use crate::git::repo; use crate::paths; use crate::publish::{create_index_line, write_to_index}; use cargo_util::paths::append; use cargo_util::Sha256; use flate2::write::GzEncoder; use flate2::Compression; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::fmt; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read, Write}; use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::thread; use tar::{Builder, Header}; use url::Url; /// Gets the path to the local index pretending to be This is a Git repo /// initialized with a `config.json` file pointing to `dl_path` for downloads /// and `api_path` for uploads. pub fn registry_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("registry") } /// Gets the path for local web API uploads. Cargo will place the contents of a web API /// request here. For example, `api/v1/crates/new` is the result of publishing a crate. pub fn api_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("api") } /// Gets the path where crates can be downloaded using the web API endpoint. Crates /// should be organized as `{name}/{version}/download` to match the web API /// endpoint. This is rarely used and must be manually set up. fn dl_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("dl") } /// Gets the alternative-registry version of `registry_path`. fn alt_registry_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("alternative-registry") } /// Gets the alternative-registry version of `registry_url`. fn alt_registry_url() -> Url { generate_url("alternative-registry") } /// Gets the alternative-registry version of `dl_path`. pub fn alt_dl_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("alternative-dl") } /// Gets the alternative-registry version of `api_path`. pub fn alt_api_path() -> PathBuf { generate_path("alternative-api") } fn generate_path(name: &str) -> PathBuf { paths::root().join(name) } fn generate_url(name: &str) -> Url { Url::from_file_path(generate_path(name)).ok().unwrap() } /// A builder for initializing registries. pub struct RegistryBuilder { /// If set, configures an alternate registry with the given name. alternative: Option, /// If set, the authorization token for the registry. token: Option, /// If set, serves the index over http. http_index: bool, /// If set, serves the API over http. http_api: bool, /// If set, config.json includes 'api' api: bool, /// Write the token in the configuration. configure_token: bool, /// Write the registry in configuration. configure_registry: bool, /// API responders. custom_responders: HashMap<&'static str, Box Response>>, } pub struct TestRegistry { _server: Option, index_url: Url, path: PathBuf, api_url: Url, dl_url: Url, token: Option, } impl TestRegistry { pub fn index_url(&self) -> &Url { &self.index_url } pub fn api_url(&self) -> &Url { &self.api_url } pub fn token(&self) -> &str { self.token .as_deref() .expect("registry was not configured with a token") } } impl RegistryBuilder { #[must_use] pub fn new() -> RegistryBuilder { RegistryBuilder { alternative: None, token: Some("api-token".to_string()), http_api: false, http_index: false, api: true, configure_registry: true, configure_token: true, custom_responders: HashMap::new(), } } /// Adds a custom HTTP response for a specific url #[must_use] pub fn add_responder Response>( mut self, url: &'static str, responder: R, ) -> Self { self.custom_responders.insert(url, Box::new(responder)); self } /// Sets whether or not to initialize as an alternative registry. #[must_use] pub fn alternative_named(mut self, alt: &str) -> Self { self.alternative = Some(alt.to_string()); self } /// Sets whether or not to initialize as an alternative registry. #[must_use] pub fn alternative(self) -> Self { self.alternative_named("alternative") } /// Prevents placing a token in the configuration #[must_use] pub fn no_configure_token(mut self) -> Self { self.configure_token = false; self } /// Prevents adding the registry to the configuration. #[must_use] pub fn no_configure_registry(mut self) -> Self { self.configure_registry = false; self } /// Sets the token value #[must_use] pub fn token(mut self, token: &str) -> Self { self.token = Some(token.to_string()); self } /// Operate the index over http #[must_use] pub fn http_index(mut self) -> Self { self.http_index = true; self } /// Operate the api over http #[must_use] pub fn http_api(mut self) -> Self { self.http_api = true; self } /// The registry has no api. #[must_use] pub fn no_api(mut self) -> Self { self.api = false; self } /// Initializes the registry. #[must_use] pub fn build(self) -> TestRegistry { let config_path = paths::home().join(".cargo/config"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(config_path.parent().unwrap())); let prefix = if let Some(alternative) = &self.alternative { format!