
184 lines
14 KiB

(c) 2009 by Leon Winter
(c) 2009, 2010 by Hannes Schueller
(c) 2009, 2010 by Matto Fransen
(c) 2010 by Hans-Peter Deifel
(c) 2010 by Thomas Adam
see LICENSE file
/* Vimprobable version number */
#define VERSION ""
#define INTERNAL_VERSION "Vimprobable2/"VERSION
/* general settings */
char startpage[1024] = "";
char useragent[1024] = "Vimprobable2/" VERSION;
char acceptlanguage[1024] = "";
static const gboolean enablePlugins = TRUE; /* TRUE keeps plugins enabled */
static const gboolean enableJava = TRUE; /* FALSE disables Java applets */
static const gboolean enablePagecache = FALSE; /* TRUE turns on the page cache. */
/* appearance */
char statusbgcolor[] = "#000000"; /* background color for status bar */
char statuscolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* color for status bar */
char sslbgcolor[] = "#b0ff00"; /* background color for status bar with SSL url */
char sslcolor[] = "#000000"; /* color for status bar with SSL url */
/* normal, warning, error */
static const char *urlboxfont[] = { "monospace normal 8", "monospace normal 8", "monospace bold 8"};
static const char *urlboxcolor[] = { NULL, "#ff0000", "#ffffff" };
static const char *urlboxbgcolor[] = { NULL, NULL, "#ff0000" };
/* normal, error */
static const char *completionfont[] = { "monospace normal 8", "monospace bold 8" };
/* topborder color */
static const char *completioncolor[] = { "#000000", "#ff00ff", "#000000" };
/* current row background */
static const char *completionbgcolor[] = { "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#fff000" };
/* pango markup for prefix highliting: opening, closing */
static const char statusfont[] = "monospace bold 8"; /* font for status bar */
static const int progressbartick = 20;
static const char progressborderleft = '[';
static const char progressbartickchar = '=';
static const char progressbarcurrent = '>';
static const char progressbarspacer = ' ';
static const char progressborderright = ']';
/* cookies */
#define COOKIES_STORAGE_FILENAME "%s/.config/vimprobable/cookies", getenv("HOME")
#define COOKIES_STORAGE_READONLY FALSE /* if TRUE new cookies will be lost if you quit */
/* downloads directory */
#define DOWNLOADS_PATH "%s", getenv("HOME")
/* font size */
/* user styles */
#define USER_STYLESHEET "%s/.config/vimprobable/style.css", getenv("HOME")
/* proxy */
static const gboolean use_proxy = TRUE; /* TRUE if you're going to use a proxy (whose address
is specified in http_proxy environment variable), false otherwise */
/* scrolling */
static unsigned int scrollstep = 40; /* cursor difference in pixel */
static unsigned int pagingkeep = 40; /* pixels kept when paging */
/* searching */
static const int searchoptions = CaseInsensitive | Wrapping;
gboolean complete_case_sensitive = TRUE;
/* search engines */
static Searchengine searchengines[] = {
{ "i", "" },
{ "s", "" },
{ "w", "" },
{ "wd", "" },
static Searchengine *defsearch = &searchengines[0];
/* command mapping */
Command commands[COMMANDSIZE] = {
/* command, function, argument */
{ "ba", navigate, {NavigationBack} },
{ "back", navigate, {NavigationBack} },
{ "ec", script, {Info} },
{ "echo", script, {Info} },
{ "echoe", script, {Error} },
{ "echoerr", script, {Error} },
{ "fw", navigate, {NavigationForward} },
{ "fo", navigate, {NavigationForward} },
{ "forward", navigate, {NavigationForward} },
{ "javascript", script, {Silent} },
{ "o", open_arg, {TargetCurrent} },
{ "open", open_arg, {TargetCurrent} },
{ "q", quit, {0} },
{ "quit", quit, {0} },
{ "re", navigate, {NavigationReload} },
{ "re!", navigate, {NavigationForceReload} },
{ "reload", navigate, {NavigationReload} },
{ "reload!", navigate, {NavigationForceReload} },
{ "qt", search_tag, {0} },
{ "st", navigate, {NavigationCancel} },
{ "stop", navigate, {NavigationCancel} },
{ "t", open_arg, {TargetNew} },
{ "tabopen", open_arg, {TargetNew} },
{ "print", print_frame, {0} },
{ "bma", bookmark, {0} },
{ "bookmark", bookmark, {0} },
{ "source", view_source, {0} },
{ "set", browser_settings, {0} },
{ "map", mappings, {0} },
{ "jumpleft", scroll, {ScrollJumpTo | DirectionLeft} },
{ "jumpright", scroll, {ScrollJumpTo | DirectionRight} },
{ "jumptop", scroll, {ScrollJumpTo | DirectionTop} },
{ "jumpbottom", scroll, {ScrollJumpTo | DirectionBottom} },
{ "pageup", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionTop | UnitPage} },
{ "pagedown", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionBottom | UnitPage} },
{ "navigationback", navigate, {NavigationBack} },
{ "navigationforward", navigate, {NavigationForward} },
{ "scrollleft", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionLeft | UnitLine} },
{ "scrollright", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionRight | UnitLine} },
{ "scrollup", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionTop | UnitLine} },
{ "scrolldown", scroll, {ScrollMove | DirectionBottom | UnitLine} },
/* mouse bindings
you can use MOUSE_BUTTON_1 to MOUSE_BUTTON_5
static Mouse mouse[] = {
/* modmask, modkey, button, function, argument */
{ 0, 0, MOUSE_BUTTON_2, paste, {TargetCurrent | ClipboardPrimary | ClipboardGTK, rememberedURI} },
{ GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, MOUSE_BUTTON_2, paste, {TargetNew | ClipboardPrimary | ClipboardGTK} },
{ GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, MOUSE_BUTTON_1, open_arg, {TargetNew, rememberedURI} },
/* settings (arguments of :set command) */
static Setting browsersettings[] = {
/* public name, internal variable webkit setting integer value? boolean value? colour value? reload page? */
{ "useragent", useragent, "user-agent", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "scripts", NULL, "enable-scripts", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "plugins", NULL, "enable-plugins", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "pagecache", NULL, "enable-page-cache", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "java", NULL, "enable-java-applet", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "images", NULL, "auto-load-images", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "shrinkimages", NULL, "auto-shrink-images", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "cursivefont", NULL, "cursive-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "defaultencoding", NULL, "default-encoding", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "defaultfont", NULL, "default-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "fontsize", NULL, "default-font-size", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "monofontsize", NULL, "default-monospace-font-size", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "caret", NULL, "enable-caret-browsing", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "fantasyfont", NULL, "fantasy-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "minimumfontsize", NULL, "minimum-font-size", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "monofont", NULL, "monospace-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "backgrounds", NULL, "print-backgrounds", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "sansfont", NULL, "sans-serif-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "seriffont", NULL, "serif-font-family", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "stylesheet", NULL, "user-stylesheet-uri", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "resizetextareas", NULL, "resizable-text-areas", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "webinspector", NULL, "enable-developer-extras", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "homepage", startpage, "", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "statusbgcolor", statusbgcolor, "", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE },
{ "statuscolor", statuscolor, "", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE },
{ "sslbgcolor", sslbgcolor, "", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE },
{ "sslcolor", sslcolor, "", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE },
{ "acceptlanguage", acceptlanguage, "", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "qmark", NULL, "", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "proxy", NULL, "", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "scrollbars", NULL, "", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },
{ "completioncase", NULL, "", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE },