
840 lines
38 KiB

//! The core logic of a Raft node.
mod admin;
mod append_entries;
mod client;
mod install_snapshot;
pub(crate) mod replication;
mod vote;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use futures::future::{Abortable, AbortHandle};
use futures::stream::FuturesOrdered;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc, oneshot, watch};
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tokio::time::{Instant, Duration, delay_until};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use crate::{AppData, AppDataResponse, RaftNetwork, RaftStorage, NodeId};
use crate::config::{Config, SnapshotPolicy};
use crate::core::client::ClientRequestEntry;
use crate::error::{ClientReadError, ClientWriteError, ChangeConfigError, InitializeError, RaftError, RaftResult};
use crate::metrics::RaftMetrics;
use crate::raft::{ChangeMembershipTx, ClientWriteRequest, ClientReadResponseTx, ClientWriteResponseTx, RaftMsg, MembershipConfig};
use crate::replication::{RaftEvent, ReplicationStream, ReplicaEvent};
use crate::storage::HardState;
/// The core type implementing the Raft protocol.
pub struct RaftCore<D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> {
/// This node's ID.
id: NodeId,
/// This node's runtime config.
config: Arc<Config>,
/// The cluster's current membership configuration.
membership: MembershipConfig,
/// The `RaftNetwork` implementation.
network: Arc<N>,
/// The `RaftStorage` implementation.
storage: Arc<S>,
/// The target state of the system.
target_state: State,
/// The index of the highest log entry known to be committed cluster-wide.
/// The definition of a committed log is that the leader which has created the log has
/// successfully replicated the log to a majority of the cluster. This value is updated via
/// AppendEntries RPC from the leader, or if a node is the leader, it will update this value
/// as new entries have been successfully replicated to a majority of the cluster.
/// Is initialized to 0, and increases monotonically. This is always based on the leader's
/// commit index which is communicated to other members via the AppendEntries protocol.
commit_index: u64,
/// The index of the highest log entry which has been applied to the local state machine.
/// Is initialized to 0, increases following the `commit_index` as logs are
/// applied to the state machine (via the storage interface).
last_applied: u64,
/// The current term.
/// Is initialized to 0 on first boot, and increases monotonically. This is normally based on
/// the leader's term which is communicated to other members via the AppendEntries protocol,
/// but this may also be incremented when a follower becomes a candidate.
current_term: u64,
/// The ID of the current leader of the Raft cluster.
current_leader: Option<NodeId>,
/// The ID of the candidate which received this node's vote for the current term.
/// Each server will vote for at most one candidate in a given term, on a
/// first-come-first-served basis. See §5.4.1 for additional restriction on votes.
voted_for: Option<NodeId>,
/// The index of the last entry to be appended to the log.
last_log_index: u64,
/// The term of the last entry to be appended to the log.
last_log_term: u64,
/// The node's current snapshot state.
snapshot_state: Option<SnapshotState<S::Snapshot>>,
/// The index of the current snapshot, if a snapshot exists.
/// This is primarily used in making a determination on when a compaction job needs to be triggered.
snapshot_index: u64,
/// The last time a heartbeat was received.
last_heartbeat: Option<Instant>,
/// The duration until the next election timeout.
next_election_timeout: Option<Instant>,
/// An atomic bool indicating if this node needs to shutdown.
/// This is only used from the `Raft` handle.
needs_shutdown: Arc<AtomicBool>,
tx_compaction: mpsc::Sender<SnapshotUpdate>,
rx_compaction: mpsc::Receiver<SnapshotUpdate>,
rx_api: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RaftMsg<D, R>>,
tx_metrics: watch::Sender<RaftMetrics>,
impl<D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> RaftCore<D, R, N, S> {
pub(crate) fn spawn(
id: NodeId, config: Arc<Config>, network: Arc<N>, storage: Arc<S>,
rx_api: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<RaftMsg<D, R>>,
tx_metrics: watch::Sender<RaftMetrics>,
needs_shutdown: Arc<AtomicBool>,
) -> JoinHandle<RaftResult<()>> {
let membership = MembershipConfig::new_initial(id); // This is updated from storage in the main loop.
