use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap; use std::env; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Mutex; use cargo_util::{ProcessBuilder, ProcessError}; use log::{debug, info, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::util::interning::InternedString; use crate::util::paths; use crate::util::{profile, CargoResult, CargoResultExt, StableHasher}; /// Information on the `rustc` executable #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Rustc { /// The location of the exe pub path: PathBuf, /// An optional program that will be passed the path of the rust exe as its first argument, and /// rustc args following this. pub wrapper: Option, /// An optional wrapper to be used in addition to `rustc.wrapper` for workspace crates pub workspace_wrapper: Option, /// Verbose version information (the output of `rustc -vV`) pub verbose_version: String, /// The rustc version (`1.23.4-beta.2`), this comes from verbose_version. pub version: semver::Version, /// The host triple (arch-platform-OS), this comes from verbose_version. pub host: InternedString, cache: Mutex, } impl Rustc { /// Runs the compiler at `path` to learn various pieces of information about /// it, with an optional wrapper. /// /// If successful this function returns a description of the compiler along /// with a list of its capabilities. pub fn new( path: PathBuf, wrapper: Option, workspace_wrapper: Option, rustup_rustc: &Path, cache_location: Option, ) -> CargoResult { let _p = profile::start("Rustc::new"); let mut cache = Cache::load(&path, rustup_rustc, cache_location); let mut cmd = ProcessBuilder::new(&path); cmd.arg("-vV"); let verbose_version = cache.cached_output(&cmd, 0)?.0; let extract = |field: &str| -> CargoResult<&str> { verbose_version .lines() .find(|l| l.starts_with(field)) .map(|l| &l[field.len()..]) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::format_err!( "`rustc -vV` didn't have a line for `{}`, got:\n{}", field.trim(), verbose_version ) }) }; let host = InternedString::new(extract("host: ")?); let version = semver::Version::parse(extract("release: ")?).chain_err(|| { format!( "rustc version does not appear to be a valid semver version, from:\n{}", verbose_version ) })?; Ok(Rustc { path, wrapper, workspace_wrapper, verbose_version, version, host, cache: Mutex::new(cache), }) } /// Gets a process builder set up to use the found rustc version, with a wrapper if `Some`. pub fn process(&self) -> ProcessBuilder { ProcessBuilder::new(self.path.as_path()).wrapped(self.wrapper.as_ref()) } /// Gets a process builder set up to use the found rustc version, with a wrapper if `Some`. pub fn workspace_process(&self) -> ProcessBuilder { ProcessBuilder::new(self.path.as_path()) .wrapped(self.workspace_wrapper.as_ref()) .wrapped(self.wrapper.as_ref()) } pub fn process_no_wrapper(&self) -> ProcessBuilder { ProcessBuilder::new(&self.path) } /// Gets the output for the given command. /// /// This will return the cached value if available, otherwise it will run /// the command and cache the output. /// /// `extra_fingerprint` is extra data to include in the cache fingerprint. /// Use this if there is other information about the environment that may /// affect the output that is not part of `cmd`. /// /// Returns a tuple of strings `(stdout, stderr)`. pub fn cached_output( &self, cmd: &ProcessBuilder, extra_fingerprint: u64, ) -> CargoResult<(String, String)> { self.cache .lock() .unwrap() .cached_output(cmd, extra_fingerprint) } } /// It is a well known fact that `rustc` is not the fastest compiler in the /// world. What is less known is that even `rustc --version --verbose` takes /// about a hundred milliseconds! Because we need compiler version info even /// for no-op builds, we cache it here, based on compiler's mtime and rustup's /// current toolchain. /// /// /// #[derive(Debug)] struct Cache { cache_location: Option, dirty: bool, data: CacheData, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default)] struct CacheData { rustc_fingerprint: u64, outputs: HashMap, successes: HashMap, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct Output { success: bool, status: String, code: Option, stdout: String, stderr: String, } impl Cache { fn load(rustc: &Path, rustup_rustc: &Path, cache_location: Option) -> Cache { match (cache_location, rustc_fingerprint(rustc, rustup_rustc)) { (Some(cache_location), Ok(rustc_fingerprint)) => { let empty = CacheData { rustc_fingerprint, outputs: HashMap::new(), successes: HashMap::new(), }; let mut dirty = true; let data = match read(&cache_location) { Ok(data) => { if data.rustc_fingerprint == rustc_fingerprint { debug!