("{alternative}-") } else { String::new() }; let registry_path = generate_path(&format!("{prefix}registry")); let index_url = generate_url(&format!("{prefix}registry")); let api_url = generate_url(&format!("{prefix}api")); let dl_url = generate_url(&format!("{prefix}dl")); let dl_path = generate_path(&format!("{prefix}dl")); let api_path = generate_path(&format!("{prefix}api")); let (server, index_url, api_url, dl_url) = if !self.http_index && !self.http_api { // No need to start the HTTP server. (None, index_url, api_url, dl_url) } else { let server = HttpServer::new( registry_path.clone(), dl_path, self.token.clone(), self.custom_responders, ); let index_url = if self.http_index { server.index_url() } else { index_url }; let api_url = if self.http_api { server.api_url() } else { api_url }; let dl_url = server.dl_url(); (Some(server), index_url, api_url, dl_url) }; let registry = TestRegistry { api_url, index_url, _server: server, dl_url, path: registry_path, token: self.token, }; if self.configure_registry { if let Some(alternative) = &self.alternative { append( &config_path, format!( " [registries.{alternative}] index = '{}'", registry.index_url ) .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } else { append( &config_path, format!( " [source.crates-io] replace-with = 'dummy-registry' [source.dummy-registry] registry = '{}'", registry.index_url ) .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } } if self.configure_token { let token = registry.token.as_deref().unwrap(); let credentials = paths::home().join(".cargo/credentials"); if let Some(alternative) = &self.alternative { append( &credentials, format!( r#" [registries.{alternative}] token = "{token}" "# ) .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } else { append( &credentials, format!( r#" [registry] token = "{token}" "# ) .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } } let api = if self.api { format!(r#","api":"{}""#, registry.api_url) } else { String::new() }; // Initialize a new registry. repo(®istry.path) .file( "config.json", &format!(r#"{{"dl":"{}"{api}}}"#, registry.dl_url), ) .build(); fs::create_dir_all(api_path.join("api/v1/crates")).unwrap(); registry } } /// A builder for creating a new package in a registry. /// /// This uses "source replacement" using an automatically generated /// `.cargo/config` file to ensure that dependencies will use these packages /// instead of contacting See `` for more /// details on how source replacement works. /// /// Call `publish` to finalize and create the package. /// /// If no files are specified, an empty `` file is automatically created. /// /// The `Cargo.toml` file is automatically generated based on the methods /// called on `Package` (for example, calling `dep()` will add to the /// `[dependencies]` automatically). You may also specify a `Cargo.toml` file /// to override the generated one. /// /// This supports different registry types: /// - Regular source replacement that replaces `` (the default). /// - A "local registry" which is a subset for vendoring (see /// `Package::local`). /// - An "alternative registry" which requires specifying the registry name /// (see `Package::alternative`). /// /// This does not support "directory sources". See `` for /// `VendorPackage` which implements directory sources. /// /// # Example /// ``` /// // Publish package "a" depending on "b". /// Package::new("a", "1.0.0") /// .dep("b", "1.0.0") /// .file("src/", r#" /// extern crate b; /// pub fn f() -> i32 { b::f() * 2 } /// "#) /// .publish(); /// /// // Publish package "b". /// Package::new("b", "1.0.0") /// .file("src/", r#" /// pub fn f() -> i32 { 12 } /// "#) /// .publish(); /// /// // Create a project that uses package "a". /// let p = project() /// .file("Cargo.toml", r#" /// [package] /// name = "foo" /// version = "0.0.1" /// /// [dependencies] /// a = "1.0" /// "#) /// .file("src/", r#" /// extern crate a; /// fn main() { println!