let (tx_compaction, rx_compaction) = mpsc::channel(1);
let this = Self{
id, config, membership, network, storage,
target_state: State::Follower,
commit_index: 0, last_applied: 0, current_term: 0, current_leader: None, voted_for: None,
last_log_index: 0, last_log_term: 0,
snapshot_state: None, snapshot_index: 0,
last_heartbeat: None, next_election_timeout: None,
tx_compaction, rx_compaction, rx_api, tx_metrics,
/// The main loop of the Raft protocol.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(, cluster=%self.config.cluster_name))]
async fn main(mut self) -> RaftResult<()> {
tracing::trace!("raft node is initializing");
let state =|err| self.map_fatal_storage_error(err))?;
self.last_log_index = state.last_log_index;
self.last_log_term = state.last_log_term;
self.current_term = state.hard_state.current_term;
self.voted_for = state.hard_state.voted_for;
self.membership = state.membership;
self.last_applied = state.last_applied_log;
// NOTE: this is repeated here for clarity. It is unsafe to initialize the node's commit
// index to any other value. The commit index must be determined by a leader after
// successfully committing a new log to the cluster.
self.commit_index = 0;
// Fetch the most recent snapshot in the system.
if let Some(snapshot) =|err| self.map_fatal_storage_error(err))? {
self.snapshot_index = snapshot.index;
// Set initial state based on state recovered from disk.
let is_only_configured_member = self.membership.members.len() == 1 && self.membership.contains(&;
// If this is the only configured member and there is live state, then this is
// a single-node cluster. Become leader.
if is_only_configured_member && &self.last_log_index != &u64::min_value() {
self.target_state = State::Leader;
// Else if there are other members, that can only mean that state was recovered. Become follower.
else if !is_only_configured_member {
self.target_state = State::Follower;
// Else, for any other condition, stay non-voter.
else {
self.target_state = State::NonVoter;
// This is central loop of the system. The Raft core assumes a few different roles based
// on cluster state. The Raft core will delegate control to the different state
// controllers and simply awaits the delegated loop to return, which will only take place
// if some error has been encountered, or if a state change is required.
loop {
match &self.target_state {
State::Leader => LeaderState::new(&mut self).run().await?,
State::Candidate => CandidateState::new(&mut self).run().await?,
State::Follower => FollowerState::new(&mut self).run().await?,
State::NonVoter => NonVoterState::new(&mut self).run().await?,
State::Shutdown => return Ok(()),
/// Report a metrics payload on the current state of the Raft node.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn report_metrics(&mut self) {
let res = self.tx_metrics.broadcast(RaftMetrics{
state: self.target_state,
current_term: self.current_term,
last_log_index: self.last_log_index,
last_applied: self.last_applied,
current_leader: self.current_leader,
membership_config: self.membership.clone(),
if let Err(err) = res {
tracing::error!({error=%err,}, "error reporting metrics");
/// Save the Raft node's current hard state to disk.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
async fn save_hard_state(&mut self) -> RaftResult<()> {
let hs = HardState{current_term: self.current_term, voted_for: self.voted_for};
Ok(|err| self.map_fatal_storage_error(err))?)
/// Update core's target state, ensuring all invariants are upheld.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn set_target_state(&mut self, target_state: State) {
if &target_state == &State::Follower && !self.membership.contains(& {
self.target_state = State::NonVoter;
self.target_state = target_state;
/// Get the next election timeout, generating a new value if not set.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn get_next_election_timeout(&mut self) -> Instant {
match self.next_election_timeout {
Some(inst) => inst.clone(),
None => {
let inst = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(self.config.new_rand_election_timeout());
self.next_election_timeout = Some(inst.clone());
/// Set a value for the next election timeout.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn update_next_election_timeout(&mut self) {
self.next_election_timeout = Some(Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(self.config.new_rand_election_timeout()));
/// Update the value of the `current_leader` property.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn update_current_leader(&mut self, update: UpdateCurrentLeader) {
match update {
UpdateCurrentLeader::ThisNode => {
self.current_leader = Some(;
UpdateCurrentLeader::OtherNode(target) => {
self.current_leader = Some(target);
UpdateCurrentLeader::Unknown => {
self.current_leader = None;
/// Encapsulate the process of updating the current term, as updating the `voted_for` state must also be updated.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn update_current_term(&mut self, new_term: u64, voted_for: Option<NodeId>) {
if new_term > self.current_term {
self.current_term = new_term;
self.voted_for = voted_for;
/// Trigger the shutdown sequence due to a non-recoverable error from the storage layer.