("reusing existing rustc info cache"); dirty = false; data } else { debug!("different compiler, creating new rustc info cache"); empty } } Err(e) => { debug!("failed to read rustc info cache: {}", e); empty } }; return Cache { cache_location: Some(cache_location), dirty, data, }; fn read(path: &Path) -> CargoResult { let json = paths::read(path)?; Ok(serde_json::from_str(&json)?) } } (_, fingerprint) => { if let Err(e) = fingerprint { warn!("failed to calculate rustc fingerprint: {}", e); } debug!("rustc info cache disabled"); Cache { cache_location: None, dirty: false, data: CacheData::default(), } } } } fn cached_output( &mut self, cmd: &ProcessBuilder, extra_fingerprint: u64, ) -> CargoResult<(String, String)> { let key = process_fingerprint(cmd, extra_fingerprint); if { debug!("rustc info cache hit"); } else { debug!("rustc info cache miss"); debug!("running {}", cmd); let output = cmd .build_command() .output() .chain_err(|| format!("could not execute process {} (never executed)", cmd))?; let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("{}: {:?}", e, e.as_bytes())) .chain_err(|| anyhow::anyhow!("`{}` didn't return utf8 output", cmd))?; let stderr = String::from_utf8(output.stderr) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("{}: {:?}", e, e.as_bytes())) .chain_err(|| anyhow::anyhow!("`{}` didn't return utf8 output", cmd))?; key, Output { success: output.status.success(), status: if output.status.success() { String::new() } else { cargo_util::exit_status_to_string(output.status) }, code: output.status.code(), stdout, stderr, }, ); self.dirty = true; } let output = &[&key]; if output.success { Ok((output.stdout.clone(), output.stderr.clone())) } else { Err(ProcessError::new_raw( &format!("process didn't exit successfully: {}", cmd), output.code, &output.status, Some(output.stdout.as_ref()), Some(output.stderr.as_ref()), ) .into()) } } } impl Drop for Cache { fn drop(&mut self) { if !self.dirty { return; } if let Some(ref path) = self.cache_location { let json = serde_json::to_string(&; match paths::write(path, json.as_bytes()) { Ok(()) => info!("updated rustc info cache"), Err(e) => warn!("failed to update rustc info cache: {}", e), } } } } fn rustc_fingerprint(path: &Path, rustup_rustc: &Path) -> CargoResult { let mut hasher = StableHasher::new(); let path = paths::resolve_executable(path)?; path.hash(&mut hasher); paths::mtime(&path)?.hash(&mut hasher); // Rustup can change the effective compiler without touching // the `rustc` binary, so we try to account for this here. // If we see rustup's env vars, we mix them into the fingerprint, // but we also mix in the mtime of the actual compiler (and not // the rustup shim at `~/.cargo/bin/rustup`), because `RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN` // could be just `stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`, i.e, it could // not mention the version of Rust at all, which changes after // `rustup update`. // // If we don't see rustup env vars, but it looks like the compiler // is managed by rustup, we conservatively bail out. let maybe_rustup = rustup_rustc == path; match ( maybe_rustup, env::var("RUSTUP_HOME"), env::var("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN"), ) { (_, Ok(rustup_home), Ok(rustup_toolchain)) => { debug!("adding rustup info to rustc fingerprint"); rustup_toolchain.hash(&mut hasher); rustup_home.hash(&mut hasher); let real_rustc = Path::new(&rustup_home) .join("toolchains") .join(rustup_toolchain) .join("bin") .join("rustc") .with_extension(env::consts::EXE_EXTENSION); paths::mtime(&real_rustc)?.hash(&mut hasher); } (true, _, _) => anyhow::bail!("probably rustup rustc, but without rustup's env vars"), _ => (), } Ok(hasher.finish()) } fn process_fingerprint(cmd: &ProcessBuilder, extra_fingerprint: u64) -> u64 { let mut hasher = StableHasher::new(); extra_fingerprint.hash(&mut hasher); cmd.get_args().hash(&mut hasher); let mut env = cmd.get_envs().iter().collect::>(); env.sort_unstable(); env.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() }