
143 lines
4.7 KiB

* The routes module contains all the tide routes and the logic to fulfill the responses for each
* route.
* Modules are nested for cleaner organization here
use log::*;
use tide::{Body, Request};
use crate::models::Project;
use crate::AppState;
* GET /
pub async fn index(req: Request<AppState<'_>>) -> Result<Body, tide::Error> {
let agents: Vec<String> = req
.map(|a| a.render_compact(req.state()))
let params = json!({
"page": "home",
"agents" : agents,
"config" : req.state().config,
"projects" : Project::list(&req.state().db).await?,
debug!("Rendering home page with: {:?}", params);
let mut body = req.state().render("index", &params).await?;
* GET /project/:name
pub async fn project(req: Request<AppState<'_>>) -> Result<Body, tide::Error> {
let name: String = req.param("name")?.into();
let params = json!({
"name" : name,
let mut body = req.state().render("project", &params).await?;
pub mod api {
use crate::config::{Scm, Yml};
use crate::Agent;
use crate::AppState;
use log::*;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tide::{Request, Response, StatusCode};
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct RedirectedForm {
next: Option<String>,
* POST /projects/{name}
pub async fn execute_project(mut req: Request<AppState<'_>>) -> tide::Result {
let name: String = req.param("name")?.into();
let next: RedirectedForm = req.body_form().await?;
let state = req.state();
if !state.config.has_project(&name) {
debug!("Could not find project named: {}", name);
return Ok(Response::new(StatusCode::NotFound));
if let Some(project) = state.config.projects.get(&name) {
match &project.scm {
Scm::Nonexistent => {
info!("Nonexistent SCM, using inline configuration for {}", name);
info!("configuration: {:?}", project.inline);
if let Some(config) = &project.inline {
execute_commands(config, &state.agents).await?;
if let Some(red) = & {
return Ok(tide::Redirect::new(red).into());
Scm::GitHub {
} => {
let filename = match &project.filename {
None => "synchronik.yml".to_string(),
Some(filename) => filename.to_string(),
debug!("Fetching the file {} from {}/{}", filename, owner, repo);
let res = octocrab::instance()
.repos(owner, repo)
.raw_file(octocrab::params::repos::Commitish(scm_ref.into()), filename)
let config_file: Yml = serde_yaml::from_str(&res.text().await?)?;
debug!("text: {:?}", config_file);
execute_commands(&config_file, &state.agents).await?;
if let Some(red) = & {
return Ok(tide::Redirect::new(red).into());
return Ok("{}".into());
async fn execute_commands(config: &Yml, agents: &Vec<Agent>) -> Result<(), tide::Error> {
debug!("working {:?}", config);
for agent in agents {
debug!("agent: {:?}", agent);
if agent.can_meet(&config.needs) {
debug!("agent: {:?} can meet our needs", agent);
let commands: Vec<synchronik::Command> = config
.map(|c| synchronik::Command::with_script(c))
let commands = synchronik::CommandRequest { commands };
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let _res = client
.expect("Failed to join execute URL"),