/// This method assumes that a storage error observed here is non-recoverable. As such, the
/// Raft node will be instructed to stop. If such behavior is not needed, then don't use this
/// interface.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn map_fatal_storage_error(&mut self, err: anyhow::Error) -> RaftError {
tracing::error!({error=%err,}, "fatal storage error, shutting down");
/// Update the node's current membership config & save hard state.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn update_membership(&mut self, cfg: MembershipConfig) -> RaftResult<()> {
// If the given config does not contain this node's ID, it means one of the following:
// - the node is currently a non-voter and is replicating an old config to which it has
// not yet been added.
// - the node has been removed from the cluster. The parent application can observe the
// transition to the non-voter state as a signal for when it is safe to shutdown a node
// being removed.
self.membership = cfg;
if !self.membership.contains(& {
} else if &self.target_state == &State::NonVoter && self.membership.members.contains(& {
// The node is a NonVoter and the new config has it configured as a normal member.
// Transition to follower.
/// Update the system's snapshot state based on the given data.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
fn update_snapshot_state(&mut self, update: SnapshotUpdate) {
if let SnapshotUpdate::SnapshotComplete(index) = update {
self.snapshot_index = index
// If snapshot state is anything other than streaming, then drop it.
match self.snapshot_state.take() {
Some(state @ SnapshotState::Streaming{..}) => self.snapshot_state = Some(state),
_ => (),
/// Trigger a log compaction (snapshot) job if needed.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self))]
pub(self) fn trigger_log_compaction_if_needed(&mut self) {
if self.snapshot_state.is_some() {
let threshold = match &self.config.snapshot_policy {
SnapshotPolicy::LogsSinceLast(threshold) => threshold,
// Make sure we have actual entries for compaction.
let through_index = std::cmp::min(self.commit_index, self.last_log_index);
if &through_index == &0 {
// If we are below the threshold, then there is nothing to do.
if &(&through_index - &self.snapshot_index) < threshold {
// At this point, we are clear to begin a new compaction process.
let storage =;
let (handle, reg) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let (chan_tx, _) = broadcast::channel(1);
let mut tx_compaction = self.tx_compaction.clone();
self.snapshot_state = Some(SnapshotState::Snapshotting{through: through_index, handle, sender: chan_tx.clone()});
tokio::spawn(async move {
let res = Abortable::new(storage.do_log_compaction(through_index), reg).await;
match res {
Ok(res) => match res {
Ok(snapshot) => {
let _ = tx_compaction.try_send(SnapshotUpdate::SnapshotComplete(snapshot.index));
let _ = chan_tx.send(snapshot.index); // This will always succeed.
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!({error=%err}, "error while generating snapshot");
let _ = tx_compaction.try_send(SnapshotUpdate::SnapshotFailed);
Err(_aborted) => {
let _ = tx_compaction.try_send(SnapshotUpdate::SnapshotFailed);
}.instrument(tracing::debug_span!("beginning new log compaction process")));
/// Reject an init config request due to the Raft node being in a state which prohibits the request.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, tx))]
fn reject_init_with_config(&self, tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), InitializeError>>) {
let _ = tx.send(Err(InitializeError::NotAllowed));
/// Reject a proposed config change request due to the Raft node being in a state which prohibits the request.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, tx))]
fn reject_config_change_not_leader(&self, tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), ChangeConfigError>>) {
let _ = tx.send(Err(ChangeConfigError::NodeNotLeader));
/// Forward the given client write request to the leader.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, req, tx))]
fn forward_client_write_request(&self, req: ClientWriteRequest<D>, tx: ClientWriteResponseTx<D, R>) {
let _ = tx.send(Err(ClientWriteError::ForwardToLeader(req, self.current_leader.clone())));
/// Forward the given client read request to the leader.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self, tx))]
fn forward_client_read_request(&self, tx: ClientReadResponseTx) {
let _ = tx.send(Err(ClientReadError::ForwardToLeader(self.current_leader.clone())));
/// An enum describing the way the current leader property is to be updated.
pub(self) enum UpdateCurrentLeader {
/// The current snapshot state of the Raft node.
pub(self) enum SnapshotState<S> {
/// The Raft node is compacting itself.
