use crate::core::compiler::{Compilation, CompileKind, Doctest, UnitOutput}; use crate::core::shell::Verbosity; use crate::core::{TargetKind, Workspace}; use crate::ops; use crate::util::errors::CargoResult; use crate::util::{add_path_args, CargoTestError, Config, Test}; use cargo_util::ProcessError; use std::ffi::OsString; pub struct TestOptions { pub compile_opts: ops::CompileOptions, pub no_run: bool, pub no_fail_fast: bool, } pub fn run_tests( ws: &Workspace<'_>, options: &TestOptions, test_args: &[&str], ) -> CargoResult> { let compilation = compile_tests(ws, options)?; if options.no_run { return Ok(None); } let (test, mut errors) = run_unit_tests(ws.config(), options, test_args, &compilation)?; // If we have an error and want to fail fast, then return. if !errors.is_empty() && !options.no_fail_fast { return Ok(Some(CargoTestError::new(test, errors))); } let (doctest, docerrors) = run_doc_tests(ws, options, test_args, &compilation)?; let test = if docerrors.is_empty() { test } else { doctest }; errors.extend(docerrors); if errors.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(CargoTestError::new(test, errors))) } } pub fn run_benches( ws: &Workspace<'_>, options: &TestOptions, args: &[&str], ) -> CargoResult> { let compilation = compile_tests(ws, options)?; if options.no_run { return Ok(None); } let mut args = args.to_vec(); args.push("--bench"); let (test, errors) = run_unit_tests(ws.config(), options, &args, &compilation)?; match errors.len() { 0 => Ok(None), _ => Ok(Some(CargoTestError::new(test, errors))), } } fn compile_tests<'a>(ws: &Workspace<'a>, options: &TestOptions) -> CargoResult> { let mut compilation = ops::compile(ws, &options.compile_opts)?; compilation.tests.sort(); Ok(compilation) } /// Runs the unit and integration tests of a package. fn run_unit_tests( config: &Config, options: &TestOptions, test_args: &[&str], compilation: &Compilation<'_>, ) -> CargoResult<(Test, Vec)> { let cwd = config.cwd(); let mut errors = Vec::new(); for UnitOutput { unit, path, script_meta, } in compilation.tests.iter() { let test =; let test_path =; let exe_display = if let TargetKind::Test = { format!( "{} ({})", test_path .strip_prefix(unit.pkg.root()) .unwrap_or(test_path) .display(), path.strip_prefix(cwd).unwrap_or(path).display() ) } else { format!( "unittests ({})", path.strip_prefix(cwd).unwrap_or(path).display() ) }; let mut cmd = compilation.target_process(path, unit.kind, &unit.pkg, *script_meta)?; cmd.args(test_args); if && == Verbosity::Quiet { cmd.arg("--quiet"); } config .shell() .concise(|shell| shell.status("Running", &exe_display))?; config .shell() .verbose(|shell| shell.status("Running", &cmd))?; let result = cmd.exec(); match result { Err(e) => { let e = e.downcast::()?; errors.push((, test.clone(),, e, )); if !options.no_fail_fast { break; } } Ok(()) => {} } } if errors.len() == 1 { let (kind, name, pkg_name, e) = errors.pop().unwrap(); Ok(( Test::UnitTest { kind, name, pkg_name, }, vec![e], )) } else { Ok(( Test::Multiple, errors.into_iter().map(|(_, _, _, e)| e).collect(), )) } } fn run_doc_tests( ws: &Workspace<'_>, options: &TestOptions, test_args: &[&str], compilation: &Compilation<'_>, ) -> CargoResult<(Test, Vec)> { let config = ws.config(); let mut errors = Vec::new(); let doctest_xcompile = config.cli_unstable().doctest_xcompile; let doctest_in_workspace = config.cli_unstable().doctest_in_workspace; for doctest_info in &compilation.to_doc_test { let Doctest { args, unstable_opts, unit, linker, script_meta, } = doctest_info; if !doctest_xcompile { match unit.kind { CompileKind::Host => {} CompileKind::Target(target) => { if target.short_name() != { // Skip doctests, -Zdoctest-xcompile not enabled. continue; } } } }"Doc-tests",; let mut p = compilation.rustdoc_process(unit, *script_meta)?; p.arg("--crate-name").arg(&; p.arg("--test"); if doctest_in_workspace { add_path_args(ws, unit, &mut p); // FIXME(swatinem): remove the `unstable-options` once rustdoc stabilizes the `test-run-directory` option p.arg("-Z").arg("unstable-options"); p.arg("--test-run-directory") .arg(unit.pkg.root().to_path_buf()); } else { p.arg(; } if doctest_xcompile { if let CompileKind::Target(target) = unit.kind { // use `rustc_target()` to properly handle JSON target paths p.arg("--target").arg(target.rustc_target()); } p.arg("-Zunstable-options"); p.arg("--enable-per-target-ignores"); if let Some((runtool, runtool_args)) = compilation.target_runner(unit.kind) { p.arg("--runtool").arg(runtool); for arg in runtool_args { p.arg("--runtool-arg").arg(arg); } } if let Some(linker) = linker { let mut joined = OsString::from("linker="); joined.push(linker); p.arg("-C").arg(joined); } } for &rust_dep in &[ &compilation.deps_output[&unit.kind], &compilation.deps_output[&CompileKind::Host], ] { let mut arg = OsString::from("dependency="); arg.push(rust_dep); p.arg("-L").arg(arg); } for native_dep in compilation.native_dirs.iter() { p.arg("-L").arg(native_dep); } for arg in test_args { p.arg("--test-args").arg(arg); } p.args(args); if *unstable_opts { p.arg("-Zunstable-options"); } config .shell() .verbose(|shell| shell.status("Running", p.to_string()))?; if let Err(e) = p.exec() { let e = e.downcast::()?; errors.push(e); if !options.no_fail_fast { return Ok((Test::Doc, errors)); } } } Ok((Test::Doc, errors)) }