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= Yamlization
Yamlization (`y10n`) is a simple Rust-based localization (`l10n`) library.
Strings can be defined in `.yml` files which are then merged together.
2021-07-05 16:23:18 +00:00
Typically `y10n` should be used with multiple translation files written in
Yaml. The yaml files can be merged together to provide base translations (e.g.
the English strings) underneath the users preferred language (such as German).
== Example
greeting: 'hello world'
greeting: 'hallöchen kleiner Mann'
use y10n::*;
fn main() {
let y10n = Y10n::from_glob("l10n/**/*.yml");
// Create Language entities based on an `Accept-Languages` header
let langs = parse_accept_languages("en,de;q=0.5");
let translations = y10n.localize(&langs);
// Translations is a serde_yaml::Value which can easily be brought into
// handlebars or other structures for interpolation