Add Ada related plugins

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R. Tyler Croy 2011-01-15 22:12:04 -08:00
parent 9dbb64b9b9
commit 1121e5f45e
11 changed files with 2520 additions and 0 deletions

dotvim/autoload/ada.vim Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
" Description: Perform Ada specific completion & tagging.
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" Taylor Venable <>
" Neil Bird <>
" Ned Okie <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
" autoload
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" 08.07.2007 TV fix mapleader problems.
" 09.05.2007 MK Session just won't work no matter how much
" tweaking is done
" 19.09.2007 NO still some mapleader problems
" Help Page: ft-ada-functions
if version < 700
" Section: Constants {{{1
let g:ada#DotWordRegex = '\a\w*\(\_s*\.\_s*\a\w*\)*'
let g:ada#WordRegex = '\a\w*'
let g:ada#Comment = "\\v^(\"[^\"]*\"|'.'|[^\"']){-}\\zs\\s*--.*"
let g:ada#Keywords = []
" Section: g:ada#Keywords {{{1
" Section: add Ada keywords {{{2
for Item in ['abort', 'else', 'new', 'return', 'abs', 'elsif', 'not', 'reverse', 'abstract', 'end', 'null', 'accept', 'entry', 'select', 'access', 'exception', 'of', 'separate', 'aliased', 'exit', 'or', 'subtype', 'all', 'others', 'synchronized', 'and', 'for', 'out', 'array', 'function', 'overriding', 'tagged', 'at', 'task', 'generic', 'package', 'terminate', 'begin', 'goto', 'pragma', 'then', 'body', 'private', 'type', 'if', 'procedure', 'case', 'in', 'protected', 'until', 'constant', 'interface', 'use', 'is', 'raise', 'declare', 'range', 'when', 'delay', 'limited', 'record', 'while', 'delta', 'loop', 'rem', 'with', 'digits', 'renames', 'do', 'mod', 'requeue', 'xor']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'keyword',
\ 'info': 'Ada keyword.',
\ 'kind': 'k',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: GNAT Project Files {{{3
if exists ('g:ada_with_gnat_project_files')
for Item in ['project']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'keyword',
\ 'info': 'GNAT projectfile keyword.',
\ 'kind': 'k',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add standart exception {{{2
for Item in ['Constraint_Error', 'Program_Error', 'Storage_Error', 'Tasking_Error', 'Status_Error', 'Mode_Error', 'Name_Error', 'Use_Error', 'Device_Error', 'End_Error', 'Data_Error', 'Layout_Error', 'Length_Error', 'Pattern_Error', 'Index_Error', 'Translation_Error', 'Time_Error', 'Argument_Error', 'Tag_Error', 'Picture_Error', 'Terminator_Error', 'Conversion_Error', 'Pointer_Error', 'Dereference_Error', 'Update_Error']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'exception',
\ 'info': 'Ada standart exception.',
\ 'kind': 'x',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add GNAT exception {{{3
if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
for Item in ['Assert_Failure']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'exception',
\ 'info': 'GNAT exception.',
\ 'kind': 'x',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add Ada buildin types {{{2
for Item in ['Boolean', 'Integer', 'Natural', 'Positive', 'Float', 'Character', 'Wide_Character', 'Wide_Wide_Character', 'String', 'Wide_String', 'Wide_Wide_String', 'Duration']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'type',
\ 'info': 'Ada buildin type.',
\ 'kind': 't',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add GNAT buildin types {{{3
if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
for Item in ['Short_Integer', 'Short_Short_Integer', 'Long_Integer', 'Long_Long_Integer', 'Short_Float', 'Short_Short_Float', 'Long_Float', 'Long_Long_Float']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'type',
\ 'info': 'GNAT buildin type.',
\ 'kind': 't',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add Ada Attributes {{{2
for Item in ['''Access', '''Address', '''Adjacent', '''Aft', '''Alignment', '''Base', '''Bit_Order', '''Body_Version', '''Callable', '''Caller', '''Ceiling', '''Class', '''Component_Size', '''Compose', '''Constrained', '''Copy_Sign', '''Count', '''Definite', '''Delta', '''Denorm', '''Digits', '''Emax', '''Exponent', '''External_Tag', '''Epsilon', '''First', '''First_Bit', '''Floor', '''Fore', '''Fraction', '''Identity', '''Image', '''Input', '''Large', '''Last', '''Last_Bit', '''Leading_Part', '''Length', '''Machine', '''Machine_Emax', '''Machine_Emin', '''Machine_Mantissa', '''Machine_Overflows', '''Machine_Radix', '''Machine_Rounding', '''Machine_Rounds', '''Mantissa', '''Max', '''Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements', '''Min', '''Mod', '''Model', '''Model_Emin', '''Model_Epsilon', '''Model_Mantissa', '''Model_Small', '''Modulus', '''Output', '''Partition_ID', '''Pos', '''Position', '''Pred', '''Priority', '''Range', '''Read', '''Remainder', '''Round', '''Rounding', '''Safe_Emax', '''Safe_First', '''Safe_Large', '''Safe_Last', '''Safe_Small', '''Scale', '''Scaling', '''Signed_Zeros', '''Size', '''Small', '''Storage_Pool', '''Storage_Size', '''Stream_Size', '''Succ', '''Tag', '''Terminated', '''Truncation', '''Unbiased_Rounding', '''Unchecked_Access', '''Val', '''Valid', '''Value', '''Version', '''Wide_Image', '''Wide_Value', '''Wide_Wide_Image', '''Wide_Wide_Value', '''Wide_Wide_Width', '''Wide_Width', '''Width', '''Write']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'attribute',
\ 'info': 'Ada attribute.',
\ 'kind': 'a',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add GNAT Attributes {{{3
if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
for Item in ['''Abort_Signal', '''Address_Size', '''Asm_Input', '''Asm_Output', '''AST_Entry', '''Bit', '''Bit_Position', '''Code_Address', '''Default_Bit_Order', '''Elaborated', '''Elab_Body', '''Elab_Spec', '''Emax', '''Enum_Rep', '''Epsilon', '''Fixed_Value', '''Has_Access_Values', '''Has_Discriminants', '''Img', '''Integer_Value', '''Machine_Size', '''Max_Interrupt_Priority', '''Max_Priority', '''Maximum_Alignment', '''Mechanism_Code', '''Null_Parameter', '''Object_Size', '''Passed_By_Reference', '''Range_Length', '''Storage_Unit', '''Target_Name', '''Tick', '''To_Address', '''Type_Class', '''UET_Address', '''Unconstrained_Array', '''Universal_Literal_String', '''Unrestricted_Access', '''VADS_Size', '''Value_Size', '''Wchar_T_Size', '''Word_Size']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'attribute',
\ 'info': 'GNAT attribute.',
\ 'kind': 'a',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add Ada Pragmas {{{2
for Item in ['All_Calls_Remote', 'Assert', 'Assertion_Policy', 'Asynchronous', 'Atomic', 'Atomic_Components', 'Attach_Handler', 'Controlled', 'Convention', 'Detect_Blocking', 'Discard_Names', 'Elaborate', 'Elaborate_All', 'Elaborate_Body', 'Export', 'Import', 'Inline', 'Inspection_Point', 'Interface (Obsolescent)', 'Interrupt_Handler', 'Interrupt_Priority', 'Linker_Options', 'List', 'Locking_Policy', 'Memory_Size (Obsolescent)', 'No_Return', 'Normalize_Scalars', 'Optimize', 'Pack', 'Page', 'Partition_Elaboration_Policy', 'Preelaborable_Initialization', 'Preelaborate', 'Priority', 'Priority_Specific_Dispatching', 'Profile', 'Pure', 'Queueing_Policy', 'Relative_Deadline', 'Remote_Call_Interface', 'Remote_Types', 'Restrictions', 'Reviewable', 'Shared (Obsolescent)', 'Shared_Passive', 'Storage_Size', 'Storage_Unit (Obsolescent)', 'Suppress', 'System_Name (Obsolescent)', 'Task_Dispatching_Policy', 'Unchecked_Union', 'Unsuppress', 'Volatile', 'Volatile_Components']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'pragma',
\ 'info': 'Ada pragma.',
\ 'kind': 'p',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" Section: add GNAT Pragmas {{{3
if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
