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//! Replication stream.
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncSeek, AsyncSeekExt};
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tokio::time::{Duration, Interval, interval, timeout};
use crate::{AppData, AppDataResponse, AppError, NodeId, RaftNetwork, RaftStorage};
use crate::config::{Config, SnapshotPolicy};
use crate::error::RaftResult;
use crate::raft::{AppendEntriesRequest, Entry, EntryPayload, InstallSnapshotRequest};
use crate::storage::CurrentSnapshotData;
/// The public handle to a spawned replication stream.
pub(crate) struct ReplicationStream<D: AppData> {
/// The spawn handle the `ReplicationCore` task.
pub handle: JoinHandle<()>,
/// The channel used for communicating with the replication task.
pub repltx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<RaftEvent<D>>,
impl<D: AppData> ReplicationStream<D> {
/// Create a new replication stream for the target peer.
pub(crate) fn new<R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>>(
id: NodeId, target: NodeId, term: u64, config: Arc<Config>,
last_log_index: u64, last_log_term: u64, commit_index: u64,
network: Arc<N>, storage: Arc<S>, replicationtx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ReplicaEvent<S::Snapshot>>,
) -> Self {
id, target, term, config, last_log_index, last_log_term, commit_index,
network, storage, replicationtx,
/// A task responsible for sending replication events to a target follower in the Raft cluster.
/// NOTE: we do not stack replication requests to targets because this could result in
/// out-of-order delivery. We always buffer until we receive a success response, then send the
/// next payload from the buffer.
struct ReplicationCore<D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> {
// Static Fields /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// The ID of this Raft node.
id: NodeId,
/// The ID of the target Raft node which replication events are to be sent to.
target: NodeId,
/// The current term, which will never change during the lifetime of this task.
term: u64,
/// A channel for sending events to the Raft node.
rafttx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ReplicaEvent<S::Snapshot>>,
/// A channel for receiving events from the Raft node.
raftrx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RaftEvent<D>>,
/// The `RaftNetwork` interface.
network: Arc<N>,
/// The `RaftStorage` interface.
storage: Arc<S>,
/// The Raft's runtime config.
config: Arc<Config>,
/// The configured max payload entries, simply as a usize.
max_payload_entries: usize,
marker_r: std::marker::PhantomData<R>,
marker_e: std::marker::PhantomData<E>,
// Dynamic Fields ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// The target state of this replication stream.
target_state: TargetReplState,
/// The index of the log entry to most recently be appended to the log by the leader.
last_log_index: u64,
/// The index of the highest log entry which is known to be committed in the cluster.
commit_index: u64,
/// The index of the next log to send.
/// This is initialized to leader's last log index + 1. Per the Raft protocol spec,
/// this value may be decremented as new nodes enter the cluster and need to catch-up per the
/// log consistency check.
/// If a follower's log is inconsistent with the leader's, the AppendEntries consistency check
/// will fail in the next AppendEntries RPC. After a rejection, the leader decrements
/// `next_index` and retries the AppendEntries RPC. Eventually `next_index` will reach a point
/// where the leader and follower logs match. When this happens, AppendEntries will succeed,
/// which removes any conflicting entries in the follower's log and appends entries from the
/// leader's log (if any). Once AppendEntries succeeds, the followers log is consistent with
/// the leader's, and it will remain that way for the rest of the term.
/// This Raft implementation also uses a _conflict optimization_ pattern for reducing the
/// number of RPCs which need to be sent back and forth between a peer which is lagging
/// behind. This is defined in §5.3.
next_index: u64,
/// The last know index to be successfully replicated on the target.
/// This will be initialized to the leader's last_log_index, and will be updated as
/// replication proceeds.
match_index: u64,
/// The term of the last know index to be successfully replicated on the target.
/// This will be initialized to the leader's last_log_term, and will be updated as
/// replication proceeds.
match_term: u64,
/// A buffer of data to replicate to the target follower.
/// The buffered payload here will be expanded as more replication commands come in from the
/// Raft node. Data from this buffer will flow into the `outbound_buffer` in chunks.
replication_buffer: Vec<Arc<Entry<D>>>,
/// A buffer of data which is being sent to the follower.
/// Data in this buffer comes directly from the `replication_buffer` in chunks, and will
/// remain here until it is confirmed that the payload has been successfully received by the
/// target node. This allows for retransmission of payloads in the face of transient errors.
outbound_buffer: Vec<OutboundEntry<D>>,
/// The heartbeat interval for ensuring that heartbeats are always delivered in a timely fashion.
heartbeat: Interval,
/// The timeout duration for heartbeats.
heartbeat_timeout: Duration,
impl<D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S> {
/// Spawn a new replication task for the target node.
pub(self) fn spawn(
id: NodeId, target: NodeId, term: u64, config: Arc<Config>,
last_log_index: u64, last_log_term: u64, commit_index: u64,
network: Arc<N>, storage: Arc<S>, rafttx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ReplicaEvent<S::Snapshot>>,
) -> ReplicationStream<D> {
let (raftrx_tx, raftrx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let heartbeat_timeout = Duration::from_millis(config.heartbeat_interval);
let max_payload_entries = config.max_payload_entries as usize;
let this = Self{
id, target, term, network, storage, config, max_payload_entries,
marker_r: std::marker::PhantomData, marker_e: std::marker::PhantomData,
target_state: TargetReplState::Lagging, last_log_index, commit_index,
next_index: last_log_index + 1, match_index: last_log_index, match_term: last_log_term,
rafttx, raftrx, heartbeat: interval(heartbeat_timeout), heartbeat_timeout,
replication_buffer: Vec::new(), outbound_buffer: Vec::new(),
let handle = tokio::spawn(this.main());
ReplicationStream{handle, repltx: raftrx_tx}
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(,]
async fn main(mut self) {
// Perform an initial heartbeat.
// Proceed to the replication stream's inner loop.
loop {
match &self.target_state {
TargetReplState::LineRate => LineRateState::new(&mut self).run().await,
TargetReplState::Lagging => LaggingState::new(&mut self).run().await,
TargetReplState::Snapshotting => SnapshottingState::new(&mut self).run().await,
TargetReplState::Shutdown => return,
/// Send an AppendEntries RPC to the target.
/// This request will timeout if no response is received within the
/// configured heartbeat interval.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
async fn send_append_entries(&mut self) {
// Attempt to fill the send buffer from the replication buffer.
if self.outbound_buffer.len() == 0 {
let repl_len = self.replication_buffer.len();
if repl_len > 0 {
let chunk_size = if repl_len < self.max_payload_entries { repl_len } else { self.max_payload_entries };
.map(|entry| OutboundEntry::Arc(entry)));
// Build the heartbeat frame to be sent to the follower.
let payload = AppendEntriesRequest{
term: self.term, leader_id:,
prev_log_index: self.match_index, prev_log_term: self.match_term,
leader_commit: self.commit_index, entries: self.outbound_buffer.iter().map(|entry| entry.as_ref().clone()).collect(),
// Send the payload.
let res = match timeout(self.heartbeat_timeout,, payload)).await {
Ok(outer_res) => match outer_res {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error sending AppendEntries RPC to target");
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "timeout while sending AppendEntries RPC to target");
let last_index_and_term = match self.outbound_buffer.last() {
Some(last) => Some((last.as_ref().index, last.as_ref().term)),
None => None,
self.outbound_buffer.clear(); // Once we've successfully sent a payload of entries, don't send them again.
