
126 lines
6.6 KiB

use tokio::time::Instant;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use crate::{AppData, AppDataResponse, AppError, NodeId, RaftNetwork, RaftStorage};
use crate::error::RaftResult;
use crate::core::{CandidateState, RaftCore, State, UpdateCurrentLeader};
use crate::raft::{VoteRequest, VoteResponse};
impl<D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> RaftCore<D, R, E, N, S> {
/// An RPC invoked by candidates to gather votes (§5.2).
/// See `receiver implementation: RequestVote RPC` in in this repo.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, msg))]
pub(super) async fn handle_vote_request(&mut self, msg: VoteRequest) -> RaftResult<VoteResponse, E> {
// If candidate's current term is less than this nodes current term, reject.
if &msg.term < &self.current_term {
tracing::trace!({candidate=msg.candidate_id, self.current_term, rpc_term=msg.term}, "RequestVote RPC term is less than current term");
return Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: false});
// Do not respond to the request if we've received a heartbeat within the election timeout minimum.
if let Some(inst) = &self.last_heartbeat {
let now = Instant::now();
let delta = now.duration_since(*inst);
if self.config.election_timeout_min >= (delta.as_millis() as u64) {
tracing::trace!({candidate=msg.candidate_id}, "rejecting vote request received within election timeout minimum");
return Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: false});
// Per spec, if we observe a term greater than our own, we must update
// term & immediately become follower, we still need to do vote checking after this.
if &msg.term > &self.current_term {
self.update_current_term(msg.term, None);
// Check if candidate's log is at least as up-to-date as this node's.
// If candidate's log is not at least as up-to-date as this node, then reject.
let client_is_uptodate = (&msg.last_log_term >= &self.last_log_term) && (&msg.last_log_index >= &self.last_log_index);
if !client_is_uptodate {
tracing::trace!({candidate=msg.candidate_id}, "rejecting vote request as candidate's log is not up-to-date");
return Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: false});
// Candidate's log is up-to-date so handle voting conditions.
match &self.voted_for {
// This node has already voted for the candidate.
Some(candidate_id) if candidate_id == &msg.candidate_id => {
Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: true})
// This node has already voted for a different candidate.
Some(_) => Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: false}),
// This node has not yet voted for the current term, so vote for the candidate.
None => {
self.voted_for = Some(msg.candidate_id);
tracing::trace!({candidate=msg.candidate_id, msg.term}, "voted for candidate");
Ok(VoteResponse{term: self.current_term, vote_granted: true})
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> CandidateState<'a, D, R, E, N, S> {
/// Handle response from a vote request sent to a peer.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, res, target))]
pub(super) async fn handle_vote_response(&mut self, res: VoteResponse, target: NodeId) -> RaftResult<(), E> {
// If peer's term is greater than current term, revert to follower state.
if res.term > self.core.current_term {
self.core.update_current_term(res.term, None);
tracing::trace!("reverting to follower state due to greater term observed in RequestVote RPC response");
return Ok(());
// If peer granted vote, then update campaign state.
if res.vote_granted {
// Handle vote responses from the C0 config group.
if self.core.membership.members.contains(&target) {
self.votes_granted_old += 1;
// Handle vote responses from members of C1 config group.
if self.core.membership.members_after_consensus.as_ref().map(|members| members.contains(&target)).unwrap_or(false) {
self.votes_granted_new += 1;
// If we've received enough votes from both config groups, then transition to leader state`.
if &self.votes_granted_old >= &self.votes_needed_old && &self.votes_granted_new >= &self.votes_needed_new {
tracing::trace!("transitioning to leader state as minimum number of votes have been received");
return Ok(());
// Otherwise, we just return and let the candidate loop wait for more votes to come in.
/// Build a future of vote requests sent to all peers.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
pub(super) fn spawn_parallel_vote_requests(&self) -> mpsc::Receiver<(VoteResponse, NodeId)> {
let all_members = self.core.membership.all_nodes();
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(all_members.len());
for member in all_members.into_iter().filter(|member| member != & {
let rpc = VoteRequest::new(self.core.current_term,, self.core.last_log_index, self.core.last_log_term);
let (network, mut tx_inner) = (, tx.clone());
let _ = tokio::spawn(async move {
match, rpc).await {
Ok(res) => {
let _ = tx_inner.send((res, member)).await;
Err(err) => tracing::error!({error=%err, peer=member}, "error while requesting vote from peer"),
}.instrument(tracing::trace_span!("requesting vote from peer", target=member)));