for Item in ['Abort_Defer', 'Ada_83', 'Ada_95', 'Ada_05', 'Annotate', 'Ast_Entry', 'C_Pass_By_Copy', 'Comment', 'Common_Object', 'Compile_Time_Warning', 'Complex_Representation', 'Component_Alignment', 'Convention_Identifier', 'CPP_Class', 'CPP_Constructor', 'CPP_Virtual', 'CPP_Vtable', 'Debug', 'Elaboration_Checks', 'Eliminate', 'Export_Exception', 'Export_Function', 'Export_Object', 'Export_Procedure', 'Export_Value', 'Export_Valued_Procedure', 'Extend_System', 'External', 'External_Name_Casing', 'Finalize_Storage_Only', 'Float_Representation', 'Ident', 'Import_Exception', 'Import_Function', 'Import_Object', 'Import_Procedure', 'Import_Valued_Procedure', 'Initialize_Scalars', 'Inline_Always', 'Inline_Generic', 'Interface_Name', 'Interrupt_State', 'Keep_Names', 'License', 'Link_With', 'Linker_Alias', 'Linker_Section', 'Long_Float', 'Machine_Attribute', 'Main_Storage', 'Obsolescent', 'Passive', 'Polling', 'Profile_Warnings', 'Propagate_Exceptions', 'Psect_Object', 'Pure_Function', 'Restriction_Warnings', 'Source_File_Name', 'Source_File_Name_Project', 'Source_Reference', 'Stream_Convert', 'Style_Checks', 'Subtitle', 'Suppress_All', 'Suppress_Exception_Locations', 'Suppress_Initialization', 'Task_Info', 'Task_Name', 'Task_Storage', 'Thread_Body', 'Time_Slice', 'Title', 'Unimplemented_Unit', 'Universal_Data', 'Unreferenced', 'Unreserve_All_Interrupts', 'Use_VADS_Size', 'Validity_Checks', 'Warnings', 'Weak_External']
let g:ada#Keywords += [{
\ 'word': Item,
\ 'menu': 'pragma',
\ 'info': 'GNAT pragma.',
\ 'kind': 'p',
\ 'icase': 1}]
" 1}}}
" Section: g:ada#Ctags_Kinds {{{1
let g:ada#Ctags_Kinds = {
\ 'P': ["packspec", "package specifications"],
\ 'p': ["package", "packages"],
\ 'T': ["typespec", "type specifications"],
\ 't': ["type", "types"],
\ 'U': ["subspec", "subtype specifications"],
\ 'u': ["subtype", "subtypes"],
\ 'c': ["component", "record type components"],
\ 'l': ["literal", "enum type literals"],
\ 'V': ["varspec", "variable specifications"],
\ 'v': ["variable", "variables"],
\ 'f': ["formal", "generic formal parameters"],
\ 'n': ["constant", "constants"],
\ 'x': ["exception", "user defined exceptions"],
\ 'R': ["subprogspec", "subprogram specifications"],
\ 'r': ["subprogram", "subprograms"],
\ 'K': ["taskspec", "task specifications"],
\ 'k': ["task", "tasks"],
\ 'O': ["protectspec", "protected data specifications"],
\ 'o': ["protected", "protected data"],
\ 'E': ["entryspec", "task/protected data entry specifications"],
\ 'e': ["entry", "task/protected data entries"],
\ 'b': ["label", "labels"],
\ 'i': ["identifier", "loop/declare identifiers"],
\ 'a': ["autovar", "automatic variables"],
\ 'y': ["annon", "loops and blocks with no identifier"]}
" Section: ada#Word (...) {{{1
" Extract current Ada word across multiple lines
" AdaWord ([line, column])\
function ada#Word (...)
if a:0 > 1
let l:Line_Nr = a:1
let l:Column_Nr = a:2 - 1
let l:Line_Nr = line('.')
let l:Column_Nr = col('.') - 1
let l:Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
" Cope with tag searching for items in comments; if we are, don't loop
" backards looking for previous lines
if l:Column_Nr > strlen(l:Line)
" We were in a comment
let l:Line = getline(l:Line_Nr)
let l:Search_Prev_Lines = 0
let l:Search_Prev_Lines = 1
" Go backwards until we find a match (Ada ID) that *doesn't* include our
" location - i.e., the previous ID. This is because the current 'correct'
" match will toggle matching/not matching as we traverse characters
" backwards. Thus, we have to find the previous unrelated match, exclude
" it, then use the next full match (ours).
" Remember to convert vim column 'l:Column_Nr' [1..n] to string offset [0..(n-1)]
" ... but start, here, one after the required char.
let l:New_Column = l:Column_Nr + 1
while 1
let l:New_Column = l:New_Column - 1
if l:New_Column < 0
" Have to include previous l:Line from file
let l:Line_Nr = l:Line_Nr - 1
if l:Line_Nr < 1 || !l:Search_Prev_Lines
" Start of file or matching in a comment
let l:Line_Nr = 1
let l:New_Column = 0
let l:Our_Match = match (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex )
" Get previous l:Line, and prepend it to our search string
let l:New_Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
let l:New_Column = strlen (l:New_Line) - 1
let l:Column_Nr = l:Column_Nr + l:New_Column
let l:Line = l:New_Line . l:Line
" Check to see if this is a match excluding 'us'
let l:Match_End = l:New_Column +
\ matchend (strpart (l:Line,l:New_Column), g:ada#WordRegex ) - 1
if l:Match_End >= l:New_Column &&
\ l:Match_End < l:Column_Nr
" Yes
let l:Our_Match = l:Match_End+1 +
\ match (strpart (l:Line,l:Match_End+1), g:ada#WordRegex )
" Got anything?
if l:Our_Match < 0
return ''
let l:Line = strpart (l:Line, l:Our_Match)
" Now simply add further lines until the match gets no bigger
let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
let l:Last_Line = line ('$')
let l:Line_Nr = line ('.') + 1
while l:Line_Nr <= l:Last_Line
let l:Last_Match = l:Match_String
let l:Line = l:Line .
\ substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '')
let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
if l:Match_String == l:Last_Match
" Strip whitespace & return
return substitute (l:Match_String, '\s\+', '', 'g')
endfunction ada#Word
" Section: ada#List_Tag (...) {{{1
" List tags in quickfix window
function ada#List_Tag (...)
if a:0 > 1
let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word (a:1, a:2)
elseif a:0 > 0
let l:Tag_Word = a:1
let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word ()
echo "Searching for" l:Tag_Word
let l:Pattern = '^' . l:Tag_Word . '$'
let l:Tag_List = taglist (l:Pattern)
let l:Error_List = []
" add symbols
for Tag_Item in l:Tag_List
if l:Tag_Item['kind'] == ''
let l:Tag_Item['kind'] = 's'
let l:Error_List += [
\ l:Tag_Item['filename'] . '|' .
\ l:Tag_Item['cmd'] . '|' .
\ l:Tag_Item['kind'] . "\t" .
\ l:Tag_Item['name'] ]
set errorformat=%f\|%l\|%m
cexpr l:Error_List
endfunction ada#List_Tag
" Section: ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode) {{{1
" Word tag - include '.' and if Ada make uppercase
function ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode)
if a:Word == ''
" Get current word
let l:Word = ada#Word()
if l:Word == ''
throw "NOT_FOUND: no identifier found."
let l:Word = a:Word
echo "Searching for " . l:Word
execute a:Mode l:Word
catch /.*:E426:.*/
let ignorecase = &ignorecase
set ignorecase
execute a:Mode l:Word
let &ignorecase = ignorecase
endfunction ada#Jump_Tag
" Section: ada#Insert_Backspace () {{{1
" Backspace at end of line after auto-inserted commentstring '-- ' wipes it
function ada#Insert_Backspace ()
let l:Line = getline ('.')
if col ('.') > strlen (l:Line) &&
\ match (l:Line, '-- $') != -1 &&
\ match (&comments,'--') != -1
return "\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>"
return "\<bs>"
endfunction ada#InsertBackspace
" Section: Insert Completions {{{1
" Section: ada#User_Complete(findstart, base) {{{2
" This function is used for the 'complete' option.
function! ada#User_Complete(findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
" locate the start of the word
let line = getline ('.')
let start = col ('.') - 1
while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\i\|'''
let start -= 1
return start
" look up matches
let l:Pattern = '^' . a:base . '.*$'
" add keywords
for Tag_Item in g:ada#Keywords
if l:Tag_Item['word'] =~? l:Pattern
if complete_add (l:Tag_Item) == 0
return []
if complete_check ()
return []
return []
endfunction ada#User_Complete
" Section: ada#Completion (cmd) {{{2
" Word completion (^N/^R/^X^]) - force '.' inclusion
function ada#Completion (cmd)
set iskeyword+=46
return a:cmd . "\<C-R>=ada#Completion_End ()\<CR>"
endfunction ada#Completion
" Section: ada#Completion_End () {{{2
function ada#Completion_End ()
set iskeyword-=46
return ''
endfunction ada#Completion_End
" Section: ada#Create_Tags {{{1
function ada#Create_Tags (option)
if a:option == 'file'
let l:Filename = fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p')
elseif a:option == 'dir'
let l:Filename =
\ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.ada " .
\ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.adb " .
\ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.ads"
let l:Filename = a:option
execute '!ctags --excmd=number ' . l:Filename
endfunction ada#Create_Tags
" Section: ada#Switch_Session {{{1
function ada#Switch_Session (New_Session)
" you should not save to much date into the seession since they will
" be sourced
let l:sessionoptions=&sessionoptions
set sessionoptions=buffers,curdir,folds,globals,resize,slash,tabpages,tabpages,unix,winpos,winsize
if a:New_Session != v:this_session
" We actualy got a new session - otherwise there
" is nothing to do.
if strlen (v:this_session) > 0
execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
let v:this_session = a:New_Session
"if filereadable (v:this_session)
"execute 'source ' . v:this_session
augroup ada_session
autocmd VimLeavePre * execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
augroup END
"if exists ("g:Tlist_Auto_Open") && g:Tlist_Auto_Open
let &sessionoptions=l:sessionoptions
endfunction ada#Switch_Session
" Section: GNAT Pretty Printer folding {{{1
if exists('g:ada_folding') && g:ada_folding[0] == 'g'
" Lines consisting only of ')' ';' are due to a gnat pretty bug and
" have the same level as the line above (can't happen in the first
" line).
let s:Fold_Collate = '^\([;)]*$\|'
" some lone statements are folded with the line above
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'i') >= 0
let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<is\>$\|'
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'b') >= 0
let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<begin\>$\|'
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'p') >= 0
let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<private\>$\|'
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'x') >= 0
let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<exception\>$\|'
" We also handle empty lines and
" comments here.
let s:Fold_Collate .= '--\)'
function ada#Pretty_Print_Folding (Line) " {{{2
let l:Text = getline (a:Line)
if l:Text =~ s:Fold_Collate
" fold with line above
let l:Level = "="
elseif l:Text =~ '^\s\+('
" gnat outdents a line which stards with a ( by one characters so
" that parameters which follow are aligned.
let l:Level = (indent (a:Line) + 1) / &shiftwidth
let l:Level = indent (a:Line) / &shiftwidth
return l:Level
endfunction ada#Pretty_Print_Folding " }}}2
" Section: Options and Menus {{{1
" Section: ada#Switch_Syntax_Options {{{2
function ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (option)
syntax off
if exists ('g:ada_' . a:option)
unlet g:ada_{a:option}
echo a:option . 'now off'
let g:ada_{a:option}=1
echo a:option . 'now on'
syntax on
endfunction ada#Switch_Syntax_Option
" Section: ada#Map_Menu {{{2
function ada#Map_Menu (Text, Keys, Command)
if a:Keys[0] == ':'
\ "50amenu " .
\ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
\ "<Tab>" . a:Keys .
\ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
\ "command -buffer " .
\ a:Keys[1:] .
\" :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
elseif a:Keys[0] == '<'
\ "50amenu " .
\ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
\ "<Tab>" . a:Keys .
\ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
\ "nnoremap <buffer> " .
\ a:Keys .
\" :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
\ "inoremap <buffer> " .
\ a:Keys .
\" <C-O>:" . a:Command . "<CR>"
if exists("g:mapleader")
let l:leader = g:mapleader
let l:leader = '\'
\ "50amenu " .
\ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
\ "<Tab>" . escape(l:leader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
\ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
\ "nnoremap <buffer>" .
\ escape(l:leader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
\" :" . a:Command
\ "inoremap <buffer>" .
\ escape(l:leader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
\" <C-O>:" . a:Command
" Section: ada#Map_Popup {{{2
function ada#Map_Popup (Text, Keys, Command)
if exists("g:mapleader")
let l:leader = g:mapleader
let l:leader = '\'
\ "50amenu " .
\ "PopUp." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
\ "<Tab>" . escape(l:leader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
\ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
call ada#Map_Menu (a:Text, a:Keys, a:Command)
endfunction ada#Map_Popup
" }}}1
lockvar g:ada#WordRegex
lockvar g:ada#DotWordRegex
lockvar g:ada#Comment
lockvar! g:ada#Keywords
lockvar! g:ada#Ctags_Kinds
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/autoload/adacomplete.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
" Description: Vim Ada omnicompletion file
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: adacomplete.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 26.05.2006 MK improved search for begin of word.
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
" autoload
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested agaist using setlocal omnifunc
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" Help Page: ft-ada-omni
if version < 700
" Section: adacomplete#Complete () {{{1
" This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option.
function! adacomplete#Complete (findstart, base)
if a:findstart == 1
return ada#User_Complete (a:findstart, a:base)
" look up matches
if exists ("g:ada_omni_with_keywords")
call ada#User_Complete (a:findstart, a:base)
" search tag file for matches
let l:Pattern = '^' . a:base . '.*$'
let l:Tag_List = taglist (l:Pattern)
" add symbols
for Tag_Item in l:Tag_List
if l:Tag_Item['kind'] == ''
" Tag created by gnat xref
let l:Match_Item = {
\ 'word': l:Tag_Item['name'],
\ 'menu': l:Tag_Item['filename'],
\ 'info': "Symbol from file " . l:Tag_Item['filename'] . " line " . l:Tag_Item['cmd'],
\ 'kind': 's',
\ 'icase': 1}
" Tag created by ctags
let l:Info = 'Symbol : ' . l:Tag_Item['name'] . "\n"
let l:Info .= 'Of type : ' . g:ada#Ctags_Kinds[l:Tag_Item['kind']][1] . "\n"
let l:Info .= 'Defined in File : ' . l:Tag_Item['filename'] . "\n"
if has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'package')
let l:Info .= 'Package : ' . l:Tag_Item['package'] . "\n"
let l:Menu = l:Tag_Item['package']
elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'separate')
let l:Info .= 'Separate from Package : ' . l:Tag_Item['separate'] . "\n"
let l:Menu = l:Tag_Item['separate']
elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'packspec')
let l:Info .= 'Package Specification : ' . l:Tag_Item['packspec'] . "\n"
let l:Menu = l:Tag_Item['packspec']
elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'type')
let l:Info .= 'Datetype : ' . l:Tag_Item['type'] . "\n"
let l:Menu = l:Tag_Item['type']
let l:Menu = l:Tag_Item['filename']
let l:Match_Item = {
\ 'word': l:Tag_Item['name'],
\ 'menu': l:Menu,
\ 'info': l:Info,
\ 'kind': l:Tag_Item['kind'],
\ 'icase': 1}
if complete_add (l:Match_Item) == 0
return []
if complete_check ()
return []
return []
endfunction adacomplete#Complete
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/autoload/decada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
" Description: Vim Ada/Dec Ada compiler file
" Language: Ada (Dec Ada)
" $Id: decada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 21.07.2006 MK New Dec Ada
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
" autoload
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" Help Page: compiler-decada
if version < 700
function decada#Unit_Name () dict " {{{1
" Convert filename into acs unit:
" 1: remove the file extenstion.
" 2: replace all double '_' or '-' with an dot (which denotes a separate)
" 3: remove a trailing '_' (wich denotes a specification)
return substitute (substitute (expand ("%:t:r"), '__\|-', ".", "g"), '_$', "", '')
endfunction decada#Unit_Name " }}}1
function decada#Make () dict " {{{1
let l:make_prg = substitute (g:self.Make_Command, '%<', self.Unit_Name(), '')
let &errorformat = g:self.Error_Format
let &makeprg = l:make_prg
set wrap
wincmd W
endfunction decada#Build " }}}1
function decada#Set_Session (...) dict " {{{1
if a:0 > 0
call ada#Switch_Session (a:1)
elseif argc() == 0 && strlen (v:servername) > 0
call ada#Switch_Session (
\ expand('~')[0:-2] . ".vimfiles.session]decada_" .
\ v:servername . ".vim")
endfunction decada#Set_Session " }}}1
function decada#New () " }}}1
let Retval = {
\ 'Make' : function ('decada#Make'),
\ 'Unit_Name' : function ('decada#Unit_Name'),
\ 'Set_Session' : function ('decada#Set_Session'),
\ 'Project_Dir' : '',
\ 'Make_Command' : 'ACS COMPILE /Wait /Log /NoPreLoad /Optimize=Development /Debug %<',
\ 'Error_Format' : '%+A%%ADAC-%t-%m,%C %#%m,%Zat line number %l in file %f,' .
\ '%+I%%ada-I-%m,%C %#%m,%Zat line number %l in file %f'}
return Retval
endfunction decada#New " }}}1
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/autoload/gnat.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
" Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file
" Language: Ada (GNAT)
" $Id: gnat.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischi <>k
" Ned Okie <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 05.08.2006 MK Add session support
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
" autoload
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" 19.09.2007 NO use project file only when there is a project
" Help Page: compiler-gnat
if version < 700
function gnat#Make () dict " {{{1
let &l:makeprg = self.Get_Command('Make')
let &l:errorformat = self.Error_Format
set wrap
wincmd W
endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1
function gnat#Pretty () dict " {{{1
execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Pretty')
endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1
function gnat#Find () dict " {{{1
execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Find')
endfunction gnat#Find " }}}1
function gnat#Tags () dict " {{{1
execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Tags')
edit tags
call gnat#Insert_Tags_Header ()
endfunction gnat#Tags " }}}1
function gnat#Set_Project_File (...) dict " {{{1
if a:0 > 0
let self.Project_File = a:1
if ! filereadable (self.Project_File)
let self.Project_File = findfile (
\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ':r'),
\ 1)
elseif strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', self.Project_File)
elseif expand ("%:e") == 'gpr'
let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', expand ("%:e"))
let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', 'default.gpr')
if strlen (v:this_session) > 0
execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
"if strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
"if has("vms")
"call ada#Switch_Session (
"\ expand('~')[0:-2] . ".vimfiles.session]gnat_" .
"\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim")
"call ada#Switch_Session (
"\ expand('~') . "/vimfiles/session/gnat_" .
"\ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim")
"call ada#Switch_Session ('')
endfunction gnat#Set_Project_File " }}}1
function gnat#Get_Command (Command) dict " {{{1
let l:Command = eval ('self.' . a:Command . '_Command')
return eval (l:Command)
endfunction gnat#Get_Command " }}}1
function gnat#Set_Session (...) dict " {{{1
if argc() == 1 && fnamemodify (argv(0), ':e') == 'gpr'
call self.Set_Project_File (argv(0))
elseif strlen (v:servername) > 0
call self.Set_Project_File (v:servername . '.gpr')
endfunction gnat#Set_Session " }}}1
function gnat#New () " {{{1
let l:Retval = {
\ 'Make' : function ('gnat#Make'),
\ 'Pretty' : function ('gnat#Pretty'),
\ 'Find' : function ('gnat#Find'),
\ 'Tags' : function ('gnat#Tags'),
\ 'Set_Project_File' : function ('gnat#Set_Project_File'),
\ 'Set_Session' : function ('gnat#Set_Session'),
\ 'Get_Command' : function ('gnat#Get_Command'),
\ 'Project_File' : '',
\ 'Make_Command' : '"gnat make -P " . self.Project_File . " -F -gnatef "',
\ 'Pretty_Command' : '"gnat pretty -P " . self.Project_File . " "',
\ 'Find_Program' : '"gnat find -P " . self.Project_File . " -F "',
\ 'Tags_Command' : '"gnat xref -P " . self.Project_File . " -v *.AD*"',
\ 'Error_Format' : '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,' .
\ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,' .
\ '%f:%l:%c: (%ttyle) %m'}
return l:Retval
endfunction gnat#New " }}}1
function gnat#Insert_Tags_Header () " {{{1
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 1 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME gnatxref //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
endfunction gnat#Insert_Tags_Header " }}}1
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/compiler/decada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
" Description: Vim Ada/Dec Ada compiler file
" Language: Ada (Dec Ada)
" $Id: decada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 21.07.2006 MK New Dec Ada
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 08.09.2006 MK Correct double load protection.
" Help Page: compiler-decada
if (exists("current_compiler") &&
\ current_compiler == "decada") ||
\ version < 700
let current_compiler = "decada"
if !exists("g:decada")
let g:decada = decada#New ()
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Dec Ada.Build',
\'call decada.Make ()')
call g:decada.Set_Session ()
if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
" plugin loaded by other means then the "compiler" command
command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
execute "CompilerSet makeprg=" . escape (g:decada.Make_Command, ' ')
execute "CompilerSet errorformat=" . escape (g:decada.Error_Format, ' ')
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/compiler/gnat.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
" Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file
" Language: Ada (GNAT)
" $Id: gnat.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischi <>k
" Ned Okie <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 19.09.2007 NO use project file only when there is a project
" Help Page: compiler-gnat
if (exists("current_compiler") &&
\ current_compiler == "gnat") ||
\ version < 700
let current_compiler = "gnat"
if !exists("g:gnat")
let g:gnat = gnat#New ()
call ada#Map_Menu (
\ 'GNAT.Build',
\ '<F7>',
\ 'call gnat.Make ()')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\ 'GNAT.Pretty Print',
\ ':GnatPretty',
\ 'call gnat.Pretty ()')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\ 'GNAT.Tags',
\ ':GnatTags',
\ 'call gnat.Tags ()')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\ 'GNAT.Find',
\ ':GnatFind',
\ 'call gnat.Find ()')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\ 'GNAT.Set Projectfile\.\.\.',
\ ':SetProject',
\ 'call gnat.Set_Project_File ()')
call g:gnat.Set_Session ()
if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
" plugin loaded by other means then the "compiler" command
command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
execute "CompilerSet makeprg=" . escape (g:gnat.Get_Command('Make'), ' ')
execute "CompilerSet errorformat=" . escape (g:gnat.Error_Format, ' ')
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/doc/ft_ada.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
*ft_ada.txt* Ada File type Plug-ins Last change: 2006 Nov 08
ADA *ada.vim*
1. Syntax Highlighting |ft-ada-syntax|
2. Plug-in |ft-ada-plugin|
3. Omni Completion |ft-ada-omni|
3.1 Omni Completion with "gnat xref" |gnat-xref|
3.2 Omni Completion with "ctags" |ada-ctags|
4. Compiler Support |ada-compiler|
4.1 GNAT |compiler-gnat|
4.1 Dec Ada |compiler-decada|
5. References |ada-reference|
5.1 Options |ft-ada-options|
5.2 Functions |ft-ada-functions|
5.3 Commands |ft-ada-commands|
5.4 Variables |ft-ada-variables|
5.5 Constants |ft-ada-contstants|
8. Extra Plug-ins |ada-extra-plugins|
1. Syntax Highlighting ~
This mode is designed for the 2005 edition of Ada ("Ada 2005"), which includes
support for objected-programming, protected types, and so on. It handles code
written for the original Ada language ("Ada83", "Ada87", "Ada95") as well,
though code which uses Ada 2005-only keywords will be wrongly colored (such
code should be fixed anyway). For more information about Ada, see
The Ada mode handles a number of situations cleanly.
For example, it knows that the "-" in "-5" is a number, but the same character
in "A-5" is an operator. Normally, a "with" or "use" clause referencing
another compilation unit is coloured the same way as C's "#include" is coloured.
If you have "Conditional" or "Repeat" groups coloured differently, then "end
if" and "end loop" will be coloured as part of those respective groups.
You can set these to different colours using vim's "highlight" command (e.g.,
to change how loops are displayed, enter the command ":hi Repeat" followed by
the colour specification; on simple terminals the colour specification
ctermfg=White often shows well).
There are several options you can select in this Ada mode. See|ft-ada-options|
for a complete list.
To enable them, assign a value to the option. For example, to turn one on:
> let g:ada_standard_types = 1
To disable them use ":unlet". Example:
> unlet g:ada_standard_types
You can just use ":" and type these into the command line to set these
temporarily before loading an Ada file. You can make these option settings
permanent by adding the "let" command(s), without a colon, to your "~/.vimrc"
Even on a slow (90Mhz) PC this mode works quickly, but if you find the
performance unacceptable, turn on |g:ada_withuse_ordinary|.
Syntax folding instructions (|fold-syntax|) are added when |g:ada_folding| is
2. File type Plug-in ~
*ft-ada-indent* *ft-ada-plugin*
The Ada plug-in provides support for:
- auto indenting (|indent.txt|)
- insert completion (|i_CTRL-N|)
- user completion (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|)
- tag searches (|tagsrch.txt|)
- Quick Fix (|quickfix.txt|)
- backspace handling (|'backspace'|)
- comment handling (|'comments'|, |'commentstring'|)
The plug-in only activates the features of the Ada mode whenever an Ada
files is opened and add adds Ada related entries to the main and pop-up menu.
3. Omni Completion ~
The Ada omni-completions (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|) uses tags database created either
by "gnat xref -v" or the "exuberant Ctags ( The
complete function will automatically detect which tool was used to create the
tags file.
3.1 Omni Completion with "gnat xref" ~
GNAT XREF uses the compiler internal information (ali-files) to produce the
tags file. This has the advantage to be 100% correct and the option of deep
nested analysis. However the code must compile, the generator is quite
slow and the created tags file contains only the basic Ctags information for
each entry - not enough for some of the more advanced Vim code browser
NOTE: "gnat xref -v" is very tricky to use as it has almost no diagnostic
output - If nothing is printed then usually the parameters are wrong.
Here some important tips:
1) You need to compile your code first and use the "-aO" option to point to
your .ali files.
2) "gnat xref -v ../Include/" won't work - use the "gnat xref -v
-aI../Include" instead.
3) "gnat xref -v -aI../Include *.ad?" won't work - use "cd ../Include" and
then "gnat xref -v *.ad?"
4) Project manager support is completely broken - don't even try "gnat xref
5) VIM is faster when the tags file is sorted - use "sort --unique
--ignore-case --output=tags tags" .
6) Remember to insert "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 2 %sort ui" as first line to mark
the file assorted.
3.2 Omni Completion with "ctags"~
Exuberant Ctags uses its own multi-language code parser. The parser is quite
fast, produces a lot of extra information (hence the name "Exuberant Ctags")
and can run on files which currently do not compile.
There are also lots of other Vim-tools which use exuberant Ctags.
You will need to install a version of the Exuberant Ctags which has Ada
support patched in. Such a version is available from the GNU Ada Project
The Ada parser for Exuberant Ctags is fairly new - don't expect complete
support yet.
4. Compiler Support ~
The Ada mode supports more then one Ada compiler and will automatically load the
compiler set in|g:ada_default_compiler|whenever an Ada source is opened. The
provided compiler plug-ins are split into the actual compiler plug-in and a
collection of support functions and variables. This allows the easy
development of specialized compiler plug-ins fine tuned to your development
4.1 GNAT ~
GNAT is the only free (beer and speech) Ada compiler available. There are
several version available which differentiate in the licence terms used.
The GNAT compiler plug-in will perform a compile on pressing <F7> and then
immediately shows the result. You can set the project file to be used by
> call g:gnat.Set_Project_File ('my_project.gpr')
Setting a project file will also create a Vim session (|views-sessions|) so -
like with the GPS - opened files, window positions etc. will remembered
separately for all projects.
Calls|g:gnat.Make_Command|and displays the result inside a
|quickfix| window.
Set gnat project file and load associated session. An open
project will be closed and the session written. If called
without file name the file selector opens for selection of a
project file. If called with an empty string then the project
and associated session are closed.
g:gnat.Project_File string
Current project file.
g:gnat.Make_Command string
External command used for|g:gnat.Make()| (|'makeprg'|).
g:gnat.Pretty_Program string
External command used for|g:gnat.Pretty()|
g:gnat.Find_Program string
External command used for|g:gnat.Find()|
g:gnat.Tags_Command string
External command used for|g:gnat.Tags()|
g:gnat.Error_Format string
Error format (|'errorformat'|)
4.2 Dec Ada ~
*compiler-hpada* *compiler-decada*
*compiler-vaxada* *compiler-compaqada*
Dec Ada (also known by - in chronological order - VAX Ada, Dec Ada, Compaq Ada
and HP Ada) is a fairly dated Ada 83 compiler. Support is basic: <F7> will
compile the current unit.
The Dec Ada compiler expects the package name and not the file name to be
passed a parameter. The compiler plug-in supports the usual file name
convention to convert the file into a unit name. For separates both '-' and
'__' are allowed.
g:decada.Make() function
Calls|g:decada.Make_Command|and displays the result inside a
|quickfix| window.
g:decada.Unit_Name() function
Get the Unit name for the current file.
g:decada.Make_Command string
External command used for|g:decadat.Make()| (|'makeprg'|).
g:decada.Error_Format| string
Error format (|'errorformat'|).
5. References ~
5.1 Options ~
g:ada_standard_types bool (true when exists)
Highlight types in package Standard (e.g., "Float")
g:ada_space_errors bool (true when exists)
Highlight extraneous errors in spaces ...
- but ignore trailing spaces at the end of a line
- but ignore tabs after spaces
- highlight all tab use
g:ada_line_errors bool (true when exists)
Highlight lines which are to long. Note: This highlighting
option is quite CPU intensive.
g:ada_rainbow_color bool (true when exists)
Use rainbow colours for '(' and ')'. You need the
rainbow_parenthesis for this to work
g:ada_folding set ('sigpft')
Use folding for Ada sources.
's': activate syntax folding on load
'p': fold packages
'f': fold functions and procedures
't': fold types
'c': fold conditionals
'g': activate gnat pretty print folding on load
'i': lone 'is' folded with line above
'b': lone 'begin' folded with line above
'p': lone 'private' folded with line above
'x': lone 'exception' folded with line above
'i': activate indent folding on load
Note: Syntax folding is in an early (unusable) stage and
indent or gnat pretty folding is suggested.
For gnat pretty folding to work the following settings are
suggested: -cl3 -M79 -c2 -c3 -c4 -A1 -A2 -A3 -A4 -A5
For indent folding to work the following settings are
suggested: shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3
g:ada_abbrev bool (true when exists)
Add some abbreviations. This feature more or less superseded
by the various completion methods.
g:ada_withuse_ordinary bool (true when exists)
Show "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords (when used to
reference other compilation units they're normally highlighted
g:ada_begin_preproc bool (true when exists)
Show all begin-like keywords using the colouring of C
preprocessor commands.
Add Keywords, Pragmas, Attributes to omni-completions
(|compl-omni|). Note: You can always complete then with user
completion (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|).
g:ada_extended_tagging enum ('jump', 'list')
use extended tagging, two options are available
'jump': use tjump to jump.
'list': add tags quick fix list.
Normal tagging does not support function or operator
overloading as these features are not available in C and
tagging was originally developed for C.
Uses extended completion for <C-N> and <C-R> completions
(|i_CTRL-N|). In this mode the '.' is used as part of the
identifier so that 'Object.Method' or 'Package.Procedure' are
completed together.
g:ada_gnat_extensions bool (true when exists)
Support GNAT extensions.
g:ada_with_gnat_project_files bool (true when exists)
Add gnat project file keywords and Attributes.
g:ada_default_compiler string
set default compiler. Currently supported is 'gnat' and
An "exists" type is a boolean is considered true when the variable is defined
and false when the variable is undefined. The value which the variable is
set makes no difference.
5.3 Commands ~
:AdaRainbow *:AdaRainbow*
Toggles rainbow colour (|g:ada_rainbow_color|) mode for
'(' and ')'
:AdaLines *:AdaLines*
Toggles line error (|g:ada_line_errors|) display
:AdaSpaces *:AdaSpaces*
Toggles space error (|g:ada_space_errors|) display.
:AdaTagDir *:AdaTagDir*
Creates tags file for the directory of the current file.
:AdaTagFile *:AdaTagFile*
Creates tags file for the current file.
:AdaTypes *:AdaTypes*
Toggles standard types (|g:ada_standard_types|) colour.
:GnatFind *:GnatFind*
Calls |g:gnat.Find()|
:GnatPretty *:GnatPretty*
Calls |g:gnat.Pretty()|
:GnatTags *:GnatTags*
Calls |g:gnat.Tags()|
5.3 Variables ~
g:gnat object
Control object which manages GNAT compiles. The object
is created when the first Ada source code is loaded provided
that |g:ada_default_compiler|is set to 'gnat'. See|gnat_members|
for details.
g:decada object
Control object which manages Dec Ada compiles. The object
is created when the first Ada source code is loaded provided
that |g:ada_default_compiler|is set to 'decada'. See
|decada_members|for details.
5.4 Constants ~
All constants are locked. See |:lockvar| for details.
g:ada#WordRegex string
Regular expression to search for Ada words
g:ada#DotWordRegex string
Regular expression to search for Ada words separated by dots.
g:ada#Comment string
Regular expression to search for Ada comments
g:ada#Keywords list of dictionaries
List of keywords, attributes etc. pp. in the format used by
omni completion. See |complete-items| for details.
g:ada#Ctags_Kinds dictionary of lists
Dictionary of the various kinds of items which the Ada support
for Ctags generates.
