flag test

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Maxwell 2009-04-01 18:29:20 -07:00
parent 8f619b18c2
commit 6db8b61e4c
2 changed files with 14 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ PyParsley_parse_doc(parsedParsleyPtr ptr, char *type) {
return output;
#define SET_FLAG(C, B) if(!B) flags -= C
#define SET_FLAG(C, B) if(B) flags |= C
static PyObject *
@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ PyParsley_parse(PyParsley *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords)
// printf("%d %d %d %d %d \n", prune, collate, allow_net, allow_local, flags);
if(self->parsley == NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "parsley data is NULL");
return NULL;

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@ -9,22 +9,31 @@ class TestPyParsley(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.parsley = PyParsley({'title': 'title'})
self.alt_parsley = PyParsley('{"title": "title"}')
self.a_parsley = PyParsley({'links': ['regexp:match(a @href, ".*sign.*")']})
self.__file__ = currentframe().f_code.co_filename
self.__dir__ = dirname(self.__file__)
self.file = self.__dir__ + '/yelp.html'
self.json = '{ "title": "\\t\\tNick\'s Crispy Tacos - Russian Hill - San Francisco, CA\\n" }'
self.native = { "title": "\t\tNick's Crispy Tacos - Russian Hill - San Francisco, CA\n" }
self.links = '{ "links": [ "\\/signup?return_url=%2Fuser_details", "\\/signup?return_url=%2Fwriteareview", "\\/signup?return_url=%2Finvite_friends", "\\/signup?return_url=%2Fmail", "\\/signup?return_url=%2Fprofile", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup", "\\/signup" ] }'
def test_file_xml(self):
parsed = self.parsley.parse(file = self.file, output = "json")
self.assertEquals(self.json, parsed)
def test_pruning(self):
parsed = self.a_parsley.parse(file = self.file, output = "json")
self.assertEquals(self.links, parsed)
def test_json_file_xml(self):
parsed = self.alt_parsley.parse(file = self.file, output = "json")
self.assertEquals(self.json, parsed)
def test_native(self):
parsed = self.alt_parsley.parse(file = self.file, output = "python")
self.assertEquals({ "title": "\t\tNick's Crispy Tacos - Russian Hill - San Francisco, CA\n" }, parsed)
self.assertEquals(self.native, parsed)
parsed = self.alt_parsley.parse(file = self.file)
self.assertEquals(self.native, parsed)
if __name__ == '__main__':