Snapshotting {
/// The last included index of the new snapshot being generated.
through: u64,
/// A handle to abort the compaction process early if needed.
handle: AbortHandle,
/// A sender for notifiying any other tasks of the completion of this compaction.
sender: broadcast::Sender<u64>,
/// The Raft node is streaming in a snapshot from the leader.
Streaming {
/// The offset of the last byte written to the snapshot.
offset: u64,
/// The ID of the snapshot being written.
id: String,
/// A handle to the snapshot writer.
snapshot: Box<S>,
/// An update on a snapshot creation process.
pub(self) enum SnapshotUpdate {
/// Snapshot creation has finished successfully and covers the given index.
/// Snapshot creation failed.
/// All possible states of a Raft node.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum State {
/// The node is completely passive; replicating entries, but neither voting nor timing out.
/// The node is replicating logs from the leader.
/// The node is campaigning to become the cluster leader.
/// The node is the Raft cluster leader.
/// The Raft node is shutting down.
impl State {
/// Check if currently in non-voter state.
pub fn is_non_voter(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::NonVoter = self { true } else { false }
/// Check if currently in follower state.
pub fn is_follower(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::Follower = self { true } else { false }
/// Check if currently in candidate state.
pub fn is_candidate(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::Candidate = self { true } else { false }
/// Check if currently in leader state.
pub fn is_leader(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::Leader = self { true } else { false }
/// Volatile state specific to the Raft leader.
struct LeaderState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> {
pub(super) core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>,
/// A mapping of node IDs the replication state of the target node.
pub(super) nodes: BTreeMap<NodeId, ReplicationState<D>>,
/// A mapping of new nodes (non-voters) which are being synced in order to join the cluster.
pub(super) non_voters: BTreeMap<NodeId, NonVoterReplicationState<D>>,
/// A bool indicating if this node will be stepping down after committing the current config change.
pub(super) is_stepping_down: bool,
/// The stream of events coming from replication streams.
pub(super) replicationrx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ReplicaEvent<S::Snapshot>>,
/// The clonable sender channel for replication stream events.
pub(super) replicationtx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ReplicaEvent<S::Snapshot>>,
/// A buffer of client requests which have been appended locally and are awaiting to be committed to the cluster.
pub(super) awaiting_committed: Vec<ClientRequestEntry<D, R>>,
/// A field tracking the cluster's current consensus state, which is used for dynamic membership.
pub(super) consensus_state: ConsensusState,
/// An optional response channel for when a config change has been proposed, and is awaiting a response.
pub(super) propose_config_change_cb: Option<oneshot::Sender<Result<(), RaftError>>>,
/// An optional receiver for when a joint consensus config is committed.
pub(super) joint_consensus_cb: FuturesOrdered<oneshot::Receiver<Result<u64, RaftError>>>,
/// An optional receiver for when a uniform consensus config is committed.
pub(super) uniform_consensus_cb: FuturesOrdered<oneshot::Receiver<Result<u64, RaftError>>>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> LeaderState<'a, D, R, N, S> {
/// Create a new instance.
pub(self) fn new(core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>) -> Self {
let consensus_state = if core.membership.is_in_joint_consensus() {
ConsensusState::Joint{is_committed: false}
} else {
let (replicationtx, replicationrx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
core, nodes: BTreeMap::new(), non_voters: BTreeMap::new(), is_stepping_down: false,
replicationtx, replicationrx, consensus_state, awaiting_committed: Vec::new(),
propose_config_change_cb: None, joint_consensus_cb: FuturesOrdered::new(),
uniform_consensus_cb: FuturesOrdered::new(),
/// Transition to the Raft leader state.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(, raft_state="leader"))]
pub(self) async fn run(mut self) -> RaftResult<()> {
// Spawn replication streams.
let targets = self.core.membership.all_nodes().into_iter()
.filter(|elem| elem != &
for target in targets {
let state = self.spawn_replication_stream(target);
self.nodes.insert(target, state);
// Setup state as leader.
self.core.last_heartbeat = None;
self.core.next_election_timeout = None;
// Per §8, commit an initial entry as part of becoming the cluster leader.
