
149 lines
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//! Test client data writing behavior.
mod fixtures;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use actix::prelude::*;
use actix_raft::metrics::{RaftMetrics, State};
use tokio_timer::Delay;
use fixtures::{
ClientRequest, RaftTestController, Node, setup_logger,
dev::{ExecuteInRaftRouter, GetCurrentLeader, RaftRouter, Register},
/// Basic lifecycle tests for a three node cluster.
/// What does this test cover?
/// - The client request path. Client data should be appended to the log, replicated & then
/// applied to the state machine.
/// - Client requests should be processed by the leader, and if the node
/// is not the leader, it will return a forwarding error with the information on the leader.
/// - If the leader dies during client write load, the clients should receive forwarding info,
/// and the new leader should be able to handle client requests as normal.
/// - after all data has been written, all nodes should have identical logs & state machines.
/// `RUST_LOG=actix_raft,client_writes=debug cargo test client_writes`
fn client_writes() {
let sys = System::builder().stop_on_panic(true).name("test").build();
// Setup test dependencies.
let netarb = Arbiter::new();
let network = RaftRouter::start_in_arbiter(&netarb, |_| RaftRouter::new());
let members = vec![0, 1, 2];
let node0 = Node::builder(0, network.clone(), members.clone()).build();
network.do_send(Register{id: 0, addr: node0.addr.clone()});
let node1 = Node::builder(1, network.clone(), members.clone()).build();
network.do_send(Register{id: 1, addr: node1.addr.clone()});
let node2 = Node::builder(2, network.clone(), members.clone()).build();
network.do_send(Register{id: 2, addr: node2.addr.clone()});
let (storage0, storage1, storage2) = (,,;
// Setup test controller and actions.
let mut ctl = RaftTestController::new(network);
ctl.register(0, node0.addr.clone()).register(1, node1.addr.clone()).register(2, node2.addr.clone());
ctl.start_with_test(10, Box::new(|act, ctx| {
// Get the current leader.
.map_err(|_, _: &mut RaftTestController, _| panic!("Failed to get current leader."))
.and_then(|res, _, _| fut::result(res)).and_then(|leader_opt, _, _| {
let leader = leader_opt.expect("Expected the cluster to have elected a leader.");
// Send 100 requests as fast as possible to the current leader & give the cluster 1 second to do work.
.and_then(|leader, _, ctx| {
for idx in 0..100 {
ctx.notify(ClientRequest{payload: idx, current_leader: Some(leader), cb: None});
fut::wrap_future(Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1))).map_err(|_, _, _| ())
.map(move |_, _, _| leader)
// Bring down the current leader.
.and_then(|leader, act, _| { |act, _| act.isolate_node(leader))));
fut::wrap_future(Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(2))).map_err(|_, _, _| ())
.map(move |_, _, _| leader)
// Get new leader ID.
.and_then(|old_leader, act, _| {
.map_err(|_, _: &mut RaftTestController, _| panic!("Failed to get current leader."))
.and_then(|res, _, _| fut::result(res))
.map(move |current_leader, _, _| (current_leader, old_leader))
// Restore old node, send 100 more requests & wait for 3 second for the system to process.
.and_then(|(current_leader, old_leader), act, ctx| { |act, _| act.restore_node(old_leader))));
for idx in 0..100 {
ctx.notify(ClientRequest{payload: idx, current_leader, cb: None});
fut::wrap_future(Delay::new(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(3))).map_err(|_, _, _| ())
// Assert that all nodes are up, same leader, same final state from the standpoint of the metrics.
.and_then(|_, act, _| {|act, _| {
let node0: &RaftMetrics = act.metrics.get(&0).unwrap();
let node1: &RaftMetrics = act.metrics.get(&1).unwrap();
let node2: &RaftMetrics = act.metrics.get(&2).unwrap();
let data = vec![node0, node1, node2];
let leader = data.iter().find(|e| &e.state == &State::Leader).expect("Expected leader to exist.");
assert!(data.iter().all(|e| e.current_leader == Some(, "Expected all nodes have the same leader.");
assert!(data.iter().all(|e| e.current_term == leader.current_term), "Expected all nodes to be at the same term.");
assert!(data.iter().all(|e| e.last_log_index == leader.last_log_index), "Expected all nodes have last log index.");
assert!(data.iter().all(|e| e.last_applied == leader.last_applied), "Expected all nodes have the same last applied value.");
// Assert that the state of all Raft node storage engines are the same.
.and_then(move |_, _, _| {
// Callback pyramid of death to fetch storage data.
fut::wrap_future(storage0.send(GetCurrentState)).map_err(|err, _: &mut RaftTestController, _| panic!(err))
.and_then(|res, _, _| fut::result(res)).and_then(move |s0, _, _| {
fut::wrap_future(storage1.send(GetCurrentState)).map_err(|err, _, _| panic!(err))
.and_then(|res, _, _| fut::result(res)).and_then(move |s1, _, _| {
fut::wrap_future(storage2.send(GetCurrentState)).map_err(|err, _, _| panic!(err))
.and_then(|res, _, _| fut::result(res)).and_then(move |s2, _, _| {
fut::ok((s0, s1, s2))
// We've got our storage data, assert against it.
.and_then(|(s0, s1, s2), _, _| {
// Hard state.
assert_eq!(s0.hs.current_term, s1.hs.current_term, "Expected hs current term for nodes 0 and 1 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.hs.current_term, s2.hs.current_term, "Expected hs current term for nodes 0 and 2 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.hs.membership, s1.hs.membership, "Expected hs membership for nodes 0 and 1 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.hs.membership, s2.hs.membership, "Expected hs membership for nodes 0 and 2 to be equal.");
// Log.
assert_eq!(s0.log, s1.log, "Expected log for nodes 0 and 1 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.log, s2.log, "Expected log for nodes 0 and 2 to be equal.");
// Snapshot data.
assert_eq!(s0.snapshot_data, s1.snapshot_data, "Expected snapshot_data for nodes 0 and 1 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.snapshot_data, s2.snapshot_data, "Expected snapshot_data for nodes 0 and 2 to be equal.");
// State machinen data.
assert_eq!(s0.state_machine, s1.state_machine, "Expected state machines for nodes 0 and 1 to be equal.");
assert_eq!(s0.state_machine, s2.state_machine, "Expected state machines for nodes 0 and 2 to be equal.");
.and_then(|_, _, ctx| {
ctx.run_later(Duration::from_secs(2), |_, _| System::current().stop());
.map_err(|err, _, _| panic!("Failure during test. {:?}", err)));
// Run the test.
assert!(, "Error during test.");