5.2 Functions ~
ada#Word([{line}, {col}]) *ada#Word()*
Return full name of Ada entity under the cursor (or at given
line/column), stripping white space/newlines as necessary.
ada#List_Tag([{line}, {col}]) *ada#Listtags()*
List all occurrences of the Ada entity under the cursor (or at
given line/column) inside the quick-fix window
ada#Jump_Tag ({ident}, {mode}) *ada#Jump_Tag()*
List all occurrences of the Ada entity under the cursor (or at
given line/column) in the tag jump list. Mode can either be
'tjump' or 'stjump'.
ada#Create_Tags ({option}) *ada#Create_Tags()*
Creates tag file using Ctags. The option can either be 'file'
for the current file, 'dir' for the directory of the current
file or a file name.
gnat#Insert_Tags_Header() *gnat#Insert_Tags_Header()*
Adds the tag file header (!_TAG_) information to the current
file which are missing from the GNAT XREF output.
ada#Switch_Syntax_Option ({option}) *ada#Switch_Syntax_Option()*
Toggles highlighting options on or off. Used for the Ada menu.
gnat#New ()
Create a new gnat object. See |g:gnat| for details.
8. Extra Plugins ~
You can optionally install the following extra plug-in. They work well with Ada
and enhance the ability of the Ada mode.:
Keeps as many backups as you like so you don't have to.
Very helpful since Ada uses only '(' and ')'.
Excellent commenting and uncommenting support for almost any
programming language.
'%' jumping for any language. The normal '%' jump only works for '{}'
style languages. The Ada mode will set the needed search patters.
Source code explorer sidebar. There is a patch for Ada available.
The GNU Ada Project distribution ( of Vim
contains all of the above.
vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab
vim: filetype=help

dotvim/ftdetect/ada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
" Description: Vim Ada detection file
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" Help Page: ft-ada-plugin
if exists("s:loaded_ftdetect_ada")
let s:loaded_ftdetect_ada=45
if has("vms")
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.gpr,*.ada_m,*.adc setfiletype ada
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.gpr setfiletype ada
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/ftplugin/ada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
" Description: Perform Ada specific completion & tagging.
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" Taylor Venable <>
" Neil Bird <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
" autoload
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" 08.07.2007 TV fix default compiler problems.
" Help Page: ft-ada-plugin
" Provides mapping overrides for tag jumping that figure out the current
" Ada object and tag jump to that, not the 'simple' vim word.
" Similarly allows <Ctrl-N> matching of full-length ada entities from tags.
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists ("b:did_ftplugin") || version < 700
" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 45
" Temporarily set cpoptions to ensure the script loads OK
let s:cpoptions = &cpoptions
set cpoptions-=C
" Section: Comments {{{1
setlocal comments=O:--,:--\ \
setlocal commentstring=--\ \ %s
setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
" Section: case {{{1
setlocal nosmartcase
setlocal ignorecase
" Section: formatoptions {{{1
setlocal formatoptions+=ron
" Section: Tagging {{{1
if exists ("g:ada_extended_tagging")
" Make local tag mappings for this buffer (if not already set)
if g:ada_extended_tagging == 'jump'
if mapcheck('<C-]>','n') == ''
nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-]> :call ada#Jump_Tag ('', 'tjump')<cr>
if mapcheck('g<C-]>','n') == ''
nnoremap <unique> <buffer> g<C-]> :call ada#Jump_Tag ('','stjump')<cr>
elseif g:ada_extended_tagging == 'list'
if mapcheck('<C-]>','n') == ''
nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-]> :call ada#List_Tag ()<cr>
if mapcheck('g<C-]>','n') == ''
nnoremap <unique> <buffer> g<C-]> :call ada#List_Tag ()<cr>
" Section: Completion {{{1
setlocal completefunc=ada#User_Complete
setlocal omnifunc=adacomplete#Complete
if exists ("g:ada_extended_completion")
if mapcheck ('<C-N>','i') == ''
inoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-N> <C-R>=ada#Completion("\<lt>C-N>")<cr>
if mapcheck ('<C-P>','i') == ''
inoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-P> <C-R>=ada#Completion("\<lt>C-P>")<cr>
if mapcheck ('<C-X><C-]>','i') == ''
inoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-X><C-]> <C-R>=<SID>ada#Completion("\<lt>C-X>\<lt>C-]>")<cr>
if mapcheck ('<bs>','i') == ''
inoremap <silent> <unique> <buffer> <bs> <C-R>=ada#Insert_Backspace ()<cr>
" Section: Matchit {{{1
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer & matchit is used
if !exists ("b:match_words") &&
\ exists ("loaded_matchit")
" The following lines enable the macros/matchit.vim plugin for
" Ada-specific extended matching with the % key.
let s:notend = '\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!'
let b:match_words =
\ s:notend . '\<if\>:\<elsif\>:\<else\>:\<end\>\s\+\<if\>,' .
\ s:notend . '\<case\>:\<when\>:\<end\>\s\+\<case\>,' .
\ '\%(\<while\>.*\|\<for\>.*\|'.s:notend.'\)\<loop\>:\<end\>\s\+\<loop\>,' .
\ '\%(\<do\>\|\<begin\>\):\<exception\>:\<end\>\s*\%($\|[;A-Z]\),' .
\ s:notend . '\<record\>:\<end\>\s\+\<record\>'
" Section: Compiler {{{1
if ! exists("g:ada_default_compiler")
if has("vms")
let g:ada_default_compiler = 'decada'
let g:ada_default_compiler = 'gnat'
if ! exists("current_compiler") ||
\ current_compiler != g:ada_default_compiler
execute "compiler " . g:ada_default_compiler
" Section: Folding {{{1
if exists("g:ada_folding")
if g:ada_folding[0] == 'i'
setlocal foldmethod=indent
setlocal foldignore=--
setlocal foldnestmax=5
elseif g:ada_folding[0] == 'g'
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=ada#Pretty_Print_Folding(v:lnum)
elseif g:ada_folding[0] == 's'
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
setlocal tabstop=8
setlocal softtabstop=3
setlocal shiftwidth=3
" Section: Abbrev {{{1
if exists("g:ada_abbrev")
iabbrev ret return
iabbrev proc procedure
iabbrev pack package
iabbrev func function
" Section: Commands, Mapping, Menus {{{1
call ada#Map_Popup (
\ 'Tag.List',
\ 'l',
\ 'call ada#List_Tag ()')
call ada#Map_Popup (
\'call ada#Jump_Tag ()')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Tag.Create File',
\'call ada#Create_Tags (''file'')')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Tag.Create Dir',
\'call ada#Create_Tags (''dir'')')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Highlight.Toggle Space Errors',
\ ':AdaSpaces',
\'call ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (''space_errors'')')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Highlight.Toggle Lines Errors',
\ ':AdaLines',
\'call ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (''line_errors'')')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Highlight.Toggle Rainbow Color',
\ ':AdaRainbow',
\'call ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (''rainbow_color'')')
call ada#Map_Menu (
\'Highlight.Toggle Standard Types',
\ ':AdaTypes',
\'call ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (''standard_types'')')
" 1}}}
" Reset cpoptions
let &cpoptions = s:cpoptions
unlet s:cpoptions
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/indent/ada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
" Description: Vim Ada indent file
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik <>
" Neil Bird <>
" Ned Okie <>
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" 19.09.2007 NO g: missing before ada#Comment
" Help Page: ft-vim-indent
" ToDo:
" Verify handling of multi-line exprs. and recovery upon the final ';'.
" Correctly find comments given '"' and "" ==> " syntax.
" Combine the two large block-indent functions into one?
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent") || version < 700
let b:did_indent = 45
setlocal indentexpr=GetAdaIndent()
setlocal indentkeys-=0{,0}
setlocal indentkeys+=0=~then,0=~end,0=~elsif,0=~when,0=~exception,0=~begin,0=~is,0=~record
" Only define the functions once.
if exists("*GetAdaIndent")
if exists("g:ada_with_gnat_project_files")
let s:AdaBlockStart = '^\s*\(if\>\|while\>\|else\>\|elsif\>\|loop\>\|for\>.*\<\(loop\|use\)\>\|declare\>\|begin\>\|type\>.*\<is\>[^;]*$\|\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>\|procedure\>\|function\>\|accept\>\|do\>\|task\>\|package\>\|project\>\|then\>\|when\>\|is\>\)'
let s:AdaBlockStart = '^\s*\(if\>\|while\>\|else\>\|elsif\>\|loop\>\|for\>.*\<\(loop\|use\)\>\|declare\>\|begin\>\|type\>.*\<is\>[^;]*$\|\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>\|procedure\>\|function\>\|accept\>\|do\>\|task\>\|package\>\|then\>\|when\>\|is\>\)'
" Section: s:MainBlockIndent {{{1
" Try to find indent of the block we're in
" prev_indent = the previous line's indent
" prev_lnum = previous line (to start looking on)
" blockstart = expr. that indicates a possible start of this block
" stop_at = if non-null, if a matching line is found, gives up!
