
16 lines
541 B

(1) Only tried with NetBSD/amd64, just starting. (Thanks @tsutsuii)
- Test is only done by FreeWnn, but not successfull even with it
(you need to start jserver before you start mule)
(Now tested also on NetBSD/i386)
(2) src/xemacs is not handled yet
(3) in some case you will see
modena@makoto 13:51:14/150407(..wip/mule11)% mule
Fatal error (6).zsh: abort (core dumped) mule
My case was I had following line in .Xdefaults
Emacs.Font: -*-*-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-14
This is harmfull for current mule-1.1