the ebssurrogate builder, not just the ebs builder. [GH-9666]
* builder/amazon: Add retry logic to the spot instance creation step to
  handle "Invalid IAM Instance Profile name" errors [GH-9810]
* builder/amazon: Update the aws_secretsmanager function to read from the
  AWS credentials file for obtaining default region information; fixes the
  'MissingRegion' error when AWS_REGION is not set [GH-9781]
* builder/file: Make sure that UploadDir receives the interpolated
  destination. [GH-9698]
* builder/googlecompute: Fix bug where startup script hang would cause
  export to hang. [GH-9708]
* builder/hyperv: Send boot command in small chunks to make it more
  stable. [GH-9765]
* builder/scaleway: Fix config issue that made scaleway builder fail when
  used with HCL2 config. [GH-9677]
* builder/vmware: Fully destroy vm if it was cancelled or errored. This
  will make orphaned vms easier to destroy through vCenter. [GH-9782]
* builder/vsphere: Fix alt, ctrl, and shift keypresses in the
  boot_command. [GH-9702] [GH-9739]
* builder/vsphere: Fix bug where Packer timed out if two interfaces were
  defined but only one had an available IP. [GH-9748]
* builder/vsphere: Fix the configuration_parameters option so that it is
  always applied, not just when the tool sync policy is set. [GH-9713]
* communicator: Fix pause_before_connect option to force a reconnect after
  the pause. [GH-9772]
* core: Make max_retries provisioner option a string to allow variable
  interpolation. [GH-9673]
* post-processor/vsphere-template: Fix ReregisterVM to default to true
  instead of false. [GH-9736]
* post-processor/yandex-export: Fix issue when validating region_name
* provisioner/inspec: Fix the 'Unsupported argument; An argument named
  "command"' error when using the inspec provisioner in an HCL2 configuration
2020-08-29 19:00:00 +09:00
Makefile packer: Update to 1.6.2 2020-08-29 19:00:00 +09:00
distinfo packer: Update to 1.6.2 2020-08-29 19:00:00 +09:00