Update contributing documentation for running tests and building docs.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Huss 2019-11-29 16:21:20 -08:00
parent e70a37634a
commit bfcc6d6529
3 changed files with 95 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -88,19 +88,59 @@ in `test/` provide templates on how to test Cargo's behavior in a
sandbox-environment. The internal module `crates/cargo-test-support` provides a vast amount
of helpers to minimize boilerplate. See [`crates/cargo-test-support/src/lib.rs`] for an
introduction to writing tests.
* Make sure `cargo test` passes. If you do not have the cross-compilers
installed locally, install them using the instructions returned by
`cargo test cross_compile::cross_tests` (twice, with `--toolchain nightly`
added to get the nightly cross target too); alternatively just
ignore the cross-compile test failures or disable them by
using `CFG_DISABLE_CROSS_TESTS=1 cargo test`. Note that some tests are enabled
only on `nightly` toolchain. If you can, test both toolchains.
* Make sure `cargo test` passes. See [Running tests](#running-tests) below
for details on running tests.
* All code changes are expected to comply with the formatting suggested by `rustfmt`.
You can use `rustup component add --toolchain nightly rustfmt` to install `rustfmt` and use
`rustfmt +nightly --unstable-features --skip-children` on the changed files to automatically format your code.
You can use `rustup component add rustfmt` to install `rustfmt` and use
`cargo fmt` to automatically format your code.
* Push your commits to GitHub and create a pull request against Cargo's
`master` branch.
## Running tests
Most of the tests are found in the `testsuite` integration test. This can be
run with a simple `cargo test`.
Some tests only run on the nightly toolchain, and will be ignored on other
channels. It is recommended that you run tests with both nightly and stable to
ensure everything is working as expected.
Some tests exercise cross compiling to a different target. This will require
you to install the appropriate target. This typically is the 32-bit target of
your host platform. For example, if your host is a 64-bit
`x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`, then you should install the 32-bit target with
`rustup target add i686-unknown-linux-gnu`. If you don't have the alternate
target installed, there should be an error message telling you what to do. You
may also need to install additional tools for the target. For example, on Ubuntu
you should install the `gcc-multilib` package.
If you can't install an alternate target, you can set the
`CFG_DISABLE_CROSS_TESTS=1` environment variable to disable these tests.
Unfortunately 32-bit support on macOS is going away, so you may not be able to
run these tests on macOS. The Windows cross tests only support the MSVC
Some of the nightly tests require the `rustc-dev` component installed. This
component includes the compiler as a library. This may already be installed
with your nightly toolchain, but it if isn't, run `rustup component add
rustc-dev --toolchain=nightly`.
There are several other packages in the repo for running specialized tests,
and you will need to run these tests separately by changing into its directory
and running `cargo test`:
* [`crates/resolver-tests`]  This package runs tests on the dependency resolver.
* [`crates/cargo-platform`]  This is a standalone `cfg()` expression parser.
The `build-std` tests are disabled by default, but you can run them by setting
the `CARGO_RUN_BUILD_STD_TESTS=1` environment variable and running `cargo test
--test build-std`. This requires the nightly channel, and also requires the
`rust-src` component installed with `rustup component add rust-src
[`crates/resolver-tests`]: crates/resolver-tests
[`crates/cargo-platform`]: crates/cargo-platform
## Pull requests
After the pull request is made, a friendly bot will automatically assign a
@ -124,18 +164,8 @@ and [merges][mergequeue] it into Cargo's `master` branch.
## Contributing to the documentation
To contribute to the documentation, all you need to do is change the markdown
files in the `src/doc` directory. To view the rendered version of changes you
have made locally, make sure you have `mdbook` installed and run:
cd src/doc
mdbook build
open book/index.html
To install `mdbook` run `cargo install mdbook`.
See the [documentation README](src/doc/README.md) for details on building the
## Issue Triage
@ -184,6 +214,7 @@ adding labels to triage issues:
* The light orange **relnotes** label marks issues that should be documented in
the release notes of the next release.
* Dark blue, **Z**-prefixed labels are for unstable, nightly features.
[githelp]: https://dont-be-afraid-to-commit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git/commandlinegit.html
[development-models]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-collaborative-development-models/
@ -197,6 +228,6 @@ adding labels to triage issues:
[I-nominated]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/labels/I-nominated
[Code of Conduct]: https://www.rust-lang.org/conduct.html
[Discord]: https://discordapp.com/invite/rust-lang
[`crates/cargo-test-support/src/lib.rs`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/master/crates/cargo-test-support/src/lib.rs
[`crates/cargo-test-support/src/lib.rs`]: crates/cargo-test-support/src/lib.rs
[irlo]: https://internals.rust-lang.org/
[subcommands]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/external-tools.html#custom-subcommands

