Iku Iwasa 82ae6563e2 packer: Update to 1.4.2

* new feature: Packer console [GH-7726]
* builder/alicloud: cleanup image and snapshot if target image is still not
  available after timeout [GH-7744]
* builder/alicloud: let product API determine the default value of
  io_optimized [GH-7747]
* builder/amazon: Add new skip_save_build_region option to fix naming
  conflicts when building in a region you don't want the final image saved
  in. [GH-7759]
* builder/amazon: Add retry for temp key-pair generation in amazon-ebs
* builder/amazon: Enable encrypted AMI sharing across accounts [GH-7707]
* builder/amazon: New SpotInstanceTypes feature for spot instance
  users. [GH-7682]
* builder/azure: Allow users to publish Managed Images to Azure Shared
  Image Gallery (same Subscription) [GH-7778]
* builder/azure: Update Azure SDK for Go to v30.0.0 [GH-7706]
* builder/cloudstack: Add tags to instance upon creation [GH-7526]
* builder/docker: Better windows defaults [GH-7678]
* builder/google: Add feature to import user-data from a file [GH-7720]
* builder/hyperv: Abort build if there's a name collision [GH-7746]
* builder/hyperv: Clarify pathing requirements for hyperv-vmcx [GH-7790]
* builder/hyperv: Increase MaxRamSize to match modern Windows [GH-7785]
* builder/openstack: Add image filtering on properties. [GH-7597]
* builder/qemu: Add additional disk support [GH-7791]
* builder/vagrant: Allow user to override vagrant ssh-config details
* builder/yandex: Gracefully shutdown instance, allow metadata from file,
  and create preemptible instance type [GH-7734]
* core: scrub out sensitive variables in scrub out sensitive variables logs


* builder/alicloud: Fix describing snapshots issue when
  image_ignore_data_disks is provided [GH-7736]
* builder/amazon: Fix bug in region copy which produced badly-named AMIs in
  the build region. [GH-7691]
* builder/amazon: Fix failure that happened when spot_tags was set but
  ami_tags wasn't [GH-7712]
* builder/cloudstack: Update go-cloudstack sdk, fixing compatability with
  CloudStack v 4.12 [GH-7694]
* builder/proxmox: Update proxmox-api-go dependency, fixing issue
  calculating VMIDs. [GH-7755]
* builder/tencent: Correctly remove tencentcloud temporary
  keypair. [GH-7787]
* core: Allow timestamped AND colorless ui messages [GH-7769]
* core: Apply logSecretFilter to output from ui.Say [GH-7739]
* core: Fix "make bin" command to use reasonbale defaults. [GH-7752]
* core: Fix user var interpolation for variables set via -var-file and from
  command line [GH-7733]
* core: machine-readable UI now writes UI calls to logs. [GH-7745]
* core: Switch makefile to use "GO111MODULE=auto" to allow for modern
  gomodule usage. [GH-7753]
* provisioner/ansible: prevent nil pointer dereference after a language
  change [GH-7738]
* provisioner/chef: Accept chef license by default to prevent hangs in
  latest Chef [GH-7653]
* provisioner/powershell: Fix crash caused by error in retry logic check in
  powershell provisioner [GH-7657]
* provisioner/powershell: Fix null file descriptor error that occurred when
  remote_path provided is a directory and not a file. [GH-7705]
2019-06-29 13:34:04 +09:00
Makefile packer: Update to 1.4.2 2019-06-29 13:34:04 +09:00
distinfo packer: Update to 1.4.2 2019-06-29 13:34:04 +09:00