("{}", a::f()); } /// "#) /// .build(); /// /// p.cargo("run").with_stdout("24").run(); /// ``` #[must_use] pub struct Package { name: String, vers: String, deps: Vec, files: Vec, yanked: bool, features: FeatureMap, local: bool, alternative: bool, invalid_json: bool, proc_macro: bool, links: Option, rust_version: Option, cargo_features: Vec, v: Option, } pub(crate) type FeatureMap = BTreeMap>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Dependency { name: String, vers: String, kind: String, artifact: Option<(String, Option)>, target: Option, features: Vec, registry: Option, package: Option, optional: bool, } /// Entry with data that corresponds to [`tar::EntryType`]. #[non_exhaustive] enum EntryData { Regular(String), Symlink(PathBuf), } /// A file to be created in a package. struct PackageFile { path: String, contents: EntryData, /// The Unix mode for the file. Note that when extracted on Windows, this /// is mostly ignored since it doesn't have the same style of permissions. mode: u32, /// If `true`, the file is created in the root of the tarfile, used for /// testing invalid packages. extra: bool, } const DEFAULT_MODE: u32 = 0o644; /// Initializes the on-disk registry and sets up the config so that /// is replaced with the one on disk. pub fn init() -> TestRegistry { RegistryBuilder::new().build() } /// Variant of `init` that initializes the "alternative" registry and /// replacement. pub fn alt_init() -> TestRegistry { init(); RegistryBuilder::new().alternative().build() } pub struct HttpServerHandle { addr: SocketAddr, } impl HttpServerHandle { pub fn index_url(&self) -> Url { Url::parse(&format!("sparse+http://{}/index/", self.addr.to_string())).unwrap() } pub fn api_url(&self) -> Url { Url::parse(&format!("http://{}/", self.addr.to_string())).unwrap() } pub fn dl_url(&self) -> Url { Url::parse(&format!("http://{}/dl", self.addr.to_string())).unwrap() } } impl Drop for HttpServerHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Ok(mut stream) = TcpStream::connect(self.addr) { // shutdown the server let _ = stream.write_all(b"stop"); let _ = stream.flush(); } } } /// Request to the test http server pub struct Request { pub url: Url, pub method: String, pub body: Option>, pub authorization: Option, pub if_modified_since: Option, pub if_none_match: Option, } impl fmt::Debug for Request { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { // body is not included as it can produce long debug outputs f.debug_struct("Request") .field("url", &self.url) .field("method", &self.method) .field("authorization", &self.authorization) .field("if_modified_since", &self.if_modified_since) .field("if_none_match", &self.if_none_match) .finish() } } /// Response from the test http server pub struct Response { pub code: u32, pub headers: Vec, pub body: Vec, } struct HttpServer { listener: TcpListener, registry_path: PathBuf, dl_path: PathBuf, token: Option, custom_responders: HashMap<&'static str, Box Response>>, } impl HttpServer { pub fn new( registry_path: PathBuf, dl_path: PathBuf, token: Option, api_responders: HashMap<&'static str, Box Response>>, ) -> HttpServerHandle { let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap(); let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); let server = HttpServer { listener, registry_path, dl_path, token, custom_responders: api_responders, }; thread::spawn(move || server.start()); HttpServerHandle { addr } } fn start(&self) { let mut line = String::new(); 'server: loop { let (socket, _) = self.listener.accept().unwrap(); let mut buf = BufReader::new(socket); line.clear(); if buf.read_line(&mut line).unwrap() == 0 { // Connection terminated. continue; } // Read the "GET path HTTP/1.1" line. let mut parts = line.split_ascii_whitespace(); let method =; if method == "stop" { // Shutdown the server. return; } let addr = self.listener.local_addr().unwrap(); let url = format!