// Handle success conditions.
if res.success {
// If this was a proper replication event (last index & term were provided), then update state.
if let Some((index, term)) = last_index_and_term {
self.next_index = index + 1; // This should always be the next expected index.
self.match_index = index;
self.match_term = term;
let _ = self.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::UpdateMatchIndex{target:, match_index: index});
// If running at line rate, and our buffered outbound requests have accumulated too
// much, we need to purge and transition to a lagging state. The target is not able to
// replicate data fast enough.
if &(&self.last_log_index - &self.match_index) > &self.config.replication_lag_threshold {
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Lagging;
// Replication was not successful, if a newer term has been returned, revert to follower.
if &res.term > &self.term {
let _ = self.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::RevertToFollower{target:, term: res.term});
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
// Replication was not successful, handle conflict optimization record, else decrement `next_index`.
if let Some(conflict) = res.conflict_opt {
// If the returned conflict opt index is greater than last_log_index, then this is a
// logical error, and no action should be taken. This represents a replication failure.
if &conflict.index > &self.last_log_index {
// Fetch the entry at conflict index and use the term specified there.
match, conflict.index)|entries| entries.iter().nth(0).map(|entry| entry.term)) {
Ok(Some(term)) => {
self.next_index = conflict.index + 1;
self.match_index = conflict.index;
self.match_term = term;
Ok(None) => {
// This condition would only ever be reached if the log has been removed due to
// log compaction (barring critical storage failure), so transition to snapshotting.
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Snapshotting;
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error fetching log entry due to returned AppendEntries RPC conflict_opt");
let _ = self.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::Shutdown);
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
// Check snapshot policy and handle conflict as needed.
match &self.config.snapshot_policy {
SnapshotPolicy::LogsSinceLast(threshold) => {
let diff = &self.last_log_index - &conflict.index; // NOTE WELL: underflow is guarded against above.
if &diff >= threshold {
// Follower is far behind and needs to receive an InstallSnapshot RPC.
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Snapshotting;
// Follower is behind, but not too far behind to receive an InstallSnapshot RPC.
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Lagging;
self.next_index = if self.next_index > 0 { self.next_index - 1} else { 0 }; // Guard against underflow.
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Lagging;
/// Perform a check to see if this replication stream is lagging behind far enough that a
/// snapshot is warranted.
pub(self) fn needs_snapshot(&self) -> bool {
match &self.config.snapshot_policy {
SnapshotPolicy::LogsSinceLast(threshold) => {
if &self.commit_index > &self.match_index && &(&self.commit_index - &self.match_index) >= threshold {
} else {
/// Fully drain the channel coming in from the Raft node.
pub(self) fn drain_raftrx(&mut self, first: RaftEvent<D>) {
let mut event_opt = Some(first);
loop {
// Unpack the event opt, else return if we don't have one to process.
let event = match event_opt.take() {
Some(event) => event,
None => return,
// Process the event.
match event {
RaftEvent::UpdateCommitIndex{commit_index} => {
self.commit_index = commit_index;
RaftEvent::Replicate{entry, commit_index} => {
self.commit_index = commit_index;
self.last_log_index = entry.index;
if &self.target_state == &TargetReplState::LineRate {
RaftEvent::Terminate => {
self.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
// Attempt to unpack the next event for the next loop iteration.
if let Ok(event) = self.raftrx.try_recv() {
event_opt = Some(event);
/// A type which wraps two possible forms of an outbound entry for replication.
enum OutboundEntry<D: AppData> {
/// An entry owned by an Arc, hot off the replication stream from the Raft leader.
/// An entry which was fetched directly from storage.
impl<D: AppData> AsRef<Entry<D>> for OutboundEntry<D> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Entry<D> {
match self {
Self::Arc(inner) => inner.as_ref(),
Self::Raw(inner) => inner,
/// The state of the replication stream.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
enum TargetReplState {
/// The replication stream is running at line rate.
/// The replication stream is lagging behind.
/// The replication stream is streaming a snapshot over to the target node.
/// The replication stream is shutting down.
/// An event from the Raft node.
pub(crate) enum RaftEvent<D: AppData> {
Replicate {
/// The new entry which needs to be replicated.
/// This entry will always be the most recent entry to have been appended to the log, so its
/// index is the new last_log_index value.
entry: Arc<Entry<D>>,
/// The index of the highest log entry which is known to be committed in the cluster.
commit_index: u64,
/// A message from Raft indicating a new commit index value.