" No recursive previous block analysis: simply look for a valid line
" with a lesser or equal indent than we currently (on prev_lnum) have.
" This shouldn't work as well as it appears to with lines that are currently
" nowhere near the correct indent (e.g., start of line)!
" Seems to work OK as it 'starts' with the indent of the /previous/ line.
function s:MainBlockIndent (prev_indent, prev_lnum, blockstart, stop_at)
let lnum = a:prev_lnum
let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
while lnum > 1
if a:stop_at != '' && line =~ '^\s*' . a:stop_at && indent(lnum) < a:prev_indent
return a:prev_indent
elseif line =~ '^\s*' . a:blockstart
let ind = indent(lnum)
if ind < a:prev_indent
return ind
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
" Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
while 1
let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if lnum <= 0
return a:prev_indent
" Fallback - just move back one
return a:prev_indent - &sw
endfunction MainBlockIndent
" Section: s:EndBlockIndent {{{1
" Try to find indent of the block we're in (and about to complete),
" including handling of nested blocks. Works on the 'end' of a block.
" prev_indent = the previous line's indent
" prev_lnum = previous line (to start looking on)
" blockstart = expr. that indicates a possible start of this block
" blockend = expr. that indicates a possible end of this block
function s:EndBlockIndent( prev_indent, prev_lnum, blockstart, blockend )
let lnum = a:prev_lnum
let line = getline(lnum)
let ends = 0
while lnum > 1
if getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*' . a:blockstart
let ind = indent(lnum)
if ends <= 0
if ind < a:prev_indent
return ind
let ends = ends - 1
elseif getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*' . a:blockend
let ends = ends + 1
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
" Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
while 1
let line = getline(lnum)
let line = substitute( line, g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
if line !~ '^\s*$'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if lnum <= 0
return a:prev_indent
" Fallback - just move back one
return a:prev_indent - &sw
endfunction EndBlockIndent
" Section: s:StatementIndent {{{1
" Return indent of previous statement-start
" (after we've indented due to multi-line statements).
" This time, we start searching on the line *before* the one given (which is
" the end of a statement - we want the previous beginning).
function s:StatementIndent( current_indent, prev_lnum )
let lnum = a:prev_lnum
while lnum > 0
let prev_lnum = lnum
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
" Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only line
while 1
let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if lnum <= 0
return a:current_indent
" Leave indent alone if our ';' line is part of a ';'-delineated
" aggregate (e.g., procedure args.) or first line after a block start.
if line =~ s:AdaBlockStart || line =~ '(\s*$'
return a:current_indent
if line !~ '[.=(]\s*$'
let ind = indent(prev_lnum)
if ind < a:current_indent
return ind
" Fallback - just use current one
return a:current_indent
endfunction StatementIndent
" Section: GetAdaIndent {{{1
" Find correct indent of a new line based upon what went before
function GetAdaIndent()
" Find a non-blank line above the current line.
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
let ind = indent(lnum)
let package_line = 0
" Get previous non-blank/non-comment-only/non-cpp line
while 1
let line = substitute( getline(lnum), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
if line !~ '^\s*$' && line !~ '^\s*#'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if lnum <= 0
return ind
" Get default indent (from prev. line)
let ind = indent(lnum)
let initind = ind
" Now check what's on the previous line
if line =~ s:AdaBlockStart || line =~ '(\s*$'
" Check for false matches to AdaBlockStart
let false_match = 0
if line =~ '^\s*\(procedure\|function\|package\)\>.*\<is\s*new\>'
" Generic instantiation
let false_match = 1
elseif line =~ ')\s*;\s*$' || line =~ '^\([^(]*([^)]*)\)*[^(]*;\s*$'
" forward declaration
let false_match = 1
" Move indent in
if ! false_match
let ind = ind + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(case\|exception\)\>'
" Move indent in twice (next 'when' will move back)
let ind = ind + 2 * &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\s*record\>'
" Move indent back to tallying 'type' preceeding the 'record'.
" Allow indent to be equal to 'end record's.
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind+&sw, lnum, 'type\>', '' )
elseif line =~ '\(^\s*new\>.*\)\@<!)\s*[;,]\s*$'
" Revert to indent of line that started this parenthesis pair
exe lnum
exe 'normal! $F)%'
if getline('.') =~ '^\s*('
" Dire layout - use previous indent (could check for g:ada#Comment here)
let ind = indent( prevnonblank( line('.')-1 ) )
let ind = indent('.')
exe v:lnum
elseif line =~ '[.=(]\s*$'
" A statement continuation - move in one
let ind = ind + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*new\>'
" Multiple line generic instantiation ('package blah is\nnew thingy')
let ind = s:StatementIndent( ind - &sw, lnum )
elseif line =~ ';\s*$'
" Statement end (but not 'end' ) - try to find current statement-start indent
let ind = s:StatementIndent( ind, lnum )
" Check for potential argument list on next line
let continuation = (line =~ '[A-Za-z0-9_]\s*$')
" Check current line; search for simplistic matching start-of-block
let line = getline(v:lnum)
if line =~ '^\s*#'
" Start of line for ada-pp
let ind = 0
elseif continuation && line =~ '^\s*('
" Don't do this if we've already indented due to the previous line
if ind == initind
let ind = ind + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(begin\|is\)\>'
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(procedure\|function\|declare\|package\|task\)\>', 'begin\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*record\>'
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'type\>\|for\>.*\<use\>', '' ) + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*\(else\|elsif\)\>'
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', '' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*when\>'
" Align 'when' one /in/ from matching block start
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(case\|exception\)\>', '' ) + &sw
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<if\>'
" End of if statements
let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', 'end\>\s*\<if\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<loop\>'
" End of loops
let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(\(while\|for\)\>.*\)\?\<loop\>', 'end\>\s*\<loop\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<record\>'
" End of records
let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(type\>.*\)\=\<record\>', 'end\>\s*\<record\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<procedure\>'
" End of procedures
let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'procedure\>.*\<is\>', 'end\>\s*\<procedure\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>\s*\<case\>'
" End of case statement
let ind = s:EndBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'case\>.*\<is\>', 'end\>\s*\<case\>' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*end\>'
" General case for end
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, '\(if\|while\|for\|loop\|accept\|begin\|record\|case\|exception\|package\)\>', '' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*exception\>'
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'begin\>', '' )
elseif line =~ '^\s*then\>'
let ind = s:MainBlockIndent( ind, lnum, 'if\>', '' )
return ind
endfunction GetAdaIndent
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
" vim: foldmethod=marker

dotvim/syntax/ada.vim Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
" Description: Vim Ada syntax file
" Language: Ada (2005)
" $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
" David A. Wheeler <>
" Simon Bradley <>
" Contributors: Preben Randhol.
" $Author: krischik $
" $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
" Version: 4.6
" $Revision: 887 $
" $HeadURL: $
" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
" 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
" 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
" 05.11.2006 MK Spell check for comments and strings only
" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
" Help Page: help ft-ada-syntax
" The formal spec of Ada 2005 (ARM) is the "Ada 2005 Reference Manual".
" For more Ada 2005 info, see and
" This vim syntax file works on vim 7.0 only and makes use of most of Voim 7.0
" advanced features.
if exists("b:current_syntax") || version < 700
let b:current_syntax = "ada"
" Section: Ada is entirely case-insensitive. {{{1
syntax case ignore
" Section: Highlighting commands {{{1
" There are 72 reserved words in total in Ada2005. Some keywords are
" used in more than one way. For example:
" 1. "end" is a general keyword, but "end if" ends a Conditional.
" 2. "then" is a conditional, but "and then" is an operator.
for b:Item in g:ada#Keywords
" Standard Exceptions (including I/O).
" We'll highlight the standard exceptions, similar to vim's Python mode.
" It's possible to redefine the standard exceptions as something else,
" but doing so is very bad practice, so simply highlighting them makes sense.
if b:Item['kind'] == "x"
execute "syntax keyword adaException " . b:Item['word']
if b:Item['kind'] == "a"
execute 'syntax match adaAttribute "\V' . b:Item['word'] . '"'
" We don't normally highlight types in package Standard
" (Integer, Character, Float, etc.). I don't think it looks good
" with the other type keywords, and many Ada programs define
" so many of their own types that it looks inconsistent.
" However, if you want this highlighting, turn on "ada_standard_types".
