
336 lines
11 KiB

extern crate serde_derive;
use async_std::sync::Arc;
use async_std::task;
use futures::channel::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
use jsonschema::{JSONSchema, Draft};
use log::*;
use rdkafka::config::ClientConfig;
use rdkafka::consumer::stream_consumer::StreamConsumer;
use rdkafka::consumer::Consumer;
use rdkafka::message::Message;
use rdkafka::producer::{FutureProducer, FutureRecord};
use serde_json;
use serde_yaml;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;
mod settings;
* A struct to carry a message over a channel to be published into Kafka
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct DispatchMessage {
// Topic the message should be written to
destination: String,
payload: String,
* Collection of named parsed JSON Schemas
* Note: these schemas have not yet been compiled!
type NamedSchemas = HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>;
* TopicContext will carry the necessary context into a topic consumer to enable
* it to properly parse and route messages
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TopicContext {
topic: settings::Topic,
settings: Arc<settings::Settings>,
schemas: Arc<HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>>,
impl TopicContext {
* Return the schema to use for validating this topic
pub fn schema_to_use(&self, message: &serde_json::Value) -> Option<&serde_json::Value> {
match &self.topic.schema {
settings::Schema::KeyType { key } => {
// Fish out the right sub-value for the key
if let Some(schema) = message.get(key) {
// Use the string value assuming we can get it
if let Some(schema) = schema.as_str() {
return self.schemas.get(schema);
settings::Schema::PathType { path } => {
if let Some(path_str) = path.as_path().to_str() {
return self.schemas.get(path_str);
async fn main() {
let settings = Arc::new(settings::load_settings());
// Load schemas from directory
let schemas = load_schemas_from(settings.schemas.clone())
.expect("Failed to load schemas.d");
// XXX: fix this magic number and make the channel size configurable
let (sender, mut receiver) = channel::<DispatchMessage>(1024);
// Creating an Arc to pass into the consumers
let schemas = Arc::new(schemas);
let mut kafka_config: ClientConfig = ClientConfig::new();
for (key, value) in settings.kafka.iter() {
kafka_config.set(key, value);
for topic in settings.topics.iter() {
* NOTE: I don't like this but for now each topic will get its own consumer
* connection to Kafka. While this probably isn't a bad thing, I just don't
* like it
let consumer: StreamConsumer = kafka_config.clone()
.expect("Consumer creation failed");
let ctx = TopicContext {
topic: topic.clone(),
settings: settings.clone(),
schemas: schemas.clone(),
// Launch a consumer task for each topic
task::spawn(consume_topic(consumer, ctx, sender.clone()));
// Need to block the main task here with something so the topic consumers don't die
task::block_on(async move {
let producer: FutureProducer = kafka_config.create()
.expect("Producer creation failed");
while let Some(message) = {
info!("Need to dispatch to Kafka: {:?}", message);
let record: FutureRecord<String, String> = FutureRecord::to(&message.destination)
// TODO: Make this more robust and not sequential
producer.send(record, -1 as i64).await;
* This function starts a runloop which will consume from the given topic
* and then send messages along to the sender channel
async fn consume_topic(consumer: StreamConsumer, ctx: TopicContext, mut sender: Sender<DispatchMessage>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let topic = &ctx.topic;
.expect("Could not subscribe consumer");
let mut stream = consumer.start();
debug!("Consuming from {}",;
while let Some(message) = {
match message {
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to consume: {}", e);
Ok(message) => {
// TODO: might as well turn payload into an OwnedMessage since we need to copy it
// around a couple times anyways
let payload = match message.payload_view::<str>() {
None => "",
Some(Ok(buf)) => buf,
Some(Err(e)) => {
error!("Could not parse message: {:?}", e);
debug!("Message consumed: {:?}", payload);
// Do the schema validation
// TODO: better error handling for non-JSON
let value: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(payload)
.expect("Failed to deserialize message payload");
let schema = ctx.schema_to_use(&value);
if schema.is_none() {
error!("Could not load a schema, skipping message on {}",;
let schema = schema.unwrap();
trace!("Compiling schema: {}", schema);
// TODO: Make this compilation checking and whatnot happen outside
// of the message loop
let compiled = JSONSchema::compile(&schema, Some(Draft::Draft7))
.expect("Failed to compile JSONSchema");
match compiled.validate(&value) {
Err(errors) => {
for error in errors {
warn!("Validation error: {}", error)
// TODO: Include the validation errors in the JSON output message
if let Some(invalid_topic) = &topic.routing.invalid {
// TODO: this is ugly
let destination = invalid_topic.clone().replace("$name", &;
let message = DispatchMessage {
payload: payload.to_string(),
Ok(_) => {
if let Some(valid_topic) = &topic.routing.valid {
// TODO: this is ugly
let destination = valid_topic.clone().replace("$name", &;
let message = DispatchMessage {
payload: payload.to_string(),
else {
debug!("No valid topic defined for {}",;
* Load all the .yml files which appear to be schemas in the given directory
* NOTE: This does not yet recurse through the directories
fn load_schemas_from(directory: std::path::PathBuf) -> Result<NamedSchemas, ()> {
let mut schemas = HashMap::<String, serde_json::Value>::new();
let schemas_d = fs::read_dir(&directory)
.expect(&format!("Failed to read directory: {:?}", directory));
for file in schemas_d {
if let Ok(file) = file {
let file = file.path();
match file.extension() {
Some(ext) => {
if ext == "yml" {
info!("Loading schema: {:?}", file);
let buf = fs::read_to_string(&file)
.expect(&format!("Failed to read {:?}", file));
let file_name = file.file_name().expect("Failed to unpack file_name()");
let value: serde_json::Value = serde_yaml::from_str(&buf)
.expect(&format!("Failed to parse {:?}", file));
let key = file_name.to_str().unwrap().to_string();
debug!("Inserting schema for key: {}", key);
// This is gross, gotta be a better way to structure this
schemas.insert(key, value);
_ => {},
mod tests {
use super::*;
use serde_json::json;
fn schemas_for_test() -> NamedSchemas {
.expect("Failed to load schemas for test")
fn settings_for_test() -> settings::Settings {
* This test is pretty primitive, and is coupled to slipstream.yml in the
* repository
fn test_load_schemas_from() {
let schemas = schemas_for_test();
assert_eq!(schemas.keys().len(), 2);
* Validating that we can get the right schema to validat the topic
* by querying the topic itself
* This is complex enough that it's bordering on an integration test, eep!
fn test_topics_schema() {
let settings = Arc::new(settings_for_test());
let schemas = Arc::new(schemas_for_test());
let ctx = TopicContext {
schemas: schemas.clone(),
topic: settings.topics[0].clone(),
let message = json!({"$id" : "hello.yml"});
let expected_schema = schemas.get("hello.yml")
.expect("Failed to load hello.yml named schema");
let schema = ctx.schema_to_use(&message);
assert_eq!(expected_schema, schema.unwrap());
* Validate that a path-based schema reference for a topic can be found
fn test_topics_schema_with_path() {
let settings = Arc::new(settings_for_test());
let schemas = Arc::new(schemas_for_test());
let topics: Vec<settings::Topic> = settings.topics.clone().into_iter().filter(|t| == "other").collect();
let ctx = TopicContext {
schemas: schemas.clone(),
topic: topics[0].clone(),
let message = json!({});
let expected_schema = schemas.get("other.yml")
.expect("Failed to load other.yml named schema");
let schema = ctx.schema_to_use(&message);
assert_eq!(expected_schema, schema.unwrap());