UpdateCommitIndex {
/// The index of the highest log entry which is known to be committed in the cluster.
commit_index: u64,
/// An event coming from a replication stream.
pub(crate) enum ReplicaEvent<S>
where S: AsyncRead + AsyncSeek + Send + Unpin + 'static,
/// An event representing an update to the replication rate of a replication stream.
/// The ID of the Raft node to which this event relates.
target: NodeId,
/// A flag indicating if the corresponding target node is replicating at line rate.
/// When replicating at line rate, the replication stream will receive log entires to
/// replicate as soon as they are ready. When not running at line rate, the Raft node will
/// only send over metadata without entries to replicate.
is_line_rate: bool,
/// An event from a replication stream which updates the target node's match index.
/// The ID of the target node for which the match index is to be updated.
target: NodeId,
/// The index of the most recent log known to have been successfully replicated on the target.
match_index: u64,
/// An event indicating that the Raft node needs to revert to follower state.
/// The ID of the target node from which the new term was observed.
target: NodeId,
/// The new term observed.
term: u64,
/// An event from a replication stream requesting snapshot info.
/// The ID of the target node from which the event was sent.
target: NodeId,
/// The response channel for delivering the snapshot data.
tx: oneshot::Sender<CurrentSnapshotData<S>>,
/// Some critical error has taken place, and Raft needs to shutdown.
/// LineRate specific state.
struct LineRateState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> {
/// An exclusive handle to the replication core.
core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> LineRateState<'a, D, R, E, N, S> {
/// Create a new instance.
pub fn new(core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>) -> Self {
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(state="line-rate"))]
pub async fn run(self) {
let event = ReplicaEvent::RateUpdate{target:, is_line_rate: true};
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(event);
loop {
if &self.core.target_state != &TargetReplState::LineRate {
// We always prioritize draining our buffers first.
if !self.core.outbound_buffer.is_empty() || !self.core.replication_buffer.is_empty() {
_ = => self.core.send_append_entries().await,
event = => match event {
Some(event) => self.core.drain_raftrx(event),
None => self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown,
/// Lagging specific state.
struct LaggingState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> {
/// An exclusive handle to the replication core.
core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> LaggingState<'a, D, R, E, N, S> {
/// Create a new instance.
pub fn new(core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>) -> Self {
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(state="lagging"))]
pub async fn run(mut self) {
let event = ReplicaEvent::RateUpdate{target:, is_line_rate: false};
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(event);
loop {
if &self.core.target_state != &TargetReplState::Lagging {
// If this stream is far enough behind, then transition to snapshotting state.
if self.core.needs_snapshot() {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Snapshotting;
// Prep entries from storage and send them off for replication.
if self.is_up_to_speed() {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::LineRate;
if self.is_up_to_speed() {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::LineRate;
// Check raft channel to ensure we are staying up-to-date, then loop.
if let Ok(event) = self.core.raftrx.try_recv() {
/// Check if this replication stream is now up-to-speed.
fn is_up_to_speed(&self) -> bool {
&self.core.next_index > &self.core.commit_index
/// Prep the outbound buffer with the next payload of entries to append.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
async fn prep_outbound_buffer_from_storage(&mut self) {
// If the send buffer is empty, we need to fill it.
if self.core.outbound_buffer.is_empty() {
// Determine an appropriate stop index for the storage fetch operation. Avoid underflow.
let distance_behind = &self.core.commit_index - &self.core.next_index; // Underflow is guarded against in the `is_up_to_speed` check in the outer loop.
let is_within_payload_distance = &distance_behind <= &self.core.config.max_payload_entries;
let stop_idx = if is_within_payload_distance {
// If we have caught up to the line index, then that means we will be running at
// line rate after this payload is successfully replicated.
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::LineRate; // Will continue in lagging state until the outer loop cycles.
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::RateUpdate{target:, is_line_rate: true});
&self.core.commit_index + &1 // +1 to ensure stop value is included.
} else {
&self.core.next_index + &self.core.config.max_payload_entries + &1 // +1 to ensure stop value is included.
