
186 lines
3.4 KiB

"id": "languagesPlatforms",
"title": "Platforms",
"description": "Jenkins plugins that are designed to give added support for building, testing or deploying to specific languages or platforms.",
"id": "ios",
"title": "iOS development"
"id": "dotnet",
"title": "Azure and .NET"
"id": "android",
"title": "Android development"
"id": "ruby",
"title": "Ruby development"
"id": "scala",
"title": "Scala plugins"
"id": "userInterface",
"title": "User interface",
"description": "Add-ons designed to make your iteraction with Jenkins better.",
"id": "ui",
"title": "User Interface"
"id": "listview-column",
"title": "List view column plugins"
"id": "adminTools",
"title": "Administration",
"description": "Add functionality to help streamline your administration of Jenkins.",
"id": "slaves",
"title": "Agent launchers and controllers"
"id": "page-decorator",
"title": "Page decorators"
"id": "user",
"title": "Authentication and user management"
"id": "cluster",
"title": "Cluster management and distributed build"
"id": "cli",
"title": "CLI extensions"
"id": "buildManagement",
"title": "Build management",
"description": "Add new means of trigger jobs and new ways to ensure environment consistency for you automated processes.",
"id": "trigger",
"title": "Build triggers"
"id": "buildwrapper",
"title": "Build wrappers"
"id": "notifier",
"title": "Build notifiers"
"id": "deployment",
"title": "Deployment plugins"
"id": "parameter",
"title": "Build parameters"
"id": "post-build",
"title": "Clean-up actions"
"id": "builder",
"title": "Build tools"
"id": "report",
"title": "Build reports"
"id": "upload",
"title": "Artifact uploaders"
"id": "scm",
"title": "Source code management",
"description": "Connect to your Jenkins to your SCM.",
"id": "scm",
"title": "Source Code Management"
"id": "scm-related",
"title": "Source Code Management related"
"id": "junk",
"hidden": true,
"id": "library"
"id": "misc"
"id": "must-be-labeled"
"id": "external"
"id": "maven"