
33 lines
978 B

Feature: Build a user profile
In order to find RCS repos to clone
As a user
I want to see a listing of a github user's events and projects
Scenario: Viewing a profile
Given a user named "mike"
When I visit the user's profile
Then the title should contain "Index of /mike"
Scenario: View a profile with no repos
Given a user with 0 repositories
When I visit the user's profile
And I should see 0 repositories
Scenario: View a profile with a single repo
Given a user with 1 repositories
When I visit the user's profile
Then I should see 1 repositories
Scenario: View a profile with an empty timeline
Given a user with 0 timeline events
When I visit the user's profile
Then I should see 0 timeline events
Scenario: View a profile with a populated timeline
Given a user with 1 timeline events
When I visit the user's profile
Then I should see 1 timeline events
# vim: ft=cucumber sw=2 ts=2 et