loop {
if !self.core.target_state.is_leader() || self.core.needs_shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
for node in self.nodes.values() {
let _ = node.replstream.repltx.send(RaftEvent::Terminate);
for node in self.non_voters.values() {
let _ = node.state.replstream.repltx.send(RaftEvent::Terminate);
return Ok(());
Some(msg) = => match msg {
RaftMsg::AppendEntries{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_append_entries_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::RequestVote{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_vote_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::InstallSnapshot{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_install_snapshot_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::ClientReadRequest{tx} => {
RaftMsg::ClientWriteRequest{rpc, tx} => {
self.handle_client_write_request(rpc, tx).await;
RaftMsg::Initialize{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::AddNonVoter{id, tx} => {
self.add_member(id, tx);
RaftMsg::ChangeMembership{members, tx} => {
self.change_membership(members, tx).await;
Some(update) = => self.core.update_snapshot_state(update),
Some(Ok(res)) = => {
match res {
Ok(_) => self.handle_joint_consensus_committed().await?,
Err(err) => if let Some(cb) = self.propose_config_change_cb.take() {
let _ = cb.send(Err(err));
Some(Ok(res)) = => {
match res {
Ok(index) => {
let final_res = self.handle_uniform_consensus_committed(index).await;
if let Some(cb) = self.propose_config_change_cb.take() {
let _ = cb.send(final_res.map_err(From::from));
Err(err) => if let Some(cb) = self.propose_config_change_cb.take() {
let _ = cb.send(Err(err));
Some(event) = => self.handle_replica_event(event).await,
/// A struct tracking the state of a replication stream from the perspective of the Raft actor.
struct ReplicationState<D: AppData> {
pub match_index: u64,
pub match_term: u64,
pub is_at_line_rate: bool,
pub remove_after_commit: Option<u64>,
pub replstream: ReplicationStream<D>,
/// The same as `ReplicationState`, except for non-voters.
struct NonVoterReplicationState<D: AppData> {
/// The replication stream state.
pub state: ReplicationState<D>,
/// A bool indicating if this non-voters is ready to join the cluster.
pub is_ready_to_join: bool,
/// The response channel to use for when this node has successfully synced with the cluster.
pub tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<Result<(), ChangeConfigError>>>,
/// A state enum used by Raft leaders to navigate the joint consensus protocol.
pub enum ConsensusState {
/// The cluster is preparring to go into joint consensus, but the leader is still syncing
/// some non-voters to prepare them for cluster membership.
NonVoterSync {
/// The set of non-voters nodes which are still being synced.
awaiting: HashSet<NodeId>,
/// The full membership change which has been proposed.
members: HashSet<NodeId>,
/// The response channel to use once the consensus state is back into uniform state.
tx: ChangeMembershipTx,
/// The cluster is in a joint consensus state and is syncing new nodes.
Joint {
/// A bool indicating if the associated config which started this joint consensus has yet been comitted.
/// NOTE: when a new leader is elected, it will initialize this value to false, and then
/// update this value to true once the new leader's blank payload has been committed.
is_committed: bool,
/// The cluster consensus is uniform; not in a joint consensus state.
impl ConsensusState {
/// Check the current state to determine if it is in joint consensus, and if it is safe to finalize the joint consensus.
/// The return value will be true if:
/// 1. this object currently represents a joint consensus state.
/// 2. the corresponding config for this consensus state has been committed to the cluster.
pub fn is_joint_consensus_safe_to_finalize(&self) -> bool {
match self {
ConsensusState::Joint{is_committed} => *is_committed,
_ => false,
/// Volatile state specific to a Raft node in candidate state.
struct CandidateState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> {
core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>,
/// The number of votes which have been granted by peer nodes of the old (current) config group.
votes_granted_old: u64,
/// The number of votes needed from the old (current) config group in order to become the Raft leader.
votes_needed_old: u64,
/// The number of votes which have been granted by peer nodes of the new config group (if applicable).
votes_granted_new: u64,
/// The number of votes needed from the new config group in order to become the Raft leader (if applicable).
votes_needed_new: u64,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> CandidateState<'a, D, R, N, S> {
pub(self) fn new(core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>) -> Self {
Self{core, votes_granted_old: 0, votes_needed_old: 0, votes_granted_new: 0, votes_needed_new: 0}
/// Run the candidate loop.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(, raft_state="candidate"))]
pub(self) async fn run(mut self) -> RaftResult<()> {
// Each iteration of the outer loop represents a new term.
loop {
// Setup initial state per term.
self.votes_granted_old = 1; // We must vote for ourselves per the Raft spec.
self.votes_needed_old = ((self.core.membership.members.len() / 2) + 1) as u64; // Just need a majority.
if let Some(nodes) = &self.core.membership.members_after_consensus {
self.votes_granted_new = 1; // We must vote for ourselves per the Raft spec.
self.votes_needed_new = ((nodes.len() / 2) + 1) as u64; // Just need a majority.
