
160 lines
5.0 KiB

extern crate lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Get all listings from the `listings` directory
let listings_dir = Path::new("listings");
// Put the results in the `tmp/listings` directory
let out_dir = Path::new("tmp/listings");
// Clear out any existing content in `tmp/listings`
if out_dir.is_dir() {
// Create a new, empty `tmp/listings` directory
// For each chapter in the `listings` directory,
for chapter in fs::read_dir(listings_dir)? {
let chapter = chapter?;
let chapter_path = chapter.path();
let chapter_name = chapter_path
.expect("Chapter should've had a name");
// Create a corresponding chapter dir in `tmp/listings`
let output_chapter_path = out_dir.join(chapter_name);
// For each listing in the chapter directory,
for listing in fs::read_dir(chapter_path)? {
let listing = listing?;
let listing_path = listing.path();
let listing_name = listing_path
.expect("Listing should've had a name");
// Create a corresponding listing dir in the tmp chapter dir
let output_listing_dir = output_chapter_path.join(listing_name);
// Copy all the cleaned files in the listing to the tmp directory
copy_cleaned_listing_files(listing_path, output_listing_dir)?;
// Create a compressed archive of all the listings
let tarfile = File::create("tmp/listings.tar.gz")?;
let encoder =
flate2::write::GzEncoder::new(tarfile, flate2::Compression::default());
let mut archive = tar::Builder::new(encoder);
archive.append_dir_all("listings", "tmp/listings")?;
// Assure whoever is running this that the script exiting successfully, and remind them
// where the generated file ends up
println!("Release tarball of listings in tmp/listings.tar.gz");
// Cleaned listings will not contain:
// - `target` directories
// - `output.txt` files used to display output in the book
// - `rustfmt-ignore` files used to signal to the listing shouldn't be formatted
// - anchor comments or snip comments
// - empty `main` functions in `` files used to trick rustdoc
fn copy_cleaned_listing_files(
from: PathBuf,
to: PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
for item in fs::read_dir(from)? {
let item = item?;
let item_path = item.path();
let item_name =
item_path.file_name().expect("Item should've had a name");
let output_item = to.join(item_name);
if item_path.is_dir() {
// Don't copy `target` directories
if item_name != "target" {
copy_cleaned_listing_files(item_path, output_item)?;
} else {
// Don't copy output files or files that tell not to format
if item_name != "output.txt" && item_name != "rustfmt-ignore" {
let item_extension = item_path.extension();
if item_extension.is_some() && item_extension.unwrap() == "rs" {
} else {
// Copy any non-Rust files without modification
fs::copy(item_path, output_item)?;
lazy_static! {
static ref ANCHOR_OR_SNIP_COMMENTS: Regex = Regex::new(
//\s*ANCHOR:\s*[\w_-]+ # Remove all anchor comments
//\s*ANCHOR_END:\s*[\w_-]+ # Remove all anchor ending comments
//\s*--snip-- # Remove all snip comments
lazy_static! {
static ref EMPTY_MAIN: Regex = Regex::new(r"fn main\(\) \{}").unwrap();
// Cleaned Rust files will not contain:
// - anchor comments or snip comments
// - empty `main` functions in `` files used to trick rustdoc
fn copy_cleaned_rust_file(
item_name: &std::ffi::OsStr,
from: &PathBuf,
to: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let from_buf = BufReader::new(File::open(from)?);
let mut to_buf = BufWriter::new(File::create(to)?);
for line in from_buf.lines() {
let line = line?;
if !ANCHOR_OR_SNIP_COMMENTS.is_match(&line)
&& (item_name != "" || !EMPTY_MAIN.is_match(&line))
writeln!(&mut to_buf, "{line}")?;