" For package Standard's definition, see ARM section A.1.
if b:Item['kind'] == "t" && exists ("g:ada_standard_types")
execute "syntax keyword adaBuiltinType " . b:Item['word']
" Section: others {{{1
syntax keyword adaLabel others
" Section: Operatoren {{{1
syntax keyword adaOperator abs mod not rem xor
syntax match adaOperator "\<and\>"
syntax match adaOperator "\<and\s\+then\>"
syntax match adaOperator "\<or\>"
syntax match adaOperator "\<or\s\+else\>"
syntax match adaOperator "[-+*/<>&]"
syntax keyword adaOperator **
syntax match adaOperator "[/<>]="
syntax keyword adaOperator =>
syntax match adaOperator "\.\."
syntax match adaOperator "="
" Section: <> {{{1
" Handle the box, <>, specially:
syntax keyword adaSpecial <>
" Section: rainbow color {{{1
if exists("g:ada_rainbow_color")
syntax match adaSpecial "[:;.,]"
call rainbow_parenthsis#LoadRound ()
call rainbow_parenthsis#Activate ()
syntax match adaSpecial "[:;().,]"
" Section: := {{{1
" We won't map "adaAssignment" by default, but we need to map ":=" to
" something or the "=" inside it will be mislabelled as an operator.
" Note that in Ada, assignment (:=) is not considered an operator.
syntax match adaAssignment ":="
" Section: Numbers, including floating point, exponents, and alternate bases. {{{1
syntax match adaNumber "\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
syntax match adaNumber "\<\d\d\=#\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\(\.\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\)\=#\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\="
" Section: Identify leading numeric signs {{{1
" In "A-5" the "-" is an operator, " but in "A:=-5" the "-" is a sign. This
" handles "A3+-5" (etc.) correctly. " This assumes that if you put a
" don't put a space after +/- when it's used " as an operator, you won't
" put a space before it either -- which is true " in code I've seen.
syntax match adaSign "[[:space:]<>=(,|:;&*/+-][+-]\d"lc=1,hs=s+1,he=e-1,me=e-1
" Section: Labels for the goto statement. {{{1
syntax region adaLabel start="<<" end=">>"
" Section: Boolean Constants {{{1
" Boolean Constants.
syntax keyword adaBoolean true false
" Section: Warn C/C++ {{{1
" Warn people who try to use C/C++ notation erroneously:
syntax match adaError "//"
syntax match adaError "/\*"
syntax match adaError "=="
" Section: Space Errors {{{1
if exists("g:ada_space_errors")
if !exists("g:ada_no_trail_space_error")
syntax match adaSpaceError excludenl "\s\+$"
if !exists("g:ada_no_tab_space_error")
syntax match adaSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
if !exists("g:ada_all_tab_usage")
syntax match adaSpecial "\t"
" Section: end {{{1
" Unless special ("end loop", "end if", etc.), "end" marks the end of a
" begin, package, task etc. Assiging it to adaEnd.
syntax match adaEnd /\<end\>/
syntax keyword adaPreproc pragma
syntax keyword adaRepeat exit for loop reverse while
syntax match adaRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>"
syntax keyword adaStatement accept delay goto raise requeue return
syntax keyword adaStatement terminate
syntax match adaStatement "\<abort\>"
" Section: Handle Ada's record keywords. {{{1
" 'record' usually starts a structure, but "with null record;" does not,
" and 'end record;' ends a structure. The ordering here is critical -
" 'record;' matches a "with null record", so make it a keyword (this can
" match when the 'with' or 'null' is on a previous line).
" We see the "end" in "end record" before the word record, so we match that
" pattern as adaStructure (and it won't match the "record;" pattern).
syntax match adaStructure "\<record\>" contains=adaRecord
syntax match adaStructure "\<end\s\+record\>" contains=adaRecord
syntax match adaKeyword "\<record;"me=e-1
" Section: type classes {{{1
syntax keyword adaStorageClass abstract access aliased array at constant delta
syntax keyword adaStorageClass digits limited of private range tagged
syntax keyword adaStorageClass interface synchronized
syntax keyword adaTypedef subtype type
" Section: Conditionals {{{1
" "abort" after "then" is a conditional of its own.
syntax match adaConditional "\<then\>"
syntax match adaConditional "\<then\s\+abort\>"
syntax match adaConditional "\<else\>"
syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+if\>"
syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+case\>"
syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+select\>"
syntax keyword adaConditional if case select
syntax keyword adaConditional elsif when
" Section: other keywords {{{1
syntax match adaKeyword "\<is\>" contains=adaRecord
syntax keyword adaKeyword all do exception in new null out
syntax keyword adaKeyword separate until overriding
" Section: begin keywords {{{1
" These keywords begin various constructs, and you _might_ want to
" highlight them differently.
syntax keyword adaBegin begin body declare entry generic
syntax keyword adaBegin protected renames task
syntax match adaBegin "\<function\>" contains=adaFunction
syntax match adaBegin "\<procedure\>" contains=adaProcedure
syntax match adaBegin "\<package\>" contains=adaPackage
if exists("ada_with_gnat_project_files")
syntax keyword adaBegin project
" Section: with, use {{{1
if exists("ada_withuse_ordinary")
" Don't be fancy. Display "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords in all cases.
syntax keyword adaKeyword with use
" Highlight "with" and "use" clauses like C's "#include" when they're used
" to reference other compilation units; otherwise they're ordinary keywords.
" If we have vim 6.0 or later, we'll use its advanced pattern-matching
" capabilities so that we won't match leading spaces.
syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\>"
syntax match adaKeyword "\<use\>"
syntax match adaBeginWith "^\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
syntax match adaSemiWith ";\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
syntax match adaInc "\<with\>" contained contains=NONE
syntax match adaInc "\<with\s\+type\>" contained contains=NONE
syntax match adaInc "\<use\>" contained contains=NONE
" Recognize "with null record" as a keyword (even the "record").
syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\s\+null\s\+record\>"
" Consider generic formal parameters of subprograms and packages as keywords.
syntax match adaKeyword ";\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
syntax match adaKeyword "^\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
" Section: String and character constants. {{{1
syntax region adaString contains=@Spell start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
syntax match adaCharacter "'.'"
" Section: Todo (only highlighted in comments) {{{1
syntax keyword adaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
" Section: Comments. {{{1
syntax region adaComment
\ oneline
\ contains=adaTodo,adaLineError,@Spell
\ start="--"
\ end="$"
" Section: line errors {{{1
" Note: Line errors have become quite slow with Vim 7.0
if exists("g:ada_line_errors")
syntax match adaLineError "\(^.\{79}\)\@<=." contains=ALL containedin=ALL
" Section: syntax folding {{{1
" Syntax folding is very tricky - for now I still suggest to use
" indent folding
if exists("g:ada_folding") && g:ada_folding[0] == 's'
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'p') >= 0
syntax region adaPackage
\ start="\(\<package\s\+body\>\|\<package\>\)\s*\z(\k*\)"
\ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
\ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
syntax region adaProcedure
\ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
\ end="\<end\>\s\+\z1\s*;"
\ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
syntax region adaFunction
\ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
\ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
\ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
syntax region adaRecord
\ start="\<is\s\+record\>"
\ end="\<end\s\+record\>"
\ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
" Section: The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later. {{{1
highlight def link adaCharacter Character
highlight def link adaComment Comment
highlight def link adaConditional Conditional
highlight def link adaKeyword Keyword
highlight def link adaLabel Label
highlight def link adaNumber Number
highlight def link adaSign Number
highlight def link adaOperator Operator
highlight def link adaPreproc PreProc
highlight def link adaRepeat Repeat
highlight def link adaSpecial Special
highlight def link adaStatement Statement
highlight def link adaString String
highlight def link adaStructure Structure
highlight def link adaTodo Todo
highlight def link adaType Type
highlight def link adaTypedef Typedef
highlight def link adaStorageClass StorageClass
highlight def link adaBoolean Boolean
highlight def link adaException Exception
highlight def link adaAttribute Tag
highlight def link adaInc Include
highlight def link adaError Error
highlight def link adaSpaceError Error
highlight def link adaLineError Error
highlight def link adaBuiltinType Type
highlight def link adaAssignment Special
" Subsection: Begin, End {{{2
if exists ("ada_begin_preproc")
" This is the old default display:
highlight def link adaBegin PreProc
highlight def link adaEnd PreProc
" This is the new default display:
highlight def link adaBegin Keyword
highlight def link adaEnd Keyword
" Section: sync {{{1
" We don't need to look backwards to highlight correctly;
" this speeds things up greatly.
syntax sync minlines=1 maxlines=1
finish " 1}}}
" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
"vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
"vim: foldmethod=marker