
16 lines
744 B

A set of python 3 scripts that supports proxying DNS over HTTPS as specified
in the IETF Draft draft-ietf-doh-dns-over-https.
DOH provides a way to run encrypted DNS over HTTPS, a protocol which can freely
traverse firewalls when other encrypted mechanism may be blocked.
The project comes with a set of 4 tools:
* doh-proxy: A service that receives DOH queries over HTTP2 and forwards
them to a recursive resolver.
* doh-httpproxy: Like `doh-proxy` but uses HTTP instead of HTTP2.
The main intent is to run this behind a reverse proxy.
* doh-stub: A service that listens for DNS queries and forwards them to a
DOH server.
* doh-client: A tool to perform a test DNS query against DOH server.