
93 lines
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//! Tests for the `cargo login` command.
use cargo_test_support::install::cargo_home;
use cargo_test_support::registry::RegistryBuilder;
use cargo_test_support::{cargo_process, t};
use std::fs::{self};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use toml_edit::easy as toml;
const TOKEN: &str = "test-token";
const TOKEN2: &str = "test-token2";
const ORIGINAL_TOKEN: &str = "api-token";
fn setup_new_credentials() {
let config = cargo_home().join("credentials");
fn setup_new_credentials_at(config: PathBuf) {
format!(r#"token = "{token}""#, token = ORIGINAL_TOKEN)
fn check_token(expected_token: &str, registry: Option<&str>) -> bool {
let credentials = cargo_home().join("credentials");
let contents = fs::read_to_string(&credentials).unwrap();
let toml: toml::Value = contents.parse().unwrap();
let token = match (registry, toml) {
// A registry has been provided, so check that the token exists in a
// table for the registry.
(Some(registry), toml::Value::Table(table)) => table
.and_then(|registries_table| registries_table.get(registry))
.and_then(|registry_table| match registry_table.get("token") {
Some(&toml::Value::String(ref token)) => Some(token.as_str().to_string()),
_ => None,
// There is no registry provided, so check the global token instead.
(None, toml::Value::Table(table)) => table
.and_then(|registry_table| registry_table.get("token"))
.and_then(|v| match v {
toml::Value::String(ref token) => Some(token.as_str().to_string()),
_ => None,
_ => None,
if let Some(token_val) = token {
token_val == expected_token
} else {
fn registry_credentials() {
let _alternative = RegistryBuilder::new().alternative().build();
let _alternative2 = RegistryBuilder::new()
let reg = "alternative";
cargo_process("login --registry").arg(reg).arg(TOKEN).run();
// Ensure that we have not updated the default token
assert!(check_token(ORIGINAL_TOKEN, None));
// Also ensure that we get the new token for the registry
assert!(check_token(TOKEN, Some(reg)));
let reg2 = "alternative2";
cargo_process("login --registry")
// Ensure not overwriting 1st alternate registry token with
// 2nd alternate registry token (see rust-lang/cargo#7701).
assert!(check_token(ORIGINAL_TOKEN, None));
assert!(check_token(TOKEN, Some(reg)));
assert!(check_token(TOKEN2, Some(reg2)));