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ locally you probably also have `cargo` installed locally.
Cargo requires the following tools and packages to build:
* `git`
* `python`
* `curl` (on Unix)
* `pkg-config` (on Unix, used to figure out the `libssl` headers/libraries)
* OpenSSL headers (only for Unix, this is the `libssl-dev` package on ubuntu)

View File

@ -1,47 +1,65 @@
# The Cargo Book
# Cargo documentation
This directory contains Cargo's documentation. There are two parts, [The Cargo Book]
which is built with [mdbook] and the man pages, which are built with [Asciidoctor].
The man pages are also included in The Cargo Book as HTML.
### Requirements
[The Cargo Book]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/
### Building the book
Building the book requires [mdBook]. To get it:
[mdBook]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/mdBook
[mdBook]: https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook
$ cargo install mdbook
### Building
To build the book:
$ mdbook build
The output will be in the `book` subdirectory. To check it out, open it in
your web browser.
`mdbook` provides a variety of different commands and options to help you work
on the book:
* `mdbook build --open`: Build the book and open it in a web browser.
* `mdbook serve`: Launches a web server on localhost. It also automatically
rebuilds the book whenever any file changes and automatically reloads your
web browser.
The book contents are driven by the [`SUMMARY.md`](src/SUMMARY.md) file, and
every file must be linked there.
### Building the man pages
Building the man pages requires [Asciidoctor]. See the linked page for
installation instructions. It also requires the `make` build tool and `ruby`.
[Asciidoctor]: https://asciidoctor.org/
The source files are located in the [`src/doc/man`](man) directory. The
[`Makefile`](Makefile) is used to rebuild the man pages. It outputs the man
pages into [`src/etc/man`](../etc/man) and the HTML versions into
[`src/doc/man/generated`](man/generated). The Cargo Book has some markdown
stub files in [`src/doc/src/commands`](src/commands) which load the generated
HTML files.
To build the man pages, run `make` in the `src/doc` directory:
$ firefox book/index.html # Linux
$ open -a "Firefox" book/index.html # OS X
$ Start-Process "firefox.exe" .\book\index.html # Windows (PowerShell)
$ start firefox.exe .\book\index.html # Windows (Cmd)
$ google-chrome book/index.html # Linux
$ open -a "Google Chrome" book/index.html # OS X
$ Start-Process "chrome.exe" .\book\index.html # Windows (PowerShell)
$ start chrome.exe .\book\index.html # Windows (Cmd)
$ make
The build script uses a few Asciidoctor extensions. See
[`asciidoc-extension.rb`](asciidoc-extension.rb) for details.
## Contributing
Given that the book is still in a draft state, we'd love your help! Please feel free to open
issues about anything, and send in PRs for things you'd like to fix or change. If your change is
large, please open an issue first, so we can make sure that it's something we'd accept before you
go through the work of getting a PR together.
We'd love your help with improving the documentation! Please feel free to
[open issues](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues) about anything, and
send in PRs for things you'd like to fix or change. If your change is large,
please open an issue first, so we can make sure that it's something we'd
accept before you go through the work of getting a PR together.