// Bringing the target up-to-date by fetching the largest possible payload of entries
// from storage within permitted configuration & ensure no snapshot pointer was returned.
let entries = match, stop_idx).await {
Ok(entries) => entries,
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error fetching logs from storage");
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::Shutdown);
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
for entry in entries.iter() {
if let EntryPayload::SnapshotPointer(_) = entry.payload {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Snapshotting;
self.core.outbound_buffer.extend(entries.into_iter().map(|entry| OutboundEntry::Raw(entry)));
/// Snapshotting specific state.
struct SnapshottingState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> {
/// An exclusive handle to the replication core.
core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>,
snapshot: Option<CurrentSnapshotData<S::Snapshot>>,
snapshot_fetch_rx: Option<oneshot::Receiver<CurrentSnapshotData<S::Snapshot>>>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, E: AppError, N: RaftNetwork<D, E>, S: RaftStorage<D, R, E>> SnapshottingState<'a, D, R, E, N, S> {
/// Create a new instance.
pub fn new(core: &'a mut ReplicationCore<D, R, E, N, S>) -> Self {
Self{core, snapshot: None, snapshot_fetch_rx: None}
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(state="snapshotting"))]
pub async fn run(mut self) {
let event = ReplicaEvent::RateUpdate{target:, is_line_rate: false};
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(event);
loop {
if &self.core.target_state != &TargetReplState::Snapshotting {
// We don't have any of the components we need, so fetch the current snapshot.
if self.snapshot.is_none() && self.snapshot_fetch_rx.is_none() {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::NeedsSnapshot{target:, tx});
self.snapshot_fetch_rx = Some(rx);
// If we are waiting for a snapshot response from the storage layer, then wait for
// it and send heartbeats in the meantime.
if let Some(snapshot_fetch_rx) = self.snapshot_fetch_rx.take() {
// If we have a snapshot to work with, then stream it.
if let Some(snapshot) = self.snapshot.take() {
if let Err(err) = self.stream_snapshot(snapshot).await {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error streaming snapshot to target");
/// Wait for a response from the storage layer for the current snapshot.
/// If an error comes up during processing, this routine should simple be called again after
/// issuing a new request to the storage layer.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, rx))]
async fn wait_for_snapshot(&mut self, mut rx: oneshot::Receiver<CurrentSnapshotData<S::Snapshot>>) {
loop {
_ = => self.core.send_append_entries().await,
event = => match event {
Some(event) => self.core.drain_raftrx(event),
None => {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
res = &mut rx => {
match res {
Ok(snapshot) => {
self.snapshot = Some(snapshot);
Err(_) => return, // Channels may close for various acceptable reasons.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, snapshot))]
async fn stream_snapshot(&mut self, mut snapshot: CurrentSnapshotData<S::Snapshot>) -> RaftResult<(), E> {
let mut offset = 0;
self.core.match_index = snapshot.index;
self.core.match_term = snapshot.term;
loop {
// Build the RPC.;
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(self.core.config.snapshot_max_chunk_size as usize);
let nread =;
let done = nread == 0; // If bytes read == 0, then we're done.
let req = InstallSnapshotRequest{
term: self.core.term, leader_id:,
last_included_index: snapshot.index,
last_included_term: snapshot.term,
offset, data, done,
// Send the RPC over to the target.
let res = match timeout(self.core.heartbeat_timeout,, req)).await {
Ok(outer_res) => match outer_res {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error sending InstallSnapshot RPC to target");
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "timeout while sending InstallSnapshot RPC to target");
// Handle response conditions.
if &res.term > &self.core.term {
let _ = self.core.rafttx.send(ReplicaEvent::RevertToFollower{target:, term: res.term});
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Shutdown;
return Ok(());
// If we just sent the final chunk of the snapshot, then transition to lagging state.
if done {
self.core.target_state = TargetReplState::Lagging;
return Ok(());
// Everything is good, so update offset for sending the next chunk.
offset += nread as u64;
// Check raft channel to ensure we are staying up-to-date, then loop.
if let Ok(event) = self.core.raftrx.try_recv() {