( "http://{}/{}", addr,'/') ); let url = Url::parse(&url).unwrap(); // Grab headers we care about. let mut if_modified_since = None; let mut if_none_match = None; let mut authorization = None; let mut content_len = None; loop { line.clear(); if buf.read_line(&mut line).unwrap() == 0 { continue 'server; } if line == "\r\n" { // End of headers. line.clear(); break; } let (name, value) = line.split_once(':').unwrap(); let name = name.trim().to_ascii_lowercase(); let value = value.trim().to_string(); match name.as_str() { "if-modified-since" => if_modified_since = Some(value), "if-none-match" => if_none_match = Some(value), "authorization" => authorization = Some(value), "content-length" => content_len = Some(value), _ => {} } } let mut body = None; if let Some(con_len) = content_len { let len = con_len.parse::().unwrap(); let mut content = vec![0u8; len as usize]; buf.read_exact(&mut content).unwrap(); body = Some(content) } let req = Request { authorization, if_modified_since, if_none_match, method, url, body, }; println!("req: {:#?}", req); let response = self.route(&req); let buf = buf.get_mut(); write!(buf, "HTTP/1.1 {}\r\n", response.code).unwrap(); write!(buf, "Content-Length: {}\r\n", response.body.len()).unwrap(); for header in response.headers { write!(buf, "{}\r\n", header).unwrap(); } write!(buf, "\r\n").unwrap(); buf.write_all(&response.body).unwrap(); buf.flush().unwrap(); } } /// Route the request fn route(&self, req: &Request) -> Response { let authorized = |mutatation: bool| { if mutatation { self.token == req.authorization } else { assert!(req.authorization.is_none(), "unexpected token"); true } }; // Check for custom responder if let Some(responder) = self.custom_responders.get(req.url.path()) { return responder(&req); } let path: Vec<_> = req.url.path()[1..].split('/').collect(); match (req.method.as_str(), path.as_slice()) { ("get", ["index", ..]) => { if !authorized(false) { self.unauthorized(req) } else { self.index(&req) } } ("get", ["dl", ..]) => { if !authorized(false) { self.unauthorized(req) } else { self.dl(&req) } } // publish ("put", ["api", "v1", "crates", "new"]) => { if !authorized(true) { self.unauthorized(req) } else { self.publish(req) } } // The remainder of the operators in the test framework do nothing other than responding 'ok'. // // Note: We don't need to support anything real here because there are no tests that // currently require anything other than publishing via the http api. // yank ("delete", ["api", "v1", "crates", .., "yank"]) // unyank | ("put", ["api", "v1", "crates", .., "unyank"]) // owners | ("get" | "put" | "delete", ["api", "v1", "crates", .., "owners"]) => { if !authorized(true) { self.unauthorized(req) } else { self.ok(&req) } } _ => self.not_found(&req), } } /// Unauthorized response fn unauthorized(&self, _req: &Request) -> Response { Response { code: 401, headers: vec![], body: b"Unauthorized message from server.".to_vec(), } } /// Not found response fn not_found(&self, _req: &Request) -> Response { Response { code: 404, headers: vec![], body: b"not found".to_vec(), } } /// Respond OK without doing anything fn ok(&self, _req: &Request) -> Response { Response { code: 200, headers: vec![], body: br#"{"ok": true, "msg": "completed!"}"#.to_vec(), } } /// Serve the download endpoint fn dl(&self, req: &Request) -> Response { let file = self .dl_path .join(req.url.path().strip_prefix("/dl/").unwrap()); println!("{}", file.display()); if !file.exists() { return self.not_found(req); } return Response { body: fs::read(&file).unwrap(), code: 200, headers: vec![], }; } /// Serve the registry index fn index(&self, req: &Request) -> Response { let file = self .registry_path .join(req.url.path().strip_prefix("/index/").unwrap()); if !file.exists() { return self.not_found(req); } else { // Now grab info about the file. let data = fs::read(&file).unwrap(); let etag = Sha256::new().update(&data).finish_hex(); let last_modified = format!("{:?}", file.metadata().unwrap().modified().unwrap()); // Start to construct our response: let mut any_match = false; let mut all_match = true; if let Some(expected) = &req.if_none_match { if &etag != expected { all_match = false; } else { any_match = true; } } if let Some(expected) = &req.if_modified_since { // NOTE: Equality comparison is good enough for tests. if &last_modified != expected { all_match = false; } else { any_match = true; } } if any_match && all_match { return Response { body: Vec::new(), code: 304, headers: vec![], }; } else { return Response { body: data, code: 200, headers: vec![ format!