// Setup new term.
self.core.update_next_election_timeout(); // Generates a new rand value within range.
self.core.current_term += 1;
self.core.voted_for = Some(;
// Send RPCs to all members in parallel.
let mut pending_votes = self.spawn_parallel_vote_requests();
// Inner processing loop for this Raft state.
loop {
if !self.core.target_state.is_candidate() || self.core.needs_shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
return Ok(());
let mut timeout_fut = delay_until(self.core.get_next_election_timeout());
_ = &mut timeout_fut => break, // This election has timed-out. Break to outer loop, which starts a new term.
Some((res, peer)) = pending_votes.recv() => self.handle_vote_response(res, peer).await?,
Some(msg) = => match msg {
RaftMsg::AppendEntries{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_append_entries_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::RequestVote{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_vote_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::InstallSnapshot{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_install_snapshot_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::ClientReadRequest{tx} => {
RaftMsg::ClientWriteRequest{rpc, tx} => {
self.core.forward_client_write_request(rpc, tx);
RaftMsg::Initialize{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::AddNonVoter{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::ChangeMembership{tx, ..} => {
Some(update) = => self.core.update_snapshot_state(update),
/// Volatile state specific to a Raft node in follower state.
pub struct FollowerState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> {
core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> FollowerState<'a, D, R, N, S> {
pub(self) fn new(core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>) -> Self {
/// Run the follower loop.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(, raft_state="follower"))]
pub(self) async fn run(self) -> RaftResult<()> {
loop {
if !self.core.target_state.is_follower() || self.core.needs_shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
return Ok(());
let mut election_timeout = delay_until(self.core.get_next_election_timeout()); // Value is updated as heartbeats are received.
// If an election timeout is hit, then we need to transition to candidate.
_ = &mut election_timeout => self.core.set_target_state(State::Candidate),
Some(msg) = => match msg {
RaftMsg::AppendEntries{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_append_entries_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::RequestVote{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_vote_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::InstallSnapshot{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_install_snapshot_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::ClientReadRequest{tx} => {
RaftMsg::ClientWriteRequest{rpc, tx} => {
self.core.forward_client_write_request(rpc, tx);
RaftMsg::Initialize{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::AddNonVoter{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::ChangeMembership{tx, ..} => {
Some(update) = => self.core.update_snapshot_state(update),
/// Volatile state specific to a Raft node in non-voter state.
pub struct NonVoterState<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> {
core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>,
impl<'a, D: AppData, R: AppDataResponse, N: RaftNetwork<D>, S: RaftStorage<D, R>> NonVoterState<'a, D, R, N, S> {
pub(self) fn new(core: &'a mut RaftCore<D, R, N, S>) -> Self {
/// Run the non-voter loop.
#[tracing::instrument(level="trace", skip(self), fields(, raft_state="non-voter"))]
pub(self) async fn run(mut self) -> RaftResult<()> {
loop {
if !self.core.target_state.is_non_voter() || self.core.needs_shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
return Ok(());
Some(msg) = => match msg {
RaftMsg::AppendEntries{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_append_entries_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::RequestVote{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_vote_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::InstallSnapshot{rpc, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.core.handle_install_snapshot_request(rpc).await);
RaftMsg::ClientReadRequest{tx} => {
RaftMsg::ClientWriteRequest{rpc, tx} => {
self.core.forward_client_write_request(rpc, tx);
RaftMsg::Initialize{members, tx} => {
let _ = tx.send(self.handle_init_with_config(members).await);
RaftMsg::AddNonVoter{tx, ..} => {
RaftMsg::ChangeMembership{tx, ..} => {
Some(update) = => self.core.update_snapshot_state(update),