("ETag: \"{}\"", etag), format!("Last-Modified: {}", last_modified), ], }; } } } fn publish(&self, req: &Request) -> Response { if let Some(body) = &req.body { // Get the metadata of the package let (len, remaining) = body.split_at(4); let json_len = u32::from_le_bytes(len.try_into().unwrap()); let (json, remaining) = remaining.split_at(json_len as usize); let new_crate = serde_json::from_slice::(json).unwrap(); // Get the `.crate` file let (len, remaining) = remaining.split_at(4); let file_len = u32::from_le_bytes(len.try_into().unwrap()); let (file, _remaining) = remaining.split_at(file_len as usize); // Write the `.crate` let dst = self .dl_path .join(& .join(&new_crate.vers) .join("download"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.parent().unwrap())); t!(fs::write(&dst, file)); let deps = new_crate .deps .iter() .map(|dep| { let (name, package) = match &dep.explicit_name_in_toml { Some(explicit) => (explicit.to_string(), Some(, None => (, None), }; serde_json::json!({ "name": name, "req": dep.version_req, "features": dep.features, "default_features": true, "target":, "optional": dep.optional, "kind": dep.kind, "registry": dep.registry, "package": package, }) }) .collect::>(); let line = create_index_line( serde_json::json!(, &new_crate.vers, deps, &cksum(file), new_crate.features, false, new_crate.links, None, ); write_to_index(&self.registry_path, &, line, false); self.ok(&req) } else { Response { code: 400, headers: vec![], body: b"The request was missing a body".to_vec(), } } } } impl Package { /// Creates a new package builder. /// Call `publish()` to finalize and build the package. pub fn new(name: &str, vers: &str) -> Package { let config = paths::home().join(".cargo/config"); if !config.exists() { init(); } Package { name: name.to_string(), vers: vers.to_string(), deps: Vec::new(), files: Vec::new(), yanked: false, features: BTreeMap::new(), local: false, alternative: false, invalid_json: false, proc_macro: false, links: None, rust_version: None, cargo_features: Vec::new(), v: None, } } /// Call with `true` to publish in a "local registry". /// /// See `source-replacement.html#local-registry-sources` for more details /// on local registries. See `` for the tests that use /// this. pub fn local(&mut self, local: bool) -> &mut Package { self.local = local; self } /// Call with `true` to publish in an "alternative registry". /// /// The name of the alternative registry is called "alternative". /// /// See `src/doc/src/reference/` for more details on /// alternative registries. See `` for the tests that use /// this. pub fn alternative(&mut self, alternative: bool) -> &mut Package { self.alternative = alternative; self } /// Adds a file to the package. pub fn file(&mut self, name: &str, contents: &str) -> &mut Package { self.file_with_mode(name, DEFAULT_MODE, contents) } /// Adds a file with a specific Unix mode. pub fn file_with_mode(&mut self, path: &str, mode: u32, contents: &str) -> &mut Package { self.files.push(PackageFile { path: path.to_string(), contents: EntryData::Regular(contents.into()), mode, extra: false, }); self } /// Adds a symlink to a path to the package. pub fn symlink(&mut self, dst: &str, src: &str) -> &mut Package { self.files.push(PackageFile { path: dst.to_string(), contents: EntryData::Symlink(src.into()), mode: DEFAULT_MODE, extra: false, }); self } /// Adds an "extra" file that is not rooted within the package. /// /// Normal files are automatically placed within a directory named /// `$PACKAGE-$VERSION`. This allows you to override that behavior, /// typically for testing invalid behavior. pub fn extra_file(&mut self, path: &str, contents: &str) -> &mut Package { self.files.push(PackageFile { path: path.to_string(), contents: EntryData::Regular(contents.to_string()), mode: DEFAULT_MODE, extra: true, }); self } /// Adds a normal dependency. Example: /// ``` /// [dependencies] /// foo = {version = "1.0"} /// ``` pub fn dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(&Dependency::new(name, vers)) } /// Adds a dependency with the given feature. Example: /// ``` /// [dependencies] /// foo = {version = "1.0", "features": ["feat1", "feat2"]} /// ``` pub fn feature_dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str, features: &[&str]) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(Dependency::new(name, vers).enable_features(features)) } /// Adds a platform-specific dependency. Example: /// ``` /// [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies] /// foo = {version = "1.0"} /// ``` pub fn target_dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str, target: &str) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(Dependency::new(name, vers).target(target)) } /// Adds a dependency to the alternative registry. pub fn registry_dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(Dependency::new(name, vers).registry("alternative")) } /// Adds a dev-dependency. Example: /// ``` /// [dev-dependencies] /// foo = {version = "1.0"} /// ``` pub fn dev_dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(Dependency::new(name, vers).dev()) } /// Adds a build-dependency. Example: /// ``` /// [build-dependencies] /// foo = {version = "1.0"} /// ``` pub fn build_dep(&mut self, name: &str, vers: &str) -> &mut Package { self.add_dep(Dependency::new(name, vers).build()) } pub fn add_dep(&mut self, dep: &Dependency) -> &mut Package { self.deps.push(dep.clone()); self } /// Specifies whether or not the package is "yanked". pub fn yanked(&mut self, yanked: bool) -> &mut Package { self.yanked = yanked; self } /// Specifies whether or not this is a proc macro. pub fn proc_macro(&mut self, proc_macro: bool) -> &mut Package { self.proc_macro = proc_macro; self } /// Adds an entry in the `[features]` section. pub fn feature(&mut self, name: &str, deps: &[&str]) -> &mut Package { let deps = deps.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); self.features.insert(name.to_string(), deps); self } /// Specify a minimal Rust version. pub fn rust_version(&mut self, rust_version: &str) -> &mut Package { self.rust_version = Some(rust_version.into()); self } /// Causes the JSON line emitted in the index to be invalid, presumably /// causing Cargo to skip over this version. pub fn invalid_json(&mut self, invalid: bool) -> &mut Package { self.invalid_json = invalid; self } pub fn links(&mut self, links: &str) -> &mut Package { self.links = Some(links.to_string()); self } pub fn cargo_feature(&mut self, feature: &str) -> &mut Package { self.cargo_features.push(feature.to_owned()); self } /// Sets the index schema version for this package. /// /// See `cargo::sources::registry::RegistryPackage` for more information. pub fn schema_version(&mut self, version: u32) -> &mut Package { self.v = Some(version); self } /// Creates the package and place it in the registry. /// /// This does not actually use Cargo's publishing system, but instead /// manually creates the entry in the registry on the filesystem. /// /// Returns the checksum for the package. pub fn publish(&self) -> String { self.make_archive(); // Figure out what we're going to write into the index. let deps = self .deps .iter() .map(|dep| { // In the index, the `registry` is null if it is from the same registry. // In Cargo.toml, it is None if it is from let registry_url = match (self.alternative, dep.registry.as_deref()) { (false, None) => None, (false, Some("alternative")) => Some(alt_registry_url().to_string()), (true, None) => { Some("".to_string()) } (true, Some("alternative")) => None, _ => panic!("registry_dep currently only supports `alternative`"), }; serde_json::json!({ "name":, "req": dep.vers, "features": dep.features, "default_features": true, "target":, "artifact": dep.artifact, "optional": dep.optional, "kind": dep.kind, "registry": registry_url, "package": dep.package, }) }) .collect::>(); let cksum = { let c = t!(fs::read(&self.archive_dst())); cksum(&c) }; let name = if self.invalid_json { serde_json::json!(1) } else { serde_json::json!( }; let line = create_index_line( name, &self.vers, deps, &cksum, self.features.clone(), self.yanked, self.links.clone(), self.v, ); let registry_path = if self.alternative { alt_registry_path() } else { registry_path() }; write_to_index(®istry_path, &, line, self.local); cksum } fn make_archive(&self) { let dst = self.archive_dst(); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.parent().unwrap())); let f = t!(File::create(&dst)); let mut a = Builder::new(GzEncoder::new(f, Compression::default())); if !self .files .iter() .any(|PackageFile { path, .. }| path == "Cargo.toml") { self.append_manifest(&mut a); } if self.files.is_empty() { self.append( &mut a, "src/", DEFAULT_MODE, &EntryData::Regular("".into()), ); } else { for PackageFile { path, contents, mode, extra, } in &self.files { if *extra { self.append_raw(&mut a, path, *mode, contents); } else { self.append(&mut a, path, *mode, contents); } } } } fn append_manifest(&self, ar: &mut Builder) { let mut manifest = String::new(); if !self.cargo_features.is_empty() { manifest.push_str(&format!( "cargo-features = {}\n\n", toml_edit::ser::to_item(&self.cargo_features).unwrap() )); } manifest.push_str(&format!( r#" [package] name = "{}" version = "{}" authors = [] "#,, self.vers )); if let Some(version) = &self.rust_version { manifest.push_str(&format!("rust-version = \"{}\"", version)); } for dep in self.deps.iter() { let target = match { None => String::new(), Some(ref s) => format!("target.'{}'.", s), }; let kind = match &dep.kind[..] { "build" => "build-", "dev" => "dev-", _ => "", }; manifest.push_str(&format!( r#" [{}{}dependencies.{}] version = "{}" "#, target, kind,, dep.vers )); if let Some((artifact, target)) = &dep.artifact { manifest.push_str(&format!("artifact = \"{}\"\n", artifact)); if let Some(target) = &target { manifest.push_str(&format!("target = \"{}\"\n", target)) } } if let Some(registry) = &dep.registry { assert_eq!(registry, "alternative"); manifest.push_str(&format!("registry-index = \"{}\"", alt_registry_url())); } } if self.proc_macro { manifest.push_str("[lib]\nproc-macro = true\n"); } self.append( ar, "Cargo.toml", DEFAULT_MODE, &EntryData::Regular(manifest.into()), ); } fn append(&self, ar: &mut Builder, file: &str, mode: u32, contents: &EntryData) { self.append_raw( ar, &format!("{}-{}/{}",, self.vers, file), mode, contents, ); } fn append_raw( &self, ar: &mut Builder, path: &str, mode: u32, contents: &EntryData, ) { let mut header = Header::new_ustar(); let contents = match contents { EntryData::Regular(contents) => contents.as_str(), EntryData::Symlink(src) => { header.set_entry_type(tar::EntryType::Symlink); t!(header.set_link_name(src)); "" // Symlink has no contents. } }; header.set_size(contents.len() as u64); t!(header.set_path(path)); header.set_mode(mode); header.set_cksum(); t!(ar.append(&header, contents.as_bytes())); } /// Returns the path to the compressed package file. pub fn archive_dst(&self) -> PathBuf { if self.local { registry_path().join(format!("{}-{}.crate",, self.vers)) } else if self.alternative { alt_dl_path() .join(& .join(&self.vers) .join("download") } else { dl_path().join(&"download") } } } pub fn cksum(s: &[u8]) -> String { Sha256::new().update(s).finish_hex() } impl Dependency { pub fn new(name: &str, vers: &str) -> Dependency { Dependency { name: name.to_string(), vers: vers.to_string(), kind: "normal".to_string(), artifact: None, target: None, features: Vec::new(), package: None, optional: false, registry: None, } } /// Changes this to `[build-dependencies]`. pub fn build(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.kind = "build".to_string(); self } /// Changes this to `[dev-dependencies]`. pub fn dev(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.kind = "dev".to_string(); self } /// Changes this to `[target.$target.dependencies]`. pub fn target(&mut self, target: &str) -> &mut Self { = Some(target.to_string()); self } /// Change the artifact to be of the given kind, like "bin", or "staticlib", /// along with a specific target triple if provided. pub fn artifact(&mut self, kind: &str, target: Option) -> &mut Self { self.artifact = Some((kind.to_string(), target)); self } /// Adds `registry = $registry` to this dependency. pub fn registry(&mut self, registry: &str) -> &mut Self { self.registry = Some(registry.to_string()); self } /// Adds `features = [ ... ]` to this dependency. pub fn enable_features(&mut self, features: &[&str]) -> &mut Self { self.features.extend(features.iter().map(|s| s.to_string())); self } /// Adds `package = ...` to this dependency. pub fn package(&mut self, pkg: &str) -> &mut Self { self.package = Some(pkg.to_string()); self } /// Changes this to an optional dependency. pub fn optional(&mut self, optional: bool) -> &